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So Mike Huckabee was being interviewed on CNN for his new book God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy — don’t you just hate this sentence so much already? — and the possible presidential contender tried to square his opposition to gay marriage with the growing political reality that it’s no longer the wedge issue it used to be. He doesn’t support gay marriage or “use profanity” (really??) but he’ll be friends with people who do. So nice.


“This is not just a political issue,” he said. “It is a biblical issue. And as a biblical issue, unless I get a new version of the scriptures, it’s really not my place to say, ‘Okay, I’m just going to evolve.’ It’s like asking somebody who’s Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped-shrimp in their deli. … or asking a Muslim to serve up something that is offensive to him or to have dogs in his backyard.”


Except… is it like that? It is in fact perfectly legal to ask a Muslim to have dogs in their backyard. Not sure why you would, but you can ask them if you like, and not only can you ask them, but they themselves can elect to do so — having dogs in your backyard is perfectly legal in America as is eating bacon-wrapped shrimp. Personally, I’d love to do both.


So perhaps what Huckabee meant is that it’s akin to forcing Jews to each a bacon-wrapped shrimp against their will. Which, first of all, why are you not eating the delicious bacon-wrapped shrimp you’re holding in your hand? First thought. My second thought: that would be illegal as it would involve a level of coercion that would probably include assault and any number of other charges depending on how determined you were to offend this poor, hypothetical Jewish deli owner.


That only makes sense in an America where Christians are forced into gay marriages at gunpoint and puppies are, by law, dropped into the backyards of Muslims who strenuously object to the national puppy airdrop program. While slightly appealing on some fronts, I’d have to admit this would be an America I’d oppose.


So I’m left not really knowing what Huckabee means other than that some people don’t eat pork or like dogs for religious reasons all while living in a country where they must accept that they cannot possibly expect the entire nation to be legally prohibited from doing these things simply because they choose not to do them — and in fact believe that they themselves have the right to own dogs and eat pork but are merely choosing to abstain as matters of faith and their own free will and are in no way prevented from doing these things by an overarching legal structure of authoritarian dog and pork enforcement.


So Mike Huckabee supports gay marriage.





Made me chuckle

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While gay marriage is no longer such a monstrous idea to the American public in general it is still a massive no-no within Republican politics which means that there will never be any movement on the issue from a Republican candidate or president.


What is more worrying is that he is basing his views on a book written by men two thousand years ago. But there's nothing new there.

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While gay marriage is no longer such a monstrous idea to the American public in general it is still a massive no-no within Republican politics which means that there will never be any movement on the issue from a Republican candidate or president.


What is more worrying is that he is basing his views on a book written by men two thousand years ago. But there's nothing new there.

The same book within the Bible states you should kill a child who curses either of their parents (along with various other things even right-wing Christian gun nuts like Toonpack don't even adhere to ;) ). It's just cherry-picking to excuse their homophobia imo.

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Christianity is still being used as a cover for homophobia here in Northern Ireland where the Health Minister refuses to allow gay men to donate blood despite having no medical evidence to support him. The previous Health Minister also agreed with the ban, in addition to rejecting the theory of evolution.


They also want to introduce a conscience clause into the Equality Act, meaning that everyone is treated equally, unless they're gay, in which case they can fuck off.


It's no wonder this country is in the state it is in.

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Mind, the 12-month deferral period in the rest of the UK is fairly arbitrary. But it's still quite a recent change so I suppose you've got to look at it as a move in the right direction. Shame NI isn't following, tbs, tbs.

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'There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children.'


From our own First Lady and former MP (who was subsequently found to be having an affair with a 19 year old for whom she was encouraging supporters to offer 'business donations' to.


Where else in the civilised world would you get it? (Apart from USA obviously)

Edited by ewerk
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