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Nah, that’s just him any time he faces criticism or is asked to take responsibility which is why he so rarely does sit down interviews. He’s basically an entitled child who feels he’s above the rules.

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44 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Nah, that’s just him any time he faces criticism or is asked to take responsibility which is why he so rarely does sit down interviews. He’s basically an entitled child who feels he’s above the rules.


Where's he got left to turn to now the shit is hitting the fan? The latest polls I have seen suggest the public isn't believing the EU is to blame now we've left. He's increasingly blaming business, well I can't see that working long term. Labour, yeah, 11 years ago now, nobody is buying that. So now he is blaming the public themselves. That's never going to well and will only infuriate people. If that's how he deals with an interview by Marr, he's fucked. The tory long knives will already be being sharpened  imo. 

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10 minutes ago, ewerk said:


Tax dodging fucker.

Needs every penny he can get when moving house.  Obviously the poor cunt must be skint? Hmmmnnnn.

Edited by Howmanheyman
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Urghh. This Sunak speech is appalling. Says the Tories are not idealistic, yeah right. High wage economy, without any road map to get there. But Labour (11 years ago). Blah, blah, blah. Lies, deflection, and more lies. Brexit. UK most exciting place on the planet. What a cunt. 


Anyway, regarding somehow we can magically become a high skilled, high-waged economy by cutting ourselves off from our biggest trading bloc and supply of labour. Can anybody explain to me how this works? People from any country with highly skilled jobs can easily work here if they meet the salary requirements. Meaning there is more competition for these jobs for our graduates and workers. But migrants can't come over for low skilled and low skilled jobs, or deeply unpleasant jobs like working in an abattoir, meaning they have to be filled by UK workers? How does that make sense?

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18 minutes ago, Renton said:

Urghh. This Sunak speech is appalling. Says the Tories are not idealistic, yeah right. High wage economy, without any road map to get there. But Labour (11 years ago). Blah, blah, blah. Lies, deflection, and more lies. Brexit. UK most exciting place on the planet. What a cunt. 


Anyway, regarding somehow we can magically become a high skilled, high-waged economy by cutting ourselves off from our biggest trading bloc and supply of labour. Can anybody explain to me how this works? People from any country with highly skilled jobs can easily work here if they meet the salary requirements. Meaning there is more competition for these jobs for our graduates and workers. But migrants can't come over for low skilled and low skilled jobs, or deeply unpleasant jobs like working in an abattoir, meaning they have to be filled by UK workers? How does that make sense?

duh, we took back control of the shit jobs that no one wants to do so can get the benefit scroungers back to work

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3 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

duh, we took back control of the shit jobs that no one wants to do so can get the benefit scroungers back to work


And now we're finding out this group of scroungers is fictional. 


It was an absolute shit speech like, offered nothing. 

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1 hour ago, Renton said:


And now we're finding out this group of scroungers is fictional. 


Not true sadly, My Mrs deals with them, they are absolutely a minority of the folks on benefits, but it's a canny sizeable minority.

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10 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

Not true sadly, My Mrs deals with them, they are absolutely a minority of the folks on benefits, but it's a canny sizeable minority.


But as Alex I think alluded to, the employability of this minority is extremely questionable. Who would put a hockling charver in a restaurant kitchen or front of house? What skills do these dregs have and what can they realistically be taught? Not to mention issues with seasonality and geography. We had effectively zero unemployment, all the people that wanted to work were, and probably also many that didn't (because it's not easy getting benefits). Now we have huge gaps in the labour market that can't be filled. This will negatively hit productivity, not increase it as Sunak said.,  

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7 minutes ago, Renton said:


But as Alex I think alluded to, the employability of this minority is extremely questionable. Who would put a hockling charver in a restaurant kitchen or front of house? What skills do these dregs have and what can they realistically be taught? Not to mention issues with seasonality and geography. We had effectively zero unemployment, all the people that wanted to work were, and probably also many that didn't (because it's not easy getting benefits). Now we have huge gaps in the labour market that can't be filled. This will negatively hit productivity, not increase it as Sunak said.,  

Accept that, but they could sweep the streets 🙂 Like the owld days

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Well they’ve gone this far down the path of lying, blaming every fucker else and they’ve taken a load of gullible knackers, racists, xenophobes et al along with them. They’re not going to row back now, they’re going to keep going and hope for the best with the help of a right wing press and a Russian-backed cyber campaign of disinformation. It’s worked so far and they’re still ahead in the polls. 

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1 hour ago, Toonpack said:

Accept that, but they could sweep the streets 🙂 Like the owld days

Who’s going to pay for them to do that anyway? There’s fuck all extra in the budget for local authorities. They’re cutting services so they’re not going to suddenly find the money to pay a load of extra people on minimum wage. I realise it wasn’t necessarily a serious suggestion, just highlighting even something like that would be a non-starter. 

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