Gemmill 49974 Posted October 18, 2021 Share Posted October 18, 2021 The terrorists have won. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isegrim 10356 Posted October 19, 2021 Share Posted October 19, 2021 Honestly. WTF 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 36725 Posted October 19, 2021 Share Posted October 19, 2021 Stevie running the DWP now? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36607 Posted October 19, 2021 Share Posted October 19, 2021 1 hour ago, Isegrim said: Honestly. WTF I saw this a few days ago but from another account and thought it must've been an exaggeration. I haven't the words to describe the cruelness of this government. Fucking despicable and it gets to the stage where they can't be far from having that as option A or ticking option B and they send a noose through the post, (postage deducted from your benefit) with instructions on how to top yourself. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33226 Posted October 20, 2021 Share Posted October 20, 2021 Working on minimum wage? You pay more tax. You happen to be a multi-billion pound bank? Here's a 60% tax cut. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33226 Posted October 20, 2021 Share Posted October 20, 2021 I bet they've all got flatscreen TVs too. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49974 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 Trump's new social network looks good. Thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36607 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 22 hours ago, Ant said: it is an exaggeration, least for here but I assume it's the same in England, there are literally no sanctions currently in UC so if you don't do what you're supposed to they can't actually impose any penalties/restrictions and haven't been allowed to for ages. My oh works on UC, does the interviews and all that so I literally see her doing them daily, and the shite people get away with is unreal. One of her customers with 3 nippers is taking home nearly £2k in her hand a month, and then then the serial unemployed who are working is maddening. I was going through Facebook to get someone in to sort out garden in the new gaff before winter, we live in the same area her office is assigned to. Said to her "got a few people back to me there with prices" rhymed them off... 2 of them were unemployed customers of hers, advertising and working doing that type of work in the same area they're signed on in, no fucks given. said it happens all the time, actually worse in the office where they even get lads coming in for their appointments work overalls covered in paint/motor oil, naw not working just helping a mate... There are people who genuinely struggle or looking for work, but they are vastly outweighed by the chancers and career unemployed doing nothing but reaping benefits, there are the chat groups and forums dedicated to learning how to work the system or abuse the "advances" (those are another insanity). loads giving off about losing that £20 a week or whatever it was as well, while people think it's sound we got less than that as a fecking pay rise Furlough was bizarre, it just seemed to fund home improvements My experience is the opposite to be fair although it has been almost a decade since I've had to sign on. If you have to go through with this newpaper, taking photos of your open door, in front of a street sign etc it's just taking the piss out of people and demeaning them for the sake of it. Also seen how they go on with the pip and how they absolutely skew things and blatantly lie, hold back post etc. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 36725 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 I was clearly doing it wrong when I was getting about £75 a week 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11370 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 On 20/10/2021 at 10:22, Ant said: Apparently the thing to say you need it for it is bedding or something like mattresses iirc which ticks some box , which then funds the christmas presents obviously There's a section on Govt website which details what you can get an advance for. Amazing how unlucky some folks are when their cooker, washer and fridge freezer all break the same day after they've paid off their last advance !!! (they do have to pay them back btw). They are tightening up though, when UC came in it was "have an advance" now it's really pissing the scratters off when they realise there's notes on what was given for last time, no you can't have money for a new cooker, you got one last year it'll still be under warranty (obviously they pissed the money up the wall and never needed or bought a cooker). There's thousands of them. it's them that's making things more difficult for genuine folks hitting hard times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spongebob toonpants 4361 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 Jesus fucking wept people. Know your enemy! It's not the fucking poor who are the root af this countries problems 4 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11370 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 (edited) 51 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said: Jesus fucking wept people. Know your enemy! It's not the fucking poor who are the root af this countries problems I am well aware of that, and wasn't even extrapolating it out to "the whole country's problems" but there's a large lump of professionally poor who muddy the waters, in the current circumstances, for the other poor fuckers on the subject that was in question. IMO we should have a reasonable UBI for everyone, but that'll never happen. Edited October 21, 2021 by Toonpack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36607 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 If it's so blatantly obvious who's 'scamming' the system why do they make life awkward for those who blatantly aren't scamming it? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33226 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 2 minutes ago, Ant said: not sure about over the water but atm here there's apparently no sanctions allowed, so there's no penalties etc to be taken or applied if you don't do something/do it wrong. There's different levels of sanctions available, it's the same rules as in England AFAIA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spongebob toonpants 4361 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 47 minutes ago, Ant said: There's a difference between the poor and career unemployed, and without sanctions or any of that to put off people cheating the system it's just gotten worse. there's people who have literally made zero contact/effort with jbo's and the like in more than a year, not even accepted phone calls and are still getting paid , sorry but they can get fucked. at one stage you could say you had kids, literally fill in their details as a list of sandwich ingredients if you wanted, you'd get the advance of over a grand , and then go back and amend your claim saying "whoops sorry forgot i didn't have a kid after all", that's an overpayment, you'll have to pay that back... in the tiniest of increments ever, which you'll never do, and if and when you get work and sign off, if/when you lose that job you can yet again get another advance. Personal example Her ex is in over 10k in arrears (nevermind whatever uc advances he probably has we wouldn't know), either way to the boy he hasn't paid a single penny in years (plus maybe another 5k he owes for other stuff to OH ), at one stage was earning over 30k, lost that. Anytime he was in work they have to give him a chance to pay it himself... he doesn't, after about 6 months in they try to enforce it through an employer if you're lucky, at which point he loses/leaves job, rinse repeat every time he gets a fresh chance to pay back stuff and obviously doesn't. So you never see nothing Currently lives with his GF + kids, neither work, but no worries, with our zero sanction system sure fuck it, have a brand new SUV mobility car, whatever money per month, and we'll pay your rent for that 5 bedroom in a modern development (which is over a grand a month). two of the kids are in methody/inst (ewerk will have a fair idea of the costs involved there) Whereas normal folk as we did ourselves will shell out 1500 get a kid through the door of a similar school , Hardly a unique scenario and there in is the problem, for every genuine person there are a plethora of utter lazy scamming cunts like that. That example a few posts back of the women getting near 2k in her hand, that's pretty much more earnt than most staff in the offices trying to get her to look for work mean why the fuck would ya in that position. is it shit for genuine people yes and it needs fixed, but considering how easy it's been made for the rest do do fuck all and not be struggling it's hardly a surprise. For some people their best option is to scam the system because the system is fucked. Again direct your anger at the right people. There is enough money swilling around at the top that everybody in this country could be living in absolute luxury, but people are too busy worrying about some scratter nicking a couple of grand of the bottom. And the ruling class further pull up the drawbridge and say "look over there" 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11370 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 21 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said: If it's so blatantly obvious who's 'scamming' the system why do they make life awkward for those who blatantly aren't scamming it? The difficulty is when "joining" the system, that's where the main hurdles are to try (but fail) to prevent the pro's getting in (again) - because the big scam is opening/closing/changing accounts. The genuine have to prove they are genuine, above and beyond what should be straightforward. solely because of the twats. As Ant says, I know folks who are working with these twats in that area and they are professional scroungers and there are many thousands of them, they have FB groups on the latest things to say, the rules they know backwards, and the scroungers know the full script on everything and many are getting more money for nothing than those trying to reel them in. The latest thing is they're all playing the mental health card, for those dealing with them, it's extremely difficult to remain objective for identifying those REALLY suffering when twat after twat plays the same old song. "If I don't get some money I'm going to kill myself" etc - Agent has a procedure if that's said, involves asking lots of things including because of a duty of care they will have to arrange a visit from the authorities to check they will be OK, twat answer "Ah no man! I wasn't serious". Try dealing with a call like that when you maybe know someone who has committed suicide. They are utter scum and there are many many thousands of them who are "poor" by choice (but better off than many workers, including many who have to deal with them) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spongebob toonpants 4361 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 (edited) 6 minutes ago, Ant said: I work my balls off and got less of a payraise (prob not the only public sector area in this scenario who got 1% or whatever) than the £20pw cut in uc they're all going bananas about. That's exactly my point. You aren't being paid a fair wage, and it's not because of a bit petty fraud at the bottom end it's the systematic hoovering the wealth out if the system by the top Edited October 21, 2021 by spongebob toonpants Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36607 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 7 minutes ago, Toonpack said: The difficulty is when "joining" the system, that's where the main hurdles are to try (but fail) to prevent the pro's getting in (again) - because the big scam is opening/closing/changing accounts. The genuine have to prove they are genuine, above and beyond what should be straightforward. solely because of the twats. As Ant says, I know folks who are working with these twats in that area and they are professional scroungers and there are many thousands of them, they have FB groups on the latest things to say, the rules they know backwards, and the scroungers know the full script on everything and many are getting more money for nothing than those trying to reel them in. The latest thing is they're all playing the mental health card, for those dealing with them, it's extremely difficult to remain objective for identifying those REALLY suffering when twat after twat plays the same old song. "If I don't get some money I'm going to kill myself" etc - Agent has a procedure if that's said, involves asking lots of things including because of a duty of care they will have to arrange a visit from the authorities to check they will be OK, twat answer "Ah no man! I wasn't serious". Try dealing with a call like that when you maybe know someone who has committed suicide. They are utter scum and there are many many thousands of them who are "poor" by choice (but better off than many workers, including many who have to deal with them) Only time I've ever come close to topping myself was after a year on the dole when I was about 21. The feeling of guilt and shame cashing my fucking pittance giro at the post office was crushing. Hearing absolute cunts like the then Tory MP labelling anyone out of work a scrounger was hard to take, especially when I was younger and a bit more sensitive to it even though my anger at it probably helped me cope rather than the depression I was getting from it. I'll leave this topic as I know it'll work me up and I genuinely know you are good lads and I don't want to fall out with anyone. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36607 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 I hope that term hasn't offended you, turn of phrase and I apologise, TP. 👍 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toonpack 11370 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 20 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said: I hope that term hasn't offended you, turn of phrase and I apologise, TP. 👍 Not at all mate, it's folks like you (at that time) who needed the help, but it's the absolute cunts who make it so hard for those who are REALLY trying to help but are tiny cogs in a massively fucked machine. The problem is there are MASSIVE (the majority) numbers of folks on UC who "manage" (putting aside views of if it's managing enough, for a moment) and who NEVER call for anything or even consider trying anything on, they just get on as best they can. The problem is that when they can't manage and do need to reach out for some further help they are a lost voice in a sea of chancers. Folks I know at the sharp end of that say around 80% of who they deal with, every fucking day, are chancers and they fuck them off as best they can, and they feel GREAT when they can help a genuine person and believe me, most of the time they can tell, but not always. Colleague of my Mrs. had a call for an advance and it seemed a lovely woman on the phone in really dire straits, so he did his utmost stretching the "grey areas" of the rules and helped her out and processed the dosh, just as he was hanging up he heard a cheer in the background of "Get the fuck in" from a couple of blokes - he'd been totally played, he was gutted. How's he going to deal with the next "lovely genuine person" he gets on the line, sure try to stay objective but it's got to be fucking hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howmanheyman 36607 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 3 minutes ago, Toonpack said: Not at all mate, it's folks like you (at that time) who needed the help, but it's the absolute cunts who make it so hard for those who are REALLY trying to help but are tiny cogs in a massively fucked machine. The problem is there are MASSIVE (the majority) numbers of folks on UC who "manage" (putting aside views of if it's managing enough, for a moment) and who NEVER call for anything or even consider trying anything on, they just get on as best they can. The problem is that when they can't manage and do need to reach out for some further help they are a lost voice in a sea of chancers. Folks I know at the sharp end of that say around 80% of who they deal with, every fucking day, are chancers and they fuck them off as best they can, and they feel GREAT when they can help a genuine person and believe me, most of the time they can tell, but not always. Colleague of my Mrs. had a call for an advance and it seemed a lovely woman on the phone in really dire straits, so he did his utmost stretching the "grey areas" of the rules and helped her out and processed the dosh, just as he was hanging up he heard a cheer in the background of "Get the fuck in" from a couple of blokes - he'd been totally played, he was gutted. How's he going to deal with the next "lovely genuine person" he gets on the line, sure try to stay objective but it's got to be fucking hard. Well I've had the opposite where it seems they've went out of their way to be awkward and I can only imagine it's worse now. Last time I was briefly out of work, they had 'bouncers' walking around carrying invisible carpets and had a employee who was being, frankly unnecessarily unhelpful. It got to the point where I wondered were they dying for an excuse to ask for Hale and Pace to come over? I won't go into details and my missus briefly worked there herself many years ago so know there's waste of spaces out there so must be hard dealing with them but that makes it even more a shock when they get 'normal' people in and act the dick with them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45151 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 The greatest trick the Tories ever pulled was getting everyone to blame the unemployed for the countries ills- the unemployed that the Tories put out of work and stripped of benefits. 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaddockLad 19013 Posted October 21, 2021 Share Posted October 21, 2021 There’s always been at least 2/3 million who refuse to work, whatever the circumstances…. If you give a fuck about them, you’ll end up going mad. Most are unemployable anyway. They make fuckin damn sure they’re unemployable too. What employer wants an overgrown manchild giving bullshit excuses for not turning in that even a 14 year old school boy would be embarrassed to roll out? For anyone who wants to join the “GET THE DOLE WALLERS TO DRIVE THE HGVS” brigade that seem very vocal on socials at the moment, give me a policy on how to achieve that? What’s the enforceable plan which would get through Parliament? Don’t get me wrong, I think that’s coming in some form, seeing as whale spunk boy has just vomited this into the ether today But where is the money coming from to train convicts or malingerers to pass an HGV test or training for other sectors which are facing huge post Brexit recruitment issues (ie every sector)? How about a windfall tax on CoL profits? Oh..we’re doing away with things like that too? as @ewerk pointed out the other day So that’s the giant tax haven in our capital city that every medium scale crook to literal international gangsters like Trump launder their fuckin loot through getting a tax cut but we’re all supposed to do as The Sun & The Daily Mail tell us and blame the feckless useless wanker round the corner because he’s claimed his kids school uniform on his exes? Folks, we’re being had. As @spongebob toonpants & @Monkeys Fist have said, know your enemy.. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33226 Posted October 22, 2021 Share Posted October 22, 2021 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45151 Posted October 22, 2021 Share Posted October 22, 2021 Wonder what Cabinet post her boyfriend has offered her? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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