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The swing went LD, aye. A worrying example of how the anti-tory vote will be split.

It's a bit more complicated than that though. Unless it's a landslide situation as in under Thatcher or indeed Blair, Labour actually needs the Lib dems to win place like Witney to simply reduce tory seats. When I say like Witney, I doubt the tories would ever lose it but there are similar places elsewhere.


One of the reasons Cameron won an unexpected majority was because the collapse of the Lib dem vote meant these kind of places went tory.


Of course as it looks now as I'm sure you're keen to point out, there would be a tory landslide anyway but that may change.

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oh great, heathrow to get a third runway. that'll make my house even quieter and the air in london even fresher. 


In a world where this is happening...




One of the busiest airports on the planet gets another runway.



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Let's be honest, it's not madness as such. It's short termism. Negative consequences are all in the future. May not even affect the people who will benefit from this. Will Theresa May be here in 30 years? Doubtful.


Our short termist, vote chasing bollocks of a democracy just doesn't care.

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this isn't vote chasing though, certainly not in london, as most londoners oppose it. it's a forlorn attempt to try to make it look like britain is open to business post-brexit. 

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this isn't vote chasing though, certainly not in london, as most londoners oppose it. it's a forlorn attempt to try to make it look like britain is open to business post-brexit. 


Weirdly, I'm not convinced that Tories are particularly pro-London... I'm really not sure what they are at the moment, and I'm not certain they're sure either.


But either way, the vote chasing comment was more just a general complaint.

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oh great, heathrow to get a third runway. that'll make my house even quieter and the air in london even fresher.

Where roughly are you?..


Breakfast telly was a hoot this morning with an array of middle class wankers from Teddington doing video blogs at midnight and 6am with the sound of A380s booming away in the background :lol: I understand airlines shouldn't be flying as late or as early as that but they all seemed to miss the point that they'd made the decision to move underneath the fuckin flight path of their own volition...

Edited by PaddockLad
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Let's be honest, it's not madness as such. It's short termism. Negative consequences are all in the future. May not even affect the people who will benefit from this. Will Theresa May be here in 30 years? Doubtful.


Our short termist, vote chasing bollocks of a democracy just doesn't care.

How is this short termist? It's been dragging on for decades having being vetoed by Cameron after getting the go ahead from Brown. It'll take another year to get consent and then will take a decade or more to build.


If the UK wants to host a major international hub airport it should have built at least one extra runway on the Heathrow site years ago, but at least this is something, even if it is a bit late. It should also reduce plane stacking so might not be that environmentally negative. Fine if people want to complain, as long as they're not hypocrites and avoid flying.

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Where roughly are you?..


Breakfast telly was a hoot this morning with an array of middle class wankers from Teddington doing video blogs at midnight and 6am with the sound of A380s booming away in the background :lol: I understand airlines shouldn't be flying as late or as early as that but they all seemed to miss the point that they'd made the decision to move underneath the fuckin flight path of their own volition...

Well exactly but I was too polite to say. ;)


Flight to LA anyone?

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Well exactly but I was too polite to say. ;)


Flight to LA anyone?

I wasn't trying to have a dig at the Doc tbh, it does seem like a lot of London is under the flight path now when it didn't used to be. Even I know though that Teddington and most of west/south west London always has been.

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Where roughly are you?..


Breakfast telly was a hoot this morning with an array of middle class wankers from Teddington doing video blogs at midnight and 6am with the sound of A380s booming away in the background :lol: I understand airlines shouldn't be flying as late or as early as that but they all seemed to miss the point that they'd made the decision to move underneath the fuckin flight path of their own volition...


i'm in dulwich, right under the bastard, which you wouldn't necessarily expect.  it seems to vary as i think they alter the flightpath on certain days, but sometimes on a saturday there's less than 30 seconds between planes roaring overhead. you get used to it after a while and it doesn't wake me up in the morning or anything. it's the pollution that concerns me most - the air quality in london is shit and gatwick would have been a way better option on that score. 

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How is this short termist? It's been dragging on for decades having being vetoed by Cameron after getting the go ahead from Brown. It'll take another year to get consent and then will take a decade or more to build.


If the UK wants to host a major international hub airport it should have built at least one extra runway on the Heathrow site years ago, but at least this is something, even if it is a bit late. It should also reduce plane stacking so might not be that environmentally negative. Fine if people want to complain, as long as they're not hypocrites and avoid flying.


It's short termist because aviation is bad for the environment and the environment is going to hell in a handcart? :D Governments are supposed to take a lead on this. Fair enough on the plane stacking point - if that stands up to scrutiny then great. My point was more that the government just doesn't care about environmental controls because the rewards for doing so are long term. Something that the private sector is also guilty of.

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Where roughly are you?..


Breakfast telly was a hoot this morning with an array of middle class wankers from Teddington doing video blogs at midnight and 6am with the sound of A380s booming away in the background :lol: I understand airlines shouldn't be flying as late or as early as that but they all seemed to miss the point that they'd made the decision to move underneath the fuckin flight path of their own volition...

I saw that and that's pretty much my exact thoughts.

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i think anyone who lives anywhere in london accepts it's a noisy and dirty city but things are bout to get a lot worse. a third runway means the number of flights into heathrow are set to almost double. 

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i think anyone who lives anywhere in london accepts it's a noisy and dirty city but things are bout to get a lot worse. a third runway means the number of flights into heathrow are set to almost double.

I don't think the flights will double. Planes are also less noisy and polluting than they once were and it will reduce stacking where planes constantly circle the capital causing pollution. The runway is being built to the north west of Heathrow so might not affect you that much.


Pretty much every major airport has more than two runways. They should build an extra one on Gatwick too, it's insanely busy for one runway.

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I don't think the flights will double. Planes are also less noisy and polluting than they once were and it will reduce stacking where planes constantly circle the capital causing pollution. The runway is being built to the north west of Heathrow so might not affect you that much.


Pretty much every major airport has more than two runways. They should build an extra one on Gatwick too, it's insanely busy for one runway.


projections are for a increase from just over 400k annual flights currently to about 740k with third runway. so while not quite doubling, it's a sizeable increase in air traffic, and the noise and pollution that brings. 


i don't get why they couldn't have done it in gatwick. 

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It's short termist because aviation is bad for the environment and the environment is going to hell in a handcart? :D Governments are supposed to take a lead on this. Fair enough on the plane stacking point - if that stands up to scrutiny then great. My point was more that the government just doesn't care about environmental controls because the rewards for doing so are long term. Something that the private sector is also guilty of.

If uts not London the capacity will go elsewhere. Do you have any viable alternatives to flying? Short haul can be replaced by rail to an extent (HS2 being an example), but medium and long haul? Should people not fly?

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projections are for a increase from just over 400k annual flights currently to about 740k with third runway. so while not quite doubling, it's a sizeable increase in air traffic, and the noise and pollution that brings.


i don't get why they couldn't have done it in gatwick.

Because Gatwick isn't a hub.

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