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US election 2016

Happy Face

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Anyway a whole bunch of pastors and ministers were up in Trump Tower during the nomination race when their leading choice was Ted Cruz who is a devout Christian and they grilled the Donald about this and that and they went back to their communities and started telling everyone that Donnay was the man...A few weeks later Cruz dropped out and later of course Cruz stared helping Trump during the Presidential campaign. There was a lot more going on behind the Trump campaign than a lot of us realized.

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@@Park Life


"I love listening to red neck phone ins and the last couple of weeks it was really amped up...."Chosen by god" etc."




Bachman has pinpointed 8:30! Absolute nutter!




When I was a kid...I once said a prayer and it came true. Genuinely. 


1-3 Down to Leicester at home playing some bizarre fucking 3-5-2 bollocks, on comes Shearer, 3 goals in about 10 minutes. :pray:

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Donald Trump's campaign team appears to have removed a press release from his website, in which the now-president-elect promised to ban Muslims from entering the United States.


The release appears to have been taken down sometime after the morning of Nov. 8, election day in the United States. Links to the page now redirect to Trump's homepage.





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