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What brand of tea do you drink

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I can't bear tea. I'm no great lover of coffee either but I could drink a cup if it's packed full of cream and sugar. :lol: 


I'm drinking hot blackcurrant juice on arrival at work at the minute, to get the feeling back into my fingers. 

:lol: On arrival at nursery did you say?

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I never drank tea or coffee as a kid. My mam was a tea drinker and I always thought it was a bit minging. Then when I joined the cooncil at 21 all they did was drink tea and coffee. :lol:


Circumstance means I've only ever worked in one office in this country. They adopted the tea-making approach rightly bemoaned earlier in this thread - dipping the teabag into the water for a few seconds before discarding it and adding industrial quantities of milk and sugar.


Point. Thoroughly. Missed.



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I never drank tea or coffee as a kid. My mam was a tea drinker and I always thought it was a bit minging. Then when I joined the cooncil at 21 all they did was drink tea and coffee. :lol:

A mate of mine lost his testicles from a bit of shrapnel in the Falklands, he is also allergic to caffeine. He got a job with Newcastle City Council and had to declare his medical condition. When he was told he was successful and had landed the job he asked what time he started in a morning? "Everyone else starts at 9am prompt till 5pm but you can start at 11am instead" the Manager said. My mate asked why this was? "Because we stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls for the first couple of hours every day and that'll be no good to you".

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A mate of mine lost his testicles from a bit of shrapnel in the Falklands, he is also allergic to caffeine. He got a job with Newcastle City Council and had to declare his medical condition. When he was told he was successful and had landed the job he asked what time he started in a morning? "Everyone else starts at 9am prompt till 5pm but you can start at 11am instead" the Manager said. My mate asked why this was? "Because we stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls for the first couple of hours every day and that'll be no good to you".

Boom boom! Oldie but goodie! :lol:

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i famously bought an oxo cube for £15 at Reading 95, didn't smoke that well.

I 'bought' a couple of segments of Yorkie bar wrapped in foil from some kids in Toxteth once, for about 50 quid. I realised what it was right away but let's say I was under considerable duress to complete the transaction.


To this day I still fantasize about killing those fuckers.

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Standing in a field talking to some youthful lad and he goes 'they've got absolutely no mdma in them but they're only 3 quid' to which i replied 'give us 10 then'.


My mates still bring that up as evidence of my idiocy.


Bought some oregano in cruddas park once. \


I dont drink tea.

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