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Christmas Tree

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Listened to this on the way into Bath this morning. On the face of it he’s not saying much beyond the usual natavist (for me that’s a better way of describing what may be termed right wing, it’s a term used in the actual podcast itself on numerous occasions) talking points. The only thing that has given me pause to think is when he says that it took relatively few people in the Nationalist community in Northern Ireland to kick off and subsequently sustain the revolt against the UK government for the best part of 30 years…there are undeniably a significant minority of people in the country as we speak who are unspeakably angry with politicians mostly about immigration. He suggests the success of ULEZ “bladerunners” going undetected shows what can be achieved  by highly motivated groups. Probably needs another atrocity by an immigrant like we saw last summer to truly kick things off…


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29 minutes ago, Gemmill said:



This little cunt should be doing jail time for this. Not getting to sit in front of a committee and spin bullshit responses like it's all a big jape. 

Absolutely. BTW, you remember the press kicking off about nepotism, expenses, inaccurate CVs and so on the second Labour got into power? It got me thinking about Rupert McNeil, former government chief people officer, appointed under the Tory government in 2016. Who publicly acknowledged (I think it was in a private blog) that he not only went to school with, but also was good friends with and even went inter railing with Michael Cunting Gove. Not a sniff of media interest in that story afaik 

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