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7 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Why has he not published his manifesto 18 months out from an election!!!!!!!! :firefirefire:


That's not the point though. He's just literally said he will grow our economy faster than that of Germany and the USA, those countries which are either a major part of, or are themselves, fucking economic global superpowers. How's little old UK, which has huge structural and trading problems relative to these countries, going to achieve this? Meaningless rhetoric (or lies if you are less polite), not much better than Truss. Just repeat "Green Energy Revolution" enough, or "Why can't that be us?" enough times and everything will be okay.  I'm sure the answer will be in the manifesto., all we need to do is believe. 


Brexit is no longer even the main issue for me anyway, its a symptom not a cuase of our decline. It's our completely failed democracy that bothers me most. And he is seemingly completely unwilling to touch the sides of that. 



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22 minutes ago, Renton said:


That's not the point though. He's just literally said he will grow our economy faster than that of Germany and the USA, those countries which are either a major part of, or are themselves, fucking economic global superpowers. How's little old UK, which has huge structural and trading problems relative to these countries, going to achieve this? Meaningless rhetoric (or lies if you are less polite), not much better than Truss. Just repeat "Green Energy Revolution" enough, or "Why can't that be us?" enough times and everything will be okay.  I'm sure the answer will be in the manifesto., all we need to do is believe. 


Brexit is no longer even the main issue for me anyway, its a symptom not a cuase of our decline. It's our completely failed democracy that bothers me most. And he is seemingly completely unwilling to touch the sides of that. 




Growing our economy faster than the rest of the G7 isn't an impossible task for any semi-competent government given that they'll be starting from a lower base than the rest of the other countries due to over a decade of Tory fuck ups.


Now isn't the time for detailed policy because by the time the election comes most people have forgotten about the policies and when they're brought up again the rest will say it's just a rehash of old ideas and Labour doesn't have any fresh solutions. Now is about forming and solidifying the image in the public's head of Keir Starmer as a genuine Prime Minister, something Corbyn failed miserably at.

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6 minutes ago, ewerk said:


Growing our economy faster than the rest of the G7 isn't an impossible task for any semi-competent government given that they'll be starting from a lower base than the rest of the other countries due to over a decade of Tory fuck ups.


Now isn't the time for detailed policy because by the time the election comes most people have forgotten about the policies and when they're brought up again the rest will say it's just a rehash of old ideas and Labour doesn't have any fresh solutions. Now is about forming and solidifying the image in the public's head of Keir Starmer as a genuine Prime Minister, something Corbyn failed miserably at.


Yeah, I know you're right and stage management is important. His approach just seems so piecemeal to me though when I think what we need is something radical. And if not now, then when? Like I say he'll get my vote cos he's not a tory, not because I believe in him any more. 

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I definitely think he's still feeling the effects of Corbyn. A lot of the electorate still see Labour as a radical party and don't like it, even if they would agree with many of Corbyn's policies. Starmer's perceived blandness can actually be a strength in winning those voters over.

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3 hours ago, Renton said:


I respect where he came from and what he has achieved, and to some extent I understand why he is so cautious with the media now, but I find his rhetoric increasingly cowardly and frankly nauseating (like Shamima Begum today for instance). He knows people like me will still vote for him so seems to be happy just to take the piss. I'm just hoping he has more substance in office because these fucking three word soundbites aren't saving the country. At least recognise the multiple elephants in the room Keith you Arsenal-supporting nobhead. 

Superbly put tbh Rents.

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3 hours ago, Renton said:


I respect where he came from and what he has achieved, and to some extent I understand why he is so cautious with the media now, but I find his rhetoric increasingly cowardly and frankly nauseating (like Shamima Begum today for instance). He knows people like me will still vote for him so seems to be happy just to take the piss. I'm just hoping he has more substance in office because these fucking three word soundbites aren't saving the country. At least recognise the multiple elephants in the room Keith you Arsenal-supporting nobhead. 

It screams of Bartlet's debate response to demands for the "ten word answer"  which supposedly keeps the hard of thinking voters happy attention span wise. 


His reply was "I can give you the ten word answer my team wants you to hear but what's the ten words after that and the ten after that" 


Corbyn is derided for turning people off voting Labour which is fair comment but he also inspired a lot of people with an actual vision of a fairer society and some policies based on those principles intended to bring that about. 


What we have now is a vision of things being slightly less shit with lots of flags and that is all you can hope for and by the way even though we despise you and all you believe in, can you please vote for us?  

Edited by NJS
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I have similar feelings about Starmer as I feel he could be far braver. But I just saw a piece on the BBC news about his giving a speech in Bury. The tone of the it was that Bury was a place Starmer still had to win over. Opinion polls point to the Tories getting 20-odd % in both Bury constituencies with Labour expected to get close to 60%. Not really a defence of the bloke as I’ve grown increasingly disillusioned with his ultra safe approach. But fuck me, the mainstream media narrative still presents the next GE as being somehow in the balance. In a way you can understand the caution against that backdrop 

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19 minutes ago, Renton said:


Pretty sure you're one of the kale drinking lentil munching wokelists as well? Only difference is the ketamine. 


i eat healthy food but i have yet to find a way to cook kale that makes it taste good. i have protein overnight oats and berries for my breakfast 

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