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2 hours ago, PaddockLad said:

The electoral annihilation of the Lib Dems after getting into bed with the tories May prevent this on both sides….just a thought, tbh fuck knows..

If they get PR, they’ve won. Not just in the short term but pretty much for the foreseeable. They’d probably gain votes they currently lose by not having a chance in a particular constituency. More importantly though the Lib Dems would have something in the order of 10-15% of the seats in the HoC. Or 65-100-ish. Not just a marked improvement on now but also a meaningful place in any future government 

Edited by Alex
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5 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


Doesn't have to mean coalition, could just be an agreement not to stand in each other's way in key seats. That would probably be enough? Labour become the largest party, LDs recover lost ground.

Even that may make some bottle it…lots of careerists rather than people who want rid of the tories in the Labour parliamentary ranks… if they’re in a safe seat why rock the boat in an attempt to see the fuckers off?…

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26 minutes ago, Alex said:

If they get PR, they’ve won. Not just in the short term but pretty much for the foreseeable. They’d probably gain votes they currently lose die to not having a chances in a particular constituency. More importantly though the Lib Dems would have something in the order of 10-15% of the seats in the HoC. Or 65-100-ish. Not just a marked improvement on now but also a meaningful place in any future government 


Precisely. So long as we have a Tory government we will retain FPTP, it'd be turkeys voting for Christmas for them to adopt PR. Which is why if they get ousted it has to form part of the manifesto. 

I expected a greater push on it when Labour got in in 1997 if I'm honest.

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I think Labour had the same view tbf, that they would be turkeys voting for Christmas. Blair had this belief that his repositioning of the party would kill the Tories forever I think - they didn't need PR. What has been more mystifying is how long it's taken the current iteration of Labour to recognise that they need it.

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17 minutes ago, Craig said:


Precisely. So long as we have a Tory government we will retain FPTP, it'd be turkeys voting for Christmas for them to adopt PR. Which is why if they get ousted it has to form part of the manifesto. 

I expected a greater push on it when Labour got in in 1997 if I'm honest.

Iirc Blair claimed he was open to the idea and Gordon Brown was always against it. 

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24 minutes ago, Alex said:

Iirc Blair claimed he was open to the idea and Gordon Brown was always against it. 


Yeah that's what I remember too. It's always felt like a massive missed opportunity given how paltry the number of Tory MPs there was. Didn't they drop to something like 160? 

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They need to wake up to the fact that FPTP is fundamentally undemocratic no matter who benefits from it. There are no good arguments for FPTP. The old argument was PR leads to unstable coalitions. We've now had 4 PMs in 6 years with FPTP, I'd wager it will soon be 5 in 7 years. 

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17 minutes ago, Craig said:


Yeah that's what I remember too. It's always felt like a massive missed opportunity given how paltry the number of Tory MPs there was. Didn't they drop to something like 160? 

Had a look and it was 165! Happy days 

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34 minutes ago, NJS said:

They need to wake up to fact that losing Scotland has made majorities very hard to get. 


Exactly this, Scotland is as dead for labour, maybe even moreso than for the Tories.

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6 minutes ago, Toonpack said:


Exactly this, Scotland is as dead for labour, maybe even moreso than for the Tories.


I remember in 1997 when the Tories were completely eradicated in Scotland and it was much viewed that they'd never take a seat there again. Labour meanwhile of 56 seats. 

22 years later the Tories have 6 seats, Labour has 1. :sad:

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49 minutes ago, Gemmill said:



More smart moves from Truss. NOBODY wants fracking. So let's do fracking but first let's increase the size of earthquakes that it can generate. 






The tories have banned onshore wind farms and solar farms, both of which can be used multipurpose with grasing animals, but now fracking is okay? 


I'm sure it's no coincidence that the biggest reserves are thought to be in the NW of England. Bowland-Hadder area has an estimated 4.0 to 64.0 terratonnes. Even by Toontastic standards, that's quite a range. 

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Can I just clarify something. Fracking has been done for years, it’s completely safe and controllable.


If done offshore, there hasn’t been enough onshore tests done to prove anything.


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7 hours ago, strawb said:

Can I just clarify something. Fracking has been done for years, it’s completely safe and controllable.


If done offshore, there hasn’t been enough onshore tests done to prove anything.


It's safe yes. But they're wanting to do it in areas like the North York moors and  in Scotland etc. It also uses fucking SHITLOADS of water. But that's OK as we have fuck loads of water in the UK

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1 minute ago, strawb said:

I’m not saying I support it lads, but it is safe.


Personally think we should have invested in nuclear years ago, and now be supplementing it with wind and tidal.

Was it Blair that said something about investing in Nuclear and Cameron at the time was no no.  If we had then those would be up now.


Solar is far more productive than wind apparently, but offshore wind and tidal are no brainers to me.  Even offshore solar?

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10 minutes ago, strawb said:

I’m not saying I support it lads, but it is safe.


Personally think we should have invested in nuclear years ago, and now be supplementing it with wind and tidal.

Completely agree about Nuclear. Fracking however..


https://www.wilderness.org/news/article/truth-about-fracking-and-environment#:~:text=Hydraulic fracturing%2C or “fracking%2C,wild landscapes%2C and threaten wildlife.



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1 hour ago, PaddockLad said:

Fracking may or may not be safe, but as far as I can make out we don’t have enough of the correct type of rocks in the UK to make it worth the outlay for the likes of Cuadrilla :cuppa:

I blame Arthur Scargill


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2 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I blame Arthur Scargill


Aah yes…. good old Arthur…. they say at the start of the 84/85 strike he had a large union and a small house, by the end he had a large house and a small union… 

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