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Christmas Tree

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So basically CT has been doing a bit of wumming, backed himself into a corner and now doesn't know how to get out of it?


He can't actually believe most of the shite that he spouts.

Edited by ewerk
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my lass and I have both lost our jobs through Cameron's cuts, fwiw.


Hope you feel like the absolute cunt that you are now, CT.


Best of luck to you and your missus TS. Hope you both find something soon :)

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It's one thing ignoring the facts of what Ashley has done at Newcastle to wind people up. It's 'just' sport. But to play the WUM about job losses affecting peoples lives is as bad as Rob standing up for Jon Venables.


Your own borough of South Tyneside has the highest proportion of people of working age claiming benefits....






Look at how far above every other borough your town is, after 8 years of downward trending. Look at the spike over the last couple of years. It's impossible for you not to see this affecting the people around you, unless you're a particularly self absorbed toss-pot.


And thats to do with the deficit cuts that started on April 1st??????


What utter bollocks. :)

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And now it seems that the government are considering letting universities create extra places for British students who want to pay higher fees. The Tories are really showing their true colours now.

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my lass and I have both lost our jobs through Cameron's cuts, fwiw.


Hope you feel like the absolute cunt that you are now, CT.


Best of luck to you and your missus TS. Hope you both find something soon :)


cheers Craig. All part of life's journey. Some of my (ex)colleagues are so bitter about it all, it is good to be philosophical (until the cash runs out!)

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It's one thing ignoring the facts of what Ashley has done at Newcastle to wind people up. It's 'just' sport. But to play the WUM about job losses affecting peoples lives is as bad as Rob standing up for Jon Venables.


Your own borough of South Tyneside has the highest proportion of people of working age claiming benefits....






Look at how far above every other borough your town is, after 8 years of downward trending. Look at the spike over the last couple of years. It's impossible for you not to see this affecting the people around you, unless you're a particularly self absorbed toss-pot.


And thats to do with the deficit cuts that started on April 1st??????


What utter bollocks. :)


Well why are you praising the Tories CT? you're going to have to help me out here.


Are you saying you had noticed the effect of a 75% increase in the proportion of benefit claimants in the town going back 2 years to the crash, but that you have more recently witnessed a bounce back around the town in the last month thanks to Cameron's wise economic policy?

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)

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It's one thing ignoring the facts of what Ashley has done at Newcastle to wind people up. It's 'just' sport. But to play the WUM about job losses affecting peoples lives is as bad as Rob standing up for Jon Venables.


Your own borough of South Tyneside has the highest proportion of people of working age claiming benefits....






Look at how far above every other borough your town is, after 8 years of downward trending. Look at the spike over the last couple of years. It's impossible for you not to see this affecting the people around you, unless you're a particularly self absorbed toss-pot.


And thats to do with the deficit cuts that started on April 1st??????


What utter bollocks. :)


Well why are you praising the Tories CT? you're going to have to help me out here.


Are you saying you had noticed the effect of a 75% increase in the proportion of benefit claimants in the town going back 2 years to the crash, but that you have more recently witnessed a bounce back around the town in the last month thanks to Cameron's wise economic policy?


You help me out and explain what that graph of job losses under Labour has to do with Tory deficit reductions that started on April 1st 2011?

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


The economic jury is still definitely out on the coalition's policies, its not worked in Greece or Ireland and it doesnt look like its working in the UK.


In politics, perceptions are more important than reality. For now the electorate's perception is that we need to implement these cuts. When the pain of these cuts is felt more broadly in the economy, reality will intervene.

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.

Edited by Christmas Tree
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You help me out and explain what that graph of job losses under Labour has to do with Tory deficit reductions that started on April 1st 2011?


Nothing. There's no numbers available on those effects yet, and people in your cab isn't a measure. But as you think it is, I just wondered what you've seen to demonstrate a good job by the Tories.


I posted the graph cos I think you vote against your own interests and those of your friends & family.


It's mostly a graph of job gains under 8 years of labour.


It shows joblessness cut by twice in south shields what it was nationally (2% compared to 1%).


It shows a worldwide economic crash caused by (southern) bankers - not public sector workers, or the NHS or pensions or anything like that - undid a lot of it in 6 months.


It shows you how much better off the country is than the north east and how better off the rest of the North East east is than South Tyneside. Whether long before, during or after the crash.


It shows the crash itself only left South Shields a sixth worse off than we had been a decade earlier though. Nationally, the country as a whole was left a third worse off, so we weren't really impacted as much.


What will affect you and your friends is the cuts.

Edited by Happy Face
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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.

There is a line tbf. If someone announces a family member had died in bizarre circumstances, you wouldnt make a joke of it. The devastation and personal impact of job losses is another area where i think its just decent not to make any insensitive comments. Its not 'the internet ffs' its our little corner of the internet, with a small community, some who know each other personally. As such you should act accordingly. Being grown up and intelligent means you should have the ability to know where the line it. I dont want to overstate it, its not the worse thing thats been said on here by a long way but just keep it real mate.

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Going to apologise to TS for continuing to be an insensitive cock to him losing his job? It's a good thing he seems to be a relaxed person because if I was in his shoes, I'd be calling you worse than shite.


Fuck off you daft shite. He lost his job back in October and I wished him well at the time. That doesnt mean Im never going to discuss politics or job losses again. :)


His girlfriend is currently on garden leave (meaning she lost her job recently) and very fearful for their futures.


There are plenty of reasons why someone might not want to talk about their personal lives on here, including their employment situation. Not to give you the satisfaction of a gloat, for one. That doesn't mean people aren't being directly affected by the cuts though.


You really have shown yourself to be the most obnoxious cunt ever to grace this board. No wonder virtually everyone despises you.

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I think you should apologise CT, you'd obviously forgotten that there were a few on here who had lost their jobs because of the cuts and its fairly insensitive of you.


Hell will freeze over first :)


My comments were at use of the word "savage" and I 100% stand by them.


I don't know anyone whose being effected by the cuts not 1.


And as Ive already said, the fact that some people have lost their jobs is sad for them, but that still doesn't warrant "savage" cuts and still won't stop me from discussing them in a political thread.


If it's too sensitive for some then stay off the net ffs.


Everyone says they're savage cuts.

Clegg defends 'savage cuts' call http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8266260.stm


Savage cuts and social cohesion http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/leadi...on-2113111.html


In a first round of savage cuts, 2,600 servicemen and women will definitely go in the autumn. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...dy-wars-on.html


MUMS with newborn babies will today find themselves in the front line of the Tory-led Coalition’s savage cuts.http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/2011/04/06/mums-with-new-babies-big-losers-in-tory-led-coalition-s-savage-cuts-115875-23041058/


Isn't your argument they're necessarily so?

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You help me out and explain what that graph of job losses under Labour has to do with Tory deficit reductions that started on April 1st 2011?


People have been plainning for the cuts and letting people know (or worse let them stew) for months - including redundancy for some. The actual effects of the cuts on services won't be known for a while but the human cost has already started and has been ongoing since last year.

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my lass and I have both lost our jobs through Cameron's cuts, fwiw.


Hope you feel like the absolute cunt that you are now, CT.


Best of luck to you and your missus TS. Hope you both find something soon :)


cheers Craig. All part of life's journey. Some of my (ex)colleagues are so bitter about it all, it is good to be philosophical (until the cash runs out!)


My ex is walking the tightrope as we speak. Finds out in a month if she's still got a job. Works for the local council ironically for electoral services.


Considering we're still trying to sort out the division of equities, it could have an impact on me so while I've not lost my job, it doesn't mean I'm not going to be affected.


CT will still be oblivious to it all like but then Dave and Gideon will always need a driver :)

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