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1 minute ago, Holden McGroin said:

I fail to see how he released the mini-budget without her approval. And if she hadn't seen it then surely thats just piss poor management.

Of course she knew about it. she’d just rather sack him than do the honourable thing and resign 

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12 minutes ago, Renton said:

Is Truss part of a bigger plot to reinstate Johnson? Is her atrocious performance deliberate so people think "actually you know, Boris wasn't so bad"..... ?


I am beginning to wonder. I haven't forgotten that Johnson name dropped Cincinnatus in his farewell speech.

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4 hours ago, Renton said:


Just catching up here but fucking hell man. What the fuck is the point in democracy if people aren't provided with the factual information they need and instead are subjected to propaganda from Putin's sock puppets? The fact the actual votes are correctly counted in that context is irrelevant. You know what, that gives the illusion of democracy but instead is the exact opposite. I'd honestly prefer not having democracy under these circumstances. 

I meant the peddlers of lies should be punished.


what alternative to democracy would you like, other than campaigners run campaigns and people vote on which one they are allied to?

Nothing is factual (during election campaigns) , everything is opinion. You are allowed to believe in survival of the fittest, you are allowed to believe in collectism , it's a personal thing. 

But saying people cant vote because they are "stupid" is oppressive and more in line with a totalitarian regime !

Edited by scoobos
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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:


When the press are pulling shit like this, you're done. 

I dont find it funny, it shouldn't be allowed on either side .. Corbyn in a chicken suit , now this. It's not on. 

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2 minutes ago, scoobos said:

I meant the peddlers of lies should be punished.


what alternative to democracy would you like, other than campaigners run campaigns and people vote on which one they are allied to?

Nothing is factual , everything is opinion. You are allowed to believe in survival of the fittest, you are allowed to believe in collectism , it's a personal thing. 

But saying people cant vote because they are "stupid" is oppressive and more in line with a totalitarian regime !

Not now, Cato! 

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3 minutes ago, Holden McGroin said:


I think she claimed in an interview that she hadn't 

I think it was that it was completely his decision, or words to that effect 

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3 hours ago, Dr Gloom said:


as a free marketer you surely have to accept it when the market thinks you fucked it 

Have they ever believed in the free market and the mythical "market forces". 

From where I sit, they've lost that argument as soon as they start funneling tax payers money to bail out failure - market forces were supposed to put an end to that "big business will fail" - has become "sorry, they are too big to fail".

This energy crisis is just another cash grab - why the fuck are we giving taxpayers money directly to energy firms that are setting high prices? At the very least means test it - but the absolute basic economic rules are that you put price where supply and demand meet , to maximise revenue . If people can't pay a high price, then the company has to reduce its margins. 

Help the absolutely fucked , sure - but directly and transparently .

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3 minutes ago, scoobos said:

I dont find it funny, it shouldn't be allowed on either side .. Corbyn in a chicken suit , now this. It's not on. 

It’s called a free press. You don’t have to like it and that’s okay 

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4 minutes ago, scoobos said:

I meant the peddlers of lies should be punished.


what alternative to democracy would you like, other than campaigners run campaigns and people vote on which one they are allied to?

Nothing is factual , everything is opinion. You are allowed to believe in survival of the fittest, you are allowed to believe in collectism , it's a personal thing. 

But saying people cant vote because they are "stupid" is oppressive and more in line with a totalitarian regime !


Blind voting. You don't for a party, or a leader. The manifesto pledges are on the ballot, you check the promise you like. Party with the most backing for promises wins, and if they fail to deliver on those promises they're dropped off in the Jungle and fed Kangaroo arsehole.

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39 minutes ago, Craig said:



I want them to define "success" .

Despite the best efforts of these fucktards, the country has seen growth every single year up to the pandemic , whilst they used austerity to follow their ideology of cutting public services.


The FTSE has grown from 4434 in 2008 to 7384 in a pandemic . Thats almost doubled *
FTSE 100 annual performance 1995-2021 | Statista


Does success mean competing with China? China, Germany and the US are exporters and producers. We are a services economy now (thanks tories)

Perpetual growth is impossible in a world with finite resources anyway.


I just don't get what they are aiming for, what is their benchmark of success? 

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1 minute ago, spongebob toonpants said:

Free press my arse. With  vanishingly small exceptions it's bought and paid for far right propaganda

Anyone is free to own a newspaper and pursue whatever line they choose 

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