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1 hour ago, NJS said:

I read they've done a public survey about alternatives to fptp but are now suppressing it as obviously they don't like the results. 

Quelle surprise!

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5 hours ago, ewerk said:


Your last sentence was about the only thing you got right there.


You don't see how she's done anything wrong other than claiming non-dom status despite being clearly domiciled in the UK? That's the whole point. She's living here but choosing not to pay her taxes here. The UK has a double tax treaty with India so it won't end up with her paying twice. You can't see how the wife of the Chancellor (who clearly wants to be PM) dodging tax in the country which she has made her home isn't completely wrong?

And I'm in agreement, that's how right this post is.

Now I need to go and bleach my fookin fingers.

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5 hours ago, Rayvin said:


They have long since broken my spirit on that front, I should add. Brexit killed off any hope or aspirations I had for this country to be anything other than a shit heap.

Ah that's too negative. 

In a weird way I'm becoming very optimistic of big change a coming. They are fucking up on such a huge scale, with such velocity that even the most rabid supporter may turn. We may actually get change and those fuckers might actually be brave enough to run a PR referendum. 

I dont think the SE middle classes will appreciate the blatent "economy first" push they've had towards going to work in the office during a pandemic - they've realised savings in excess of 100 pounds a week in most cases, by hybrid working. That combined with the monumental fuck up of Quasi kwateng or whatever the fuck he's called - he deregulated power companies, this 50% raise is on him really. Then we've Sunak fucking over small LTD company owners now, this will bite him hard. Not to mention the betrayal of the hardcore I assume vote for them, in the retired bracket.

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22 hours ago, PaddockLad said:

The usual suspects who have an fuckin coronary over the tax status and practices of Lewis Hamilton and Jimmy Carr are strangely quiet this morning...some imbeciles suggesting that as its legal there's nothing wrong...This couple have plainly had a chat about this, should've been when he entered parliament,  should definitely have been had when Sunak became head of the exchequer his wife,living with him at the HM Governments grace and favour residence at 11 Downing Street, is point blank refusing to contribute to despite having lived in the UK for 15 years  .  They probably  thought they'd get away with it,  and they're probably right...


Standing with your back to the lift door isn't illegal, eating a banana from the middle out isn't illegal, closing the door on someone rather than hold it open isn't illegal, wetting your bed because you think Newcastle will be relegated this season isn't illegal.


There are loads of fucking wrong things that aren't illegal.

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Just reading Marina Hyde's article on the Sunak affair - I'm still not overly excited by it I'm afraid, but one thing she did raise that got me pretty fucking annoyed ws this section:


Hard to pick a low point, but I’ll go with the time he turned down the request from the hugely respected educational recovery tsar Kevan Collins for £15bn in pandemic catch-up funding for children. Sunak would only fork out £1.4bn, which isn’t even twice what he spent buying people free burgers with “eat out to help out”. Collins resigned in despair. It emerged that an internal presentation had shown Sunak and others in Downing Street how failure to invest £15bn now in this failed generation of children would result in the state paying upwards of £160bn down the line in welfare and criminal justice. And still Sunak said no, presumably on the basis that that would all be someone else’s problem in the future. 


The Tories are an absolute disgrace. It's unconscionable. It's a total lack of interest in the future of our nation, short termism and more than anything a callous disregard for the lives of the people who our later £160bn will be paid to 'deal with' in some form.

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Turns out he had a green card for six years as an MP. 


For Rayvin's benefit that meant he could opt to pay US taxes instead of UK ones which for the rich are lower. 


Do you see how it works? 

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35 minutes ago, ewerk said:

So it looks like Sunak’s wife has now agreed to pay UK taxes. But of course she did nothing wrong in the first place.

Is she going to pay back-taxes for the millions she’s scammed us for? 



Then kindly fuck off Mrs. Midget-fucker. 

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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Is she going to pay back-taxes for the millions she’s scammed us for? 



Then kindly fuck off Mrs. Midget-fucker. 


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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Is she going to pay back-taxes for the millions she’s scammed us for? 



Then kindly fuck off Mrs. Midget-fucker. 


Aye she's gonna keep the £20m plus in taxes she's saved over the last few years, several of that million while honey I shrunk the Chancellor has been at No. 11. I hope this ends that little cunt's political career, and his marriage when she realises he's not worth paying 40% on £11.5m a year for. 

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3 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Is she going to pay back-taxes for the millions she’s scammed us for? 



Then kindly fuck off Mrs. Midget-fucker. 

Are you daft? They have never fucked.


That midget cunt couldn’t “fuck” someone if his M&S slacks depended on it. 

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Reading that, is the suggestion someone within Johnson’s team is behind it? 

The inference that she’s agreed to start paying tax to avoid being a distraction for him is bollocks too. She’s reluctantly conceded she has to pay them because they’ve been found out. 

Should be £2.1m for every year she’s lived here else the media shouldn’t let up. Sadly I’m sure they will.

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