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"In a 2017 that’s likely to be pretty bleak, Britain’s political parties don’t have a vast amount to look forward to. Labour is fading away like a wall of bold colours facing a sunny window. UKIP faces an existential crisis scarcely concealed by the party’s bluster. The Conservatives will probably govern for the next decade, but it might be a loveless and grinding affair. The Liberal Democrats feel like they sky’s the limit only because they’ve spent the years since 2010 locked in an electoral dungeon."





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Well, seems pretty inevitable. Hard Brexit, no trading deal and the UK setting itself to become even more of a pro-Oligarchical state than it was previously with the tax haven status.

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So that's a no to a referendum on the final deal then? That's seems very fair. Good to know we're putting our future in the hands of faceless bureaucrats negotiating with the EU. That's what real Brexit means.

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So that's a no to a referendum on the final deal then? That's seems very fair. Good to know we're putting our future in the hands of faceless bureaucrats negotiating with the EU. That's what real Brexit means.

Our elected representatives get the final say, it's only right as they're the cunts who got us into it in the first place :good:



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Arguments with people at work along the lines of me worrying about the consequeces of this shit and they saying "yeah they won't do that though" about everything. They have made it quite clear that they are planning to shaft everybody who works for a living and idiots just think it's posturing. How many times do they have to shaft the fuck out of us before people see what is happening?

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Somebody should tell UKIP's leader the ECHR isn't an institution of the EU so it has got nothing to do with Brexit.

Eh? It's got Europe in its title though

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Our elected representatives get the final say, it's only right as they're the cunts who got us into it in the first place :good:




Or do they?



Britain will leave the EU regardless of whether Parliament backs the particular Brexit deal that Theresa May strikes with Brussels.

Ms May managed to placate some critics in the Commons and Lords by promising Parliament a vote on the Brexit terms she agrees, but sources indicated the country will leave the bloc even if her particular deal is rejected by MPs and Peers.
Such a move would probably mean the hardest kind of Brexit, with the UK leaving the EU without any successor agreement and reverting to World Trade Organisation rules - meaning MPs could be more likely to back whatever terms Ms May manages to achieve. 
Government sources later said that the Prime Minister was "clear, we are leaving the EU" when asked what would happen if Parliament rejected the deal Ms May strikes.
One Tory said: "At the moment most people are pleased that the Commons has been given a vote on the deal.
"But what Theresa May has offered is a choice between on one hand, whatever she puts forward, or on the other most costly, unattractive type of Brexit. It might not be much of a choice."
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When does the willy waving end?

May clitoris waving instead. (It's almost like a small willy these days now she's getting on, it's about the same size as a Boldon based button mushroom, so they reckon).
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