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Christmas Tree

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8 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:


Im trying to rack my brains? What happened 2001-2005.


Obviously 2005-2010 is skewed by the crash but I just can’t remember what explains the previous 5 years.


I don't see anything unusual in that time period? Lower growth, quite evenly spread amongst earning deciles, resembles the 1970s, but no contraction. Noticeably that was on top of huge growth prior without a crash, so everybody is happy. 

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5 minutes ago, Renton said:


I don't see anything unusual in that time period? Lower growth, quite evenly spread amongst earning deciles, resembles the 1970s, but no contraction. Noticeably that was on top of huge growth prior without a crash, so everybody is happy. 

Just seems a massive drop across the board for that period  and I wondered why.

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41 minutes ago, Renton said:


Or more likely Jamie will be hounded out the party unfortunately. Johnson won't give this up as a wedge issue. 


No, he's completely converted since last night.



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Yeah. Growth can't be sustained at those levels. You have to look what comes before it. For instance, if the previous half decade saw a drop, you're doing incredibly badly if you don't see a big rise. Like now, for instance. 

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2 minutes ago, ewerk said:


No, he's completely converted since last night.




Aye, right. He'll unleash the hounds behind the scenes. Also I do feel terribly for what has happened to Jamie Wallis, but its a shame he couldn't come out before his crisis which might have made his disclosure inevitable. That's not a criticism I might add, I appreciate how difficult it must be for him/her. 

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8 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Probably because it's impossible to maintain that level of growth over a ten year period.


Unless you were already rich under Thatcher.

Could be, it just stands out as a big change and I couldn’t think why, particularly as GDP is pretty straight upward line until the crash in 2008.




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Apples and oranges, my graph was disposable income amongst the working population. Lots of factors affect this. Also is your graph for the UK? The GDP per capita looks about 5 times lower than I would expect?

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4 minutes ago, Renton said:

Apples and oranges, my graph was disposable income amongst the working population. Lots of factors affect this. Also is your graph for the UK? The GDP per capita looks about 5 times lower than I would expect?

I’ve had a look at the report and it highlights the same period as having been an issue. (Although fairly vague in the reasons).




I was just surprised as it stood out and I couldn’t link it in my head to any event.


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1 hour ago, Renton said:


Or more likely Jamie will be hounded out the party unfortunately. Johnson won't give this up as a wedge issue. 

It will be more cynical than that. They will use this bloke as proof that they are inclusive and caring, while still ramping up the hate filled rhetoric 


The trans equivalent of I can't be a racist I've got a black friend

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8 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:

I’ve had a look at the report and it highlights the same period as having been an issue. (Although fairly vague in the reasons).




I was just surprised as it stood out and I couldn’t link it in my head to any event.



The answer's there - rising housing costs putting the squeezes on disposable income. I remember house values went mad around then, not as bad as now mind. 

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2 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said:

It will be more cynical than that. They will use this bloke as proof that they are inclusive and caring, while still ramping up the hate filled rhetoric 


The trans equivalent of I can't be a racist I've got a black friend


Absolutely spot on on reflection. Like the I'm not racist line they use. Or the UK is a welcoming country, just look, the home secretary is the daughter of an immigrant. Meanwhile the constant background dog whistles.... 

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2 minutes ago, Renton said:


The answer's there - rising housing costs putting the squeezes on disposable income. I remember house values went mad around then, not as bad as now mind. 

“for a range of reasons including rising house prices”.


Anyway, shit times ahead for most people for the foreseeable. 

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1 hour ago, ewerk said:



Firstly, fair play to him/her (I'm not sure which pronoun to use).


But also, it looks like this could put the kibosh on Johnson's new tactic of weaponising trans rights.


Right now it's 'him'. It's only when they transition socially do they adopt the alternative pronoun. Indeed fair play to him and fucking awful the shit he has gone through.

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Just listening to PMQ. Johnson recycling the same lies, week in, week out, to a background of a braying mob, shouting down all opposition and back slapping each other. Nobody comes out with any credit. I mean, I know I shouldn't do it, but what the fuck is wrong with us when this pathetic pretence of a democracy continues the way it does. Is there any other country on Earth as demented as this? The whole thing needs ripped up and starting again. Start with something simple, get rid of PMQ now. 

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BBC doco - "the decade the Rich Won" - well worth a watch and made me feel so much less isolated in my views on the past 10 years. (so its obviously bang on the truth!) :D



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I've read a couple of suggestions he and his bint genuinely think they did nothing wrong - more bloody-minded delusional rather than purposely dishonest in this case but very much just him being him. 

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Watched that Falklands documentary on more4 app or whatever it's called? Jesus Christ I almost lost the will to watch it with the scale of adverts that was on throughout, unbelievable. I'd forgotten one of the commanders leading it was one of the junior officers when my old man was a soldier. (Jeremy Thompson). 

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9 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:

Watched that Falklands documentary on more4 app or whatever it's called? Jesus Christ I almost lost the will to watch it with the scale of adverts that was on throughout, unbelievable. I'd forgotten one of the commanders leading it was one of the junior officers when my old man was a soldier. (Jeremy Thompson). 

Aye, I forgot until you mentioned it but All4 or whatever it’s called is like the streaming equivalent of the Chronicle website 

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