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Yeah, nobody with kids could ever make packed lunch for the next day. :lol: It takes about 5 minutes if that. Not long ago you were buying overpriced produce that you got delivered and involved you cooking meals from scratch. Although I suspect you've scrapped that bollocks tbf

I still Cook a meal from scratch for 4 every night but yeah, the novelty of that thing wore off pretty quick. Bur after that and getting the kids to bed, all I'm thinking about is glass of wine, not getting the next day's lunch ready

Edited by Dr Gloom
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If you've got kids, the last thing you're thinking about is making your packed lunch for the following days work like.


So where else have you cut back? I know you drive a shit car but where does it end? Ditched the cleaner? The mobile phone? Have you started cutting your own hair?

I've been cutting my own hair for years man, mainly cos there's not enough of it left to justify paying someone!


Most of the "saving" just came from working out wtf money was disappearing on every month and deciding that that wasn't a reasonable amount to be spending on x, y or z and stopping doing it and pointing it at the ISA instead. That alone makes a massive difference.


I realise I'm very fortunate to be able to do that btw. Very conscious how easy it is to come across like a cunt when talking about money. :lol:

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So let's say £2.5k a year. If you got yourself a stocks and shares ISA and invested that every month for the next 25 years and the stock market performed as it has historically, you'd have £125k in 25 years. Your actual investment of £2,500 per year would work out at exactly half that amount (£62.5k), so you've doubled your money.


That money would provide you with a sustainable income in retirement of £5k per year at today's prices. Obviously not enough to live on but a nice amount to add to your pension pot (and incidentally twice what you currently spend on scran per year).


And that £5k a month income that you're drawing wouldn't touch the principle, so that would be available to leave to your kids or splurge before you snuffed it.


Obviously you still need dinner, so you can't just cut that spending out altogether, but if you could take your dinner in for a third of the cost, then you're looking at 80 odd grand instead of 125k.


You need to be really enjoying these quinoa pasties to just disregard the above. :razz:

This is why Gemma works in a bank. Beautiful read bro. :)

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I've been cutting my own hair for years man, mainly cos there's not enough of it left to justify paying someone!


Most of the "saving" just came from working out wtf money was disappearing on every month and deciding that that wasn't a reasonable amount to be spending on x, y or z and stopping doing it and pointing it at the ISA instead. That alone makes a massive difference.


I realise I'm very fortunate to be able to do that btw. Very conscious how easy it is to come across like a cunt when talking about money. :lol:

Just need to cut the taxis out innit. :D

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I'm with Gemmill re: wasting money unnecessarily. The correct rationale should be you then spend it on other, better stuff. A tenner a day on something that takes about 5 mins is potty to my way of thinking. 

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Keeps her job as well. Unreal.



You can bet your bottom dollar that wasn't an isolated incident either, disgraceful. This is what happens amongst the top elite, the more corrupt you are the higher the position you attain. Juncker, Blatter, Lagarde etc etc etc....

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If you don't want to retire early, you're either doing something that you love, which is great and good for you, or you don't have enough imagination. Anyone that says they're bored in retirement is a fucking halfwit.

I can't believe it's even up for discussion? Who the fuck wouldn't want the option to retire early if they can? There's no chance I'll be doing my job in 20 years time, if I'm working by then it'll be some piece of piss part time job or maybe a full time role measuring the inner thighs/tits of bravissimo's models. :good:
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I can't believe it's even up for discussion? Who the fuck wouldn't want the option to retire early if they can? There's no chance I'll be doing my job in 20 years time, if I'm working by then it'll be some piece of piss part time job or maybe a full time role measuring the inner thighs/tits of bravissimo's models. :good:

Aye. Maybe it's different if you've found your calling or something (I wouldn't know), but at the very least putting yourself in a position so that you have the money to walk away seems a good idea to me. I'd imagine work feels a lot different when you know you don't NEED to be there. Edited by Gemmill
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I spend about a tenner a day on average I suppose. Sometimes more, sometimes less. There are about 50+ decent places within an easy walk from my office, one of the perks of working in London.


If I'm commuting into the City everyday (one of the shit things about living here) along with all the other rats, I'm fucked if I'm not having a nice dinner prepared by someone else when I get in.

Spending a tenner a day on bait is insanity. You go to work to earn money, not spend it. My only options at work are a shit canteen or an even worse vending machine. My scran hammers anything I'd get from there and is also cheaper. Even if I had a great choice I'd still go with bringing stuff in because petrol money is the only thing I'm spending going to work.
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Gloom's more than comfortably off from what he's said and probably views it as a chance to get a bit of fresh air, check out some flange etc. (we all do it ;) ) so I can see from it from his pov too. But bringing in my own bait is no-brainer for my circumstances. Like you say, better and cheaper than the other options.

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It is lazy, I know I could save money by bringing food in but I don't mind paying for the convenience. There are several shit things about living in London. Everything is expensive, the place is overcrowded and commuting is a nightmare. The trade off is you can earn decent wedge and I personally have no qualms spending a bit of mine on a burrito and a coffee most days of the week

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What are you talking about? There's only Greggs up here!


Every Thursday there's mobile food vendors in the square opposite Greggs.


Zapatista, Fat Hippo Burgers, Tandoori Hut etc.




Last of 2016 was on the 15th.  I haven't seen the schedule for 2017 yet, but always worth checking if owt good is coming.

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A lot of my outgoings are fixed unfortunately



Car, insurance, tax x 2

Bike insurance, tax

Phone contract

Council tax



Life/House insurance

Sky/internet/Phone Line

Tv licence


The savings will start once the cars and phone are paid off. I might switch to freeview once the Sky contract is up too.

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