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9 minutes ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

She’s basically saying she couldn’t give a fuck about the charity 

I listened to James O’Brien on LBC the morning after this. He was saying that the comment hinged on the word “but” which FB definitely used (JOB played the clip half a dozen times) Can you see the word “but” in the transcript here? (She said after the word “happen” it was after the comma in the transcript before “it” . JOB said that word there made it a lot worse, and the BBC today have removed it from the record @Dr Gloom




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The Rwanda thing is another area where Cooper will annihilate them on their lack of delivery as opposed to the policy itself. Which is depressing but understandable, given the costs and how ineffective they’ve been at implementing it. Tbf it’s probably the way to go atm (which is equally depressing) 

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14 hours ago, PaddockLad said:

I listened to James O’Brien on LBC the morning after this. He was saying that the comment hinged on the word “but” which FB definitely used (JOB played the clip half a dozen times) Can you see the word “but” in the transcript here? (She said after the word “happen” it was after the comma in the transcript before “it” . JOB said that word there made it a lot worse, and the BBC today have removed it from the record @Dr Gloom





The BBC are more subtle in their gaslighting than yhe government, but removal of even the smallest words can change the tone and meaning of a sentence. 


And of course, Stanley Johnson is set to receive a knighthood from his son while we're at it. Nothing remotely wrong about this, is there? 


I've just come to the conclusion all Bruces are cunts (not you ozzies).

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32 minutes ago, Alex said:

The Rwanda thing is another area where Cooper will annihilate them on their lack of delivery as opposed to the policy itself. Which is depressing but understandable, given the costs and how ineffective they’ve been at implementing it. Tbf it’s probably the way to go atm (which is equally depressing) 


Will Joe public be happy spending a million quid a person on this policy I wonder? 

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1 minute ago, Renton said:


Will Joe public be happy spending a million quid a person on this policy I wonder? 

No, of course that’s the reason to highlight the cost. The Tories want to play it like this, with their fascist rhetoric and the notion the opposition would reverse every single thing they propose. But they’re so fucking hopeless that this is yet another PR disaster waiting to happen when it’s laid bare 

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"World leading". :lol:


Dubious ethics aside, there's often a good reason other countries haven't introduced policies like this. Iirc Denmark have dabbled but have given up on grounds of practicality. 


So far the Rwanda policy has cost us £160 million. As nobody has been sent there, and realistically that can't happen until 2024, that's an infinite amount of money per person deported. Using economic terms I use in my day job, that doesn't appear to be cost-effective. But let's say they succeed in their aims. The capacity of the program is currently 200. So that's £800,000 per person, with the deportaion of less than 5% of the current backlog. I don't know what the government's willingness to pay threshold is for this policy, but we could fund a fuck ton of life-saving treatments with that amount of money, literally save childrens' lives. Meanwhile Braverman claims this is a deterrent, whilst at the same time painting Rwanda as as some kind of African utopia. Pure cognitive dissonance from the cunts again. :lol:


Come on Labour, this is ludicrous. If you're not willing to tackle this head on, you may as well give up. Just campaign againstit stating the tories are more interested in sending asylum seekers to paradise than saving the lives of sick children. 👍

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My place describes the sick pay scheme as 'world class' and it's the only place I've been which has felt the need to do this and is also one of the worst sick pay schemes I've had where I've worked. It's not that bad, but they'll take it off you for 6 - 12 months if you've ever had to use it. 'World class' :lol:


(FAO NUFC, don't go after any players described as 'world class'. It's a trap.)

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I know a lot of people aren't supportive of HS2, but what a farce this is turning out ot be. They're delaying building it, even though this will cost more, even before you factor in the delayed benefits, presumably to hand the costs to Labour. London to Manchester, if it ever gets built, will be complete some time in the 2040s. More than 30 years to build a railway. London Leeds and the NE, permanently scrappped, so we get no benefit at all. Yet it was the Eastern leg which made the most sense financially. As a country, we just can't handle infrastructure developments any more. We even need the French and Chinese to build our power stations. Fucking pathetic. 

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1 hour ago, Isegrim said:


Grimes drawing on his time at middle school, when he was one of the toughest Lib Dem volunteers in his class

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12 minutes ago, Meenzer said:

A gay north-eastern Lib Dem and he turns out like that. I need to rethink some of my life choices.

How different things might’ve been, if you been born a little later. And been given several hundred thousand pounds of Russian oligarch money, laundered through the leave campaign. 

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7 minutes ago, ewerk said:





I find it staggering this is only now the case. Just walking through town before, and fuck me it's like a set from the Last of Us. All the restaurants, cafes, shops, are deserted. Everything looks so run down. Shuttered retail space everywhere. Northumberland street, once the second busiest retail street in England after Oxford street,  is a fucking dive. Cracked paving everywhere, interspersed with bare tarmac where they couldn't afford to replace it. Beggars and tramps on every corner. At my local Co-op in Tynemouth yesterday there's this homeless person who was drinking vodka neat out a bottle in fornt of the school kids, at 8.30 in the morning (and no, it wasnt me!).


I mean, when I think back to the New Labour years, did I just imagine things were so much better? The town was busy, thriving, people had money to spend? Not saying it was perfect but my God, I reckon if you could do a side by side comparison it would be striking. And all the time we're paying more and more taxes for worse and worse services. And only NOW are people waking up to the fact that maybe, just maybe, the tories are fucking SHITE at running the economy. 


going off alex jones GIF

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