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I swear this World Economic Forum is just a giant Poor People Roast.


May has just given a speech on her concerns that we don't "loosen the ties that bind our society together leaving some people feeling locked out and left behind."


She criticised business leaders too, saying multinationals need to pull their weight, so I'm almost certain she'll be whacking up corporation tax in the near future...


Joe Biden stood up yesterday and demanded that the 1% pay their share of taxes. You've just been vice president for 8 years dickhead, what have you done about it?


It's basically world leaders trying their hand at stand up. The guffaws must last long and loud into the night when they all discuss their killer jokes over caviar and champers later on.

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I swear this World Economic Forum is just a giant Poor People Roast.


May has just given a speech on her concerns that we don't "loosen the ties that bind our society together leaving some people feeling locked out and left behind."


She criticised business leaders too, saying multinationals need to pull their weight, so I'm almost certain she'll be whacking up corporation tax in the near future...


Joe Biden stood up yesterday and demanded that the 1% pay their share of taxes. You've just been vice president for 8 years dickhead, what have you done about it?


It's basically world leaders trying their hand at stand up. The guffaws must last long and loud into the night when they all discuss their killer jokes over caviar and champers later on.

The cost of this thing is astronomical. A massive jolly for gravy trainers.

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Again shows what a fuckwit Cameron was/is - passes an act to hold an advisory referendum which he then claims he'll trigger himself if necessary without taking the required legal advice.


Best in our lifetimes.

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Not to mention his fucking off to leave the mess to someone else the moment it backfired. And heading up a fucking dreadful campaign where he couldn't even keep his so-called mates in check.

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So in theory MPs can stop Brexit. Can't see it happening tbh but who thought we'd get Brexit and trump in less than six months? :unsure:


Aye, it'll be voted through easily I'd imagine. If it were stopped then it would almost certainly lead to a snap election and there would be a lot of MPs very concerned about voting against their constituency's wishes.

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