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Correction, it was Hunt that refused to move. So she can't even sack the Health Secretary that's presiding over the worst crisis the NHS has ever faced. Looks like Trump isnt the only stable genius. 

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So all day long the Conservatives have been tweeting confirming that people will remain in post. Some reshuffle. :lol:


Fucking depressing that Labour are offering nothing here. There should be a general election before the summer here.

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6 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

So all day long the Conservatives have been tweeting confirming that people will remain in post. Some reshuffle. :lol:


Fucking depressing that Labour are offering nothing here. There should be a general election before the summer here.


Aye, Corbyn's invisible man act is ridiculously frustrating.

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5 minutes ago, strawb said:

Is Toby Young the one that wrote an article about having no friends? Apt if so


:lol: he certainly is, only a few of the people invited showed up for his stag do, the guy who arranged it didn't come.


I love that article.


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12 hours ago, Meenzer said:

He's just demonstrating his tactical genius by biding his time. Until, I don't know, he's dead or we're dead or something. :dunno:


Hes quietly allowing the current government to make such a bollocks of this, unopposed, that the only possible solution is a Labour government with him in charge who reverse brexit entirely.



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19 minutes ago, Andrew said:


Hes quietly allowing the current government to make such a bollocks of this, unopposed, that the only possible solution is a Labour government with him in charge who reverse brexit entirely.




Except he was saying the opposite of that last night. He wants us out of the EU and out of the single market.

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11 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

The new Minister for Women opposes the decriminalisation of abortion. I mean fucking hell. Might as well have given it to Rees-Mogg. 

Given that the Health secretary wants to destroy the NHS it seems to be a continuation of the Tory policy of having ministers actively work against the interests they're supposed to be supporting.

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13 minutes ago, ewerk said:


Except he was saying the opposite of that last night. He wants us out of the EU and out of the single market.


You are taking my post too seriously, I'm not Rayvin

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My position has consistently been that Labour have no electorally sound way of reversing the Brexit decision unless the Tories fuck something up so badly that there is a big enough swing in popular opinion. If you guys think they can strong arm the electorate into a remain position at a new election, then fair enough. I suspect they'd lose on that platform as it stands though, and would likely be damaged by their attempts to 'undermine' democracy with their working class voters. Rock and a hard place.


To make that platform work, they would have to basically abandon reaching out to the working classes, and focus on the middle classes. Moreover, they'd have to try to work out how many of the 'pro-Remain' middle classes feel strongly enough about the issue to abandon the LDs or Tories if that's the way they've historically voted. If they managed this, and won an election by pulling over pro-Remain Tories and LDs, whilst at the same time offering sweeteners to some of the working classes to try to make Brexit a secondary issue for them (a challenge in itself, since it would be one message for the middle classes and another for the working classes), then they would suffer at the following election when the single issue middle class voters, having secured Remain, go back to the LDs or Tories. And the working classes who they alienated to get Remain through, don't forgive them.


As I've said many times, I'm happy to hear a cogent and strategic assessment of how they can make this work though? I've stuck to my position on this basically because no fucker has given me one :D


And yes - it is entirely possible that they haven't put this much thought into it. Although given that I've put about an hour's thought into it across several weeks on here, and come up with the above, I'd be rather surprised if NOBODY at Labour had done the same thing. You never know though.

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He says fuck all with a government in absolute shambles then when he does pipe up it's to bang the hard brexit drum. He can get to fuck tbh

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Here's Corbyn yesterday criticising the reshuffle and saying that the government's policies are killing people:




Curious that the only part of his statement that anyone bothered to pay any attention to was the single market stuff though...

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Just now, Alex said:

He says fuck all with a government in absolute shambles then when he does pipe up it's to bang the hard brexit drum. He can get to fuck tbh


Aye, I've had enough now. Fuck him and the Labour party as long as he is leader. The party have successively lost me as an activist, as a member, and now as a voter. I doubt I'm alone, in fact I know I'm not. The country is headed for ruin, and Corbyn is as much, if not more, responsible for this as May. It's unforgivable he can't act as opposition in these times.


He's dreaming of some socialist utopia which is completely unachievable in today's world. Worse, he is happy to sit back as the poor ate massively fucked over 

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2 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

Here's Corbyn yesterday criticising the reshuffle and saying that the government's policies are killing people:




Curious that the only part of his statement that anyone bothered to pay any attention to was the single market stuff though...


Aye, trivial stuff like repeating the lie we can't leave the EU and stay in the SM. So Rayvin, is he a liar or wilfully ignorant? 

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