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cloud music streaming


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As usual, am behind the curve somewhat tech wise, so after recently coming into posession of an iPad, I thought it would be a piece of piss to upload my iTunes library to the icloud, which hasn't really worked as I've never bought any music through iTunes and apparently all the cds I've uploaded to iTunes won't be accepted by the icloud? If this is the case, can anyone recommend a cloud service that will let me upload about 8gb worth of randomness?...

Edited by PaddockLad
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Use google music. 20k songs for free and then get the gmusic 2 app on your ipad for £1.49 and you're sorted.


You'll need to do the upload through your PC, but once it's done you can access your full library through your ipad.

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How is ios7/siri for voice activated music?


Had my granny in law in the car the other day. Asked who her favourite singer was and told Google now to "play Harry Belafonte"...seconds later we were rocking to the mighty jungle. She thought she was living a real life Star Trek :D



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Use google music. 20k songs for free and then get the gmusic 2 app on your ipad for £1.49 and you're sorted. You'll need to do the upload through your PC, but once it's done you can access your full library through your ipad.

Cheers :good: ended up using the link in this gmusic-a-native-google-music-app-for-iphone/ 69p on iTunes, already had all my tunes uploaded to google play, they all uploaded to the app in seconds, very pleased :D


How is ios7/siri for voice activated music?Had my granny in law in the car the other day. Asked who her favourite singer was and told Google now to "play Harry Belafonte"...seconds later we were rocking to the mighty jungle. She thought she was living a real life Star Trek :D

Not tried Siri yet, tried voice activation on a phone once, felt like I was Partrigde in his Lexus with his headphones on,dictating programme ideas,so felt a bit of a twat tbh.....


Is there any way of deleting Bruno Brookes from my cassettes as when I pressed 'play/record' at the start of an intro to a song the cunt would start blethering on and ruin the song?

Has he been in the news lately?....best off arresting anyone who worked at radio 1 in the 70s & 80s iyam for this sort of carry on, shocking

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