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A couple of years ago the council wanted to close our kids’ nursery.  I wasn’t having that as the next nearest one is 5 minutes further walk away.  I rallied other parents and we took on the council.  During this time the group, bafflingly, asked me to consider standing as a councillor as part of our campaign.  Even more bafflingly I actually gave it more than 3 seconds consideration. Chatted to councillors about their lives while meeting them to save the nursery.  Some lovely people, well meaning, some deluded morons too.  

I realised it is a terrible time to be a politician, all they are doing (in the role) is managing decline.  It must be soul destroying if you have a heart. Fuck that noise.  

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They’re not even close to winning the PR war with any of this. They’re alienating their core plus the floating voters and they aren’t ever going to appease the sort they of people who’d never vote for them anyway.  

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55 minutes ago, Alex said:

They’re not even close to winning the PR war with any of this. They’re alienating their core plus the floating voters and they aren’t ever going to appease the sort they of people who’d never vote for them anyway.  


They have one thing on their side - time. The government is stable and I believe will remain so. Another 4 years left. Get the bad news out now and hope for economic improvement. If this doesn't materialise they may be fucked but then they would fucked regardless probably.

I think one way or another the US will be a disaster after this period due to economic and political incompetence. Popularist governments lack the competency to be successful. Against this backdrop, if the great British public elect Farage and Reform then so be it. We'll experience steep decline rather than managed decline but we'll learn our lesson. 

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21 minutes ago, Renton said:


They have one thing on their side - time. The government is stable and I believe will remain so. Another 4 years left. Get the bad news out now and hope for economic improvement. If this doesn't materialise they may be fucked but then they would fucked regardless probably.

I think one way or another the US will be a disaster after this period due to economic and political incompetence. Popularist governments lack the competency to be successful. Against this backdrop, if the great British public elect Farage and Reform then so be it. We'll experience steep decline rather than managed decline but we'll learn our lesson. 

If Brexit has taught us anything, it’s that we never learn our lesson. 

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6 minutes ago, Holden McGroin said:

If Brexit has taught us anything, it’s that we never learn our lesson. 

Precisely. The main cheerleaders (who literally only changed their name) are the party leading in the polls at present 

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There is huge buyers remorse over Brexit though. Why Labour won't seize on this and why people like Farage get away with the blame is another matter. I guess in the latter's case it's because he's never been in power, which gives him the wriggle room he needs. I don't think that would apply if he actually achieved power, although I really don't want to find out. 

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19 minutes ago, Renton said:

There is huge buyers remorse over Brexit though. Why Labour won't seize on this and why people like Farage get away with the blame is another matter. I guess in the latter's case it's because he's never been in power, which gives him the wriggle room he needs. I don't think that would apply if he actually achieved power, although I really don't want to find out. 


Labour aren't going to bang that drum, because as they're already showing, they are shit scared of the reaction they'd get.


Surely, all they need to do to get the public back on side is to tell them that it might be a bit cheaper to go to Spain again. AI has the PR sorted:


Image of


And it's true, do we really want to go back to Butlins and enjoy the gdaoularious Brtish weather again?

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I still can't see your images. 


It's an odd one like, Labour are shit scared of improving the economy through rejoining the CU and SM, partly because of polling fears. But shitting on disabled people, that's fine. :thumbup: 

You have to hope there is some master plan, after all, it is early days, but when it comes to politicians, the main lesson I have learned is don't overestimate them.

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Their PR is world class shit as well.


Plus a lot of the stuff that gets leaked is way off the mark and people have already believed it. I have fact checked the Mrs twice  (ISAs and school kids meals rumours never happened) this week as she is so annoyed with them.  She said she isn’t going to vote for them next time.

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6 minutes ago, Renton said:

I still can't see your images. 


It's an odd one like, Labour are shit scared of improving the economy through rejoining the CU and SM, partly because of polling fears. But shitting on disabled people, that's fine. :thumbup: 

You have to hope there is some master plan, after all, it is early days, but when it comes to politicians, the main lesson I have learned is don't overestimate them.

I'm sick of this shit like. My artistic brilliance is being lost due to shit IT.



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Just now, Gemmill said:

@Dazzlerfor your images, are you clicking the Add Files button and uploading them? That's how you do it, you facking melon. 

Like a fucking putz? No. I am copying the URL. I am not leaving a trace of my lack of productivity on my work laptop.

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In my new job I'm going to have to stop using the work laptop for this shit, but will use my own. I just use the windows snip tool and directly put in the images. Added bonus it ensures the images are not too big. 

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8 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

Like a fucking putz? No. I am copying the URL. I am not leaving a trace of my lack of productivity on my work laptop.


That's the old fashioned way but you had to bracket it thus:


[IMG] url [\IMG]


May have backslash wrong way tbh - ages since needed to do this.

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38 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Btw that means your images aren't working for anyone but you. Who's the PUTZ now, buddy boy!? 

They don't even work for me when I log on using my phone :lol:

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2 hours ago, Renton said:

There is huge buyers remorse over Brexit though. Why Labour won't seize on this and why people like Farage get away with the blame is another matter. I guess in the latter's case it's because he's never been in power, which gives him the wriggle room he needs. I don't think that would apply if he actually achieved power, although I really don't want to find out. 

I had high hopes they would do more on Europe and move to the left after winning power. Underwhelming is an understatement. It’s been a pitiful and pathetic opening nine months. May as well be Cameron and Osborne running the show  

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I think they needed someone a bit more imaginative than Reeves as Chancellor. She comes across like a fucking robot, and as BoE alumni she was probably never going to do anything other than continue the status quo of managed decline, despite the early rhetoric. 

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2 hours ago, Renton said:

They have one thing on their side - time. The government is stable and I believe will remain so. Another 4 years left. Get the bad news out now and hope for economic improvement. If this doesn't materialise they may be fucked

I've been saying since before the election the only hope to turn the country round was to radical and brave

They've been neither and have been even worse than I feared. Cutting welfare and jobs is the exact opposite of what needs to be done 

Its going to lead what I (and many others tbf) predicted which is just a more professionally managed decline

It's tragic

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Went and checked the Guardian for how these cuts (and now further tax rises) are being reported - absolute outrage from everyone in sight. No worries though, it's not aimed at winning over the enemy middle class lefties. It's aimed at winning over Reform voting morons...! Onwards to the Daily Mail then!


Wait... there's nothing here? Top story about a submarine accident, something about Prince Harry, couple of things about Trump... celebrity tat..


Nothing on Labour and these policies. How surprising. It's almost like the people they're trying to win over are disingenuous and don't give a fuck. Weird.

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