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Christmas Tree

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I'm reliably told by facebook, the source of all fact based news, that the Queen is paying for this out of the income from her estate. The MSM seems to have verified this but points out that we're giving her a raise in terms of the income she receives (from said estate) from 15% to 25% for 10 years in order to cover this.


I'm more concerned by the decrease in corp. tax to 15%. Where are we going to make up that 5% shortfall from...?

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It's going to be 17%, not 15%. And that is going to be quite a hike for many large companies.


Are large companies on a lower rate than smaller ones? That's totally passed me by if so. Unless you're meaning that they're not going to be able to base themselves elsewhere in the EU and continue trading here, and that this means they're going to have to pay our rate...?


Fair enough on the actual percentage, the Guardian reported 15% for some reason.

Edited by Rayvin
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Are large companies on a lower rate than smaller ones? That's totally passed me by if so. Unless you're meaning that they're not going to be able to base themselves elsewhere in the EU and continue trading here, and that this means they're going to have to pay our rate...?


Fair enough on the actual percentage, the Guardian reported 15% for some reason.


I meant that effectively they pay much less via loopholes and tbh they'll continue to do so. Any further cuts to CT plans would be an attempt to keep businesses in the UK post-Brexit imo. Yet another cost of this ridiculous fucking decision.

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I'm reliably told by facebook, the source of all fact based news, that the Queen is paying for this out of the income from her estate. The MSM seems to have verified this but points out that we're giving her a raise in terms of the income she receives (from said estate) from 15% to 25% for 10 years in order to cover this.


I'm more concerned by the decrease in corp. tax to 15%. Where are we going to make up that 5% shortfall from...?

10 year finance to a 90 year old!


I was thinking about what will happen when she meets her maker the other day and found an article on it. Apparently there'll be some extra national holidays.


Oh and lots of grief and stuff

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I'm reliably told by facebook, the source of all fact based news, that the Queen is paying for this out of the income from her estate. The MSM seems to have verified this but points out that we're giving her a raise in terms of the income she receives (from said estate) from 15% to 25% for 10 years in order to cover this.


I'm more concerned by the decrease in corp. tax to 15%. Where are we going to make up that 5% shortfall from...?

What the question should be is why there is still such a thing as Crown estates in the first place.
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Not wanting to upset you after your sugar rush.


But , whats wrong with that?

I do think Corbyn is a mentalist , however, his advisors here are perhaps bang on.

We need to offer something, we need to produce again - can we rely on financial markets when we look destined to place barriers of trade between us and other financial markets ?


The internet of things is a MASSIVE market and needs British inventiveness like never before. Right now its wide open and been exposed as perhaps THE Achilles heel of the internet as a whole, and our security as a result.


Our R&D into Cyber  Physical Systems is fuelling the NSF and also the Japanese development, at the moment. Say what you like about the British, and it's inexplicable perhaps, but we really do seem to have a natural homegrown ability to lead the world with R&D and our inventiveness.

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how can anyone NOT know what the internet of things is - a simple definition is as simple as you seem to think I am, ewark.


Also, based on voters actions on Buzz words and phrases, I'd rather we did have a political party that tries to use facts and FAILS than the utter dogshit we had with brexit.

Edited by scoobos
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Jeremy Corbyn is an aging hippy and his 'people' clearly thought that they'd knock up a picture of him with a made up quote in order to make him seem less ancient and more modern and in doing so just made him seem ridiculous. How is any of what he said a fact? It's utter nonsense.

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