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Excellent stuff from Boris tbf. A50 on course, wrapped up before 2 years, free trade is separate to free movement and reminding the member states about what they have to lose if they fuck us about. Music to my ears and worth the slap for talking out of class.


In other news, yougov's latest poll (and I know some of you love polls), shows that 50% of labour vote leaver voters, no longer support labour.


I wonder where they've gone ;)

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Jesus, this bloke is an embarrassment. Cue CT dismissing Schauble's willy waving.


German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble has slapped down Boris Johnson, offering to give him lessons on the EU after Britain’s foreign secretary dismissed key EU principles as “baloney”.


In the latest spat over Brexit, Mr Schäuble responded to an assertion by Mr Johnson that there was no “automatic trade-off” between future British access to the EU’s single market and the UK’s acceptance of free movement of goods, services, capital and labour.


“We’ll happily send her majesty’s foreign minister a copy of the Lisbon treaty,” Mr Schäuble joked at a news conference in Berlin after exchanging a weary glance with Michel Sapin, his French counterpart sitting nearby. “He can then read about the fact that there’s a certain connection between the single market and the four freedoms. At a pinch, I can talk about it in English.”



During a visit to New York this week, Mr Johnson described as “complete baloney” the link between British market access and acceptance of the EU principle of free movement of labour.


Mr Sapin said the EU’s so-called four freedoms are “indivisible” and must be respected.


Making clear his disdain for Mr Johnson, who led the campaign to take Britain out of the EU, Mr Schäuble said he and his French colleague “looked at each other because we are both accustomed to having a high degree of respect for foreign ministers."


The rebuff was the second in two days for Mr Johnson, who was attending the UN General Assembly in New York. On Thursday he said that UK was looking to start formal Brexit talks in early 2017, only for Downing Street to say Prime Minister Theresa May was not committed to any timeframe.


The exchanges highlight the high political tensions surrounding Brexit. Germany has cast itself as close ally of the UK in Europe. But Berlin is anxious that the Brexit process — and the passions inflamed by political debate — should not create fissures among the remaining 27 members.

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Try as I might, I can't bring myself to feel bad about this. The PLP needed their arses handing to them and they got it.


Now let Corbyn succeed or fail on his own terms. At least the electorate are actually going to have to make a choice at the next GE.

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He'll only fail if the most vulnerable are too stupid to vote for him and end up running off to UKIP as CT envisages. If they do that, they deserve the Tories in power.


The more important thing is that we actually have a political debate about what this country should look like within reach now, instead of two parties trying to out-compete each other for the centre-ground with flimsy policy differences.


The Tories will see this as an open goal for the GE but they have to be - have to be - terrified of the possibility that he'll win. That alone could inspire them to enact better policies.

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Behold, the Tories being worried:


Where Corbyn is effective, and which should concern us as Conservatives, is that in 48 hours this week he inspired more people to join the Labour Party than there are members of the Conservative Party nationally. This has grossed the Labour Party almost £5 million, making an activist-rich, left-wing, Momentum-dominated Labour Party a real threat to the Conservatives.

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I'm not sure I believe that. He's only a decent campaign manager away from hoovering up a lot of those votes

The Murdoch press will have him for breakfast if he's still there in 2020. He's unelectable.

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The Murdoch press will have him for breakfast if he's still there in 2020. He's unelectable.

The Murdoch press have been having him for breakfast since before he became leader, and he's just won again with a higher percentage of a larger turnout.

He's not bovvered :lol:

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