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Christmas Tree

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47 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

Is there any information about where the swing is coming from? i.e. which demographics are turning?


You've got to consider that many strongly pro-Brexit voters excreted all their morals and backed the fucking cunts last time out. The amount of blue on the political map in some areas is a fucking disgrace, but it was never going to be sustainable - now that Brexit is done, they'll return to voting Labour.

I would imagine a lot of the youth vote who were too young to vote in the referendum are seeing what a fuck up it is and steering well clear of the Tories. My eldest said hell will freeze over before she votes for them self-serving arseholes. I imagine may her age group think similar.

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On 31/03/2022 at 20:49, Renton said:

BTW, was in town today. Have you noticed in Eldon Square the electronic bill boards are all spewing government, that is obviously tory, propaganda, about "levelling up". Blyth getting £20 million etc. I assume this is natioanl. How the fuck is this allowed? Tory propaganda paid for out of the public purse? Why is nobody challenging this? 


Edit: Just googled and the Guardian reported it yesterday. I saw the first adverts 3 weeks ago mind. One word. Cunts.




I totally agree and thought exactly the same thing - they've been there for months in the town centre - I *think* they replaced the Covid safe ones ; I bet they justify it as they'd bought the advertising space anyway.

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On 01/04/2022 at 13:55, Christmas Tree said:

They seem to be fitter, smarter and much better informed about things.


I'd like to agree with that - but as an EnvironMENTALIST - I'm not ashamed ; I thought that the response to the pandemic from many youths was upsetting.

On one hand, prior to Covid - on the environment front - we had youngsters getting really angry at "Boomers" and the fact that they weren't backing a standard of living change required to avoid the younger generations paying the price for climate emergencies.

Then, once the covid virus hit and was " only hitting the elderly" , we had a hardcore posting and trending "BoomerExcluder" and then within months, just loads of youngsters partying and meeting up because "it doesnt affect us" - or protesting on things that really could have waited.

Total hypocracy.. Really pissed me off and continues to.

Fact means nothing nowadays in the UK "The narrative" is all that counts.

Edited by scoobos
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1 hour ago, Craig said:


You've got to consider that many strongly pro-Brexit voters excreted all their morals and backed the fucking cunts last time out. The amount of blue on the political map in some areas is a fucking disgrace, but it was never going to be sustainable - now that Brexit is done, they'll return to voting Labour.

I would imagine a lot of the youth vote who were too young to vote in the referendum are seeing what a fuck up it is and steering well clear of the Tories. My eldest said hell will freeze over before she votes for them self-serving arseholes. I imagine may her age group think similar.


Yeah it's quite possible, and if that's the case then I'd have to concede that I was wrong some months back, and that Starmer's approach has worked for Labour. I still don't agree with it, but at least it is succeeding on its own terms.


It would be a depressing outlook for me personally though because I don't feel as though Labour should be rewarded for their cowardice over the Brexit outcome. But then the only option other than rewarding them is rewarding the cunts that literally made it happen. So in this, Starmer has taken the Remain vote for granted and seemingly won.

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I wonder if it might be a good thing in making the need for a pact based on electoral reform with the LibDems all the clearer to Labour. 

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Maybe - that would make me feel more comfortable tbh. I would effectively trade my vote for someone voting LD/Green somewhere else. That way I'm still more or less in line with my principles.

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We need to make voting a legal requirement with a fine if you don't do it - Like Australia. 

You can spoil the ballot - but right now we don't even have 60% of the eligible population voting - do we?

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Yeah the assumption is always that these people will somehow inevitably vote Labour. I think it's an extension of the US situation really but there are some key differences over there. People who live in poverty in the US are actively disenfranchised and prevented from voting, whereas in the UK I really think the issue is more apathy. If forced to vote they'd be easily led, informed by very simplistic takes, and then weaponised against the system.


I would actually ban people from voting unless they passed a basic political awareness test. I think it would do more good. They could still vote for whatever nonsense they wanted, but they would at least have to demonstrate that they understood what the nonsense meant, and how it would impact them.

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1 hour ago, Alex said:

I wonder if it might be a good thing in making the need for a pact based on electoral reform with the LibDems all the clearer to Labour. 


They pretty much steered clear of it during the 2011 referendum. Mind you, the Lib Dems were in bed with the Tories then and effectively asking the turkeys to vote for Christmas.

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Honestly, what is the point of this? Channel 4 doesn’t cost us a penny but the Tories are determined to sell it off. The only reason I can think of is that they’re holding a grudge against Channel 4 News for holding them to account.

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From the Guardian. 


... asked whether families should eat cheaper food, not replace clothes, turn down the thermostat, or turn the heating off entirely, the PM said:


"People obviously are going to face choices that they are going to have to make". 


What the fuck man. How are this lot not single figures in the polls. 

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13 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

From the Guardian. 


... asked whether families should eat cheaper food, not replace clothes, turn down the thermostat, or turn the heating off entirely, the PM said:


"People obviously are going to face choices that they are going to have to make". 


What the fuck man. How are this lot not single figures in the polls. 


Just when you think Johnson couldn't attain a higher cunt status he turns it up to 11. 

It's ONLY times like this when I miss Asprilla. I'd love to see how he can defend shit like this.

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11 minutes ago, Craig said:


Just when you think Johnson couldn't attain a higher cunt status he turns it up to 11. 

It's ONLY times like this when I miss Asprilla. I'd love to see how he can defend shit like this.


He'd find a way. He's cut from the same cloth. A snide hypocritical arsehole. 

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