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Cameron wants answers From Ashley!

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(Neil at the Chronny, not Dave).


Ten questions we want to ask Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley



Mike Ashley wasn’t available for interview yesterday.


Meanwhile, in other news, night followed day, followed night


The man who owns Newcastle United doesn’t do interviews. He doesn’t even have a right-hand man at the club any more to act as his mouthpiece.


Football journalists whose job it is to cover the club – and this newspaper in particular – are constantly criticised by supporters for not asking the hard questions.


They, quite rightly, demand to know what is going on at St James’ Park during these troubled and peculiar times.


But who do we ask these hard question to? Alan Pardew, with the best will in the world, is only the manager. He can’t say what his boss is thinking.


As for Joe Kinnear, the director of football, he can’t sign anyone or pronounce the name of existing players, never mind anything else.


No the buck – and he has almost three billion of them – stops with Ashley and we can’t get near him.


But after the summer transfer window closed without the club spending a single penny on a permanent player – which might be a first for any Premier League outfit – we need to ask the owner these hard questions.


Even if there is little chance of receiving any sort of reply.


1. Do you actual like owning Newcastle United?


Let’s start with an obvious one. It seems to me that you bought the club on a whim because it looked like jolly larks having your own Premier League team.


You drank pints with the fans, stood with the travelling support and enjoyed the adulation for a bit.


But then it went sour. Bad decisions, bad results and an awful relegation.


You wanted to sell and nobody wanted to take the club off your hands.


We are now a few years down the line and there is not the smallest hint that you take any enjoyment of being the owner of Newcastle United.


You seem unwilling or at least incapable of strengthening the playing squad, which leads everyone to think that the club is a tool to promote Sports Direct and nothing else.


Do you feel as if it’s a burden.


You are a fantastically rich man. It’s not like being left with a mortgage you can’t pay. You can walk away any time you like. Just a thought.


2. Are you actively trying to sell the club?


If so, do you have an asking price or anyone lined up as a potential buyer? From the outside looking in, that would appear to be your plan.


Can I even go one further and enquire whether Rangers is next on your list? That is certainly the strong rumour doing the rounds in Glasgow since you became the third biggest shareholder.


It would make a lot of sense because Rangers might be in the grubber now, but they will recover soon enough and that club has the potential to be a real cash cow.


Will you only walk away if the next man is willing to pay over the odds?


3. Please explain Joe Kinnear.


Honestly, at least try.


If I were being a cynic, I would suggest your friend is only there to put pressure on the manager.


His job was to sign players. He didn’t sign anyone – Loic Remy can hardly be described as his bit of business.


In any other walk of life, this would surely mean at worst a sacking, or at best a severe reprimanding.


As a successful and hard-nosed businessman, it seems odd to keep on a man who has quite obviously failed.


Or is Kinnear there for another reason?


4. Are you deliberately ostracising Alan Pardew?


Because that’s what it looks like.


In public he has spoken time and again about getting players over the line. He has been left high and dry.


Is this a tactic or incompetence on the part of Kinnear? Is the manager being forced out the door?


If the DoF has done nothing wrong, then you are obviously happy with going into the rest of the season with a weaker squad than ended last season.


Managers gets sacked for bad results.


If Pardew goes, is Kinnear his replacement?


5. Do you care whether Newcastle win or lose? Does a result, good or bad, affect your mood?


This is important. The fans live and breath this great football club. They are suffering right now.


Did you sleep after last season’s derby defeat? Did you go in a bad mood after the humiliation at Liverpool?


Or does it not make a blind bit of difference?


6. Why do you believe Newcastle supporters don’t deserve to know what you are up to?


Rich men are not known for their empathy, this is true.


But there are 50,000 people who pay good money, many of them who can ill afford it, into your coffers every home match.


If they all disappeared, Newcastle United would be nothing.


Surely to goodness they should be kept informed.


I don’t mean revealing every minute of every meeting, but a bit of transparency would not hurt.


Unless you have something to hide, of course.


7. What’s that website all about?


You know, the Sports Direct News one that had Manchester United buying Yohan Cabaye on Monday night, and Newcastle in for Wayne Rooney a while back.


It does you no service at all. It’s an embarrassment, in case you didn’t know. Shut it down.


8. Is annoying the supporters something you enjoy?


Wonga, changing the name of the stadium, the appointment of Kinnear.


Surely you knew what the reaction would be when those decisions became public. Many fans believe these are deliberate ploys to anger them. If that’s the case, it’s working.


If not, then who told you that any of these choices were good ones?


9. Have we got this all wrong and in fact there is a grand plan?


The thing is, Mike, nobody knows what you are up to. We can guess, but that’s really all it is, a guess.


And when there is a vacuum, it tends to be filled with nagativity.


Maybe you can see the way English football is going. Perhaps you have worked out that the bubble is about to burst and the other rich owners are getting bored and will leave the clubs with huge debts. And then Newcastle rise to the top.


Do you know something we don’t? Is the club strategy in place because all your competitors are teetering on the brink?


If so, well played. If not, please see points one to eight.


10. And finally, how much do you pay the North East Press pack to write nice things about you?


This is one straight from the websites and social media.


The fans would like to know what it costs to ensure us lot don’t criticise you, although I personally can’t remember one piece appearing that has praised you.


If you could come out and admit that, in fact, you have no influence on the written media at least, then that would be nice.

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Was gonna say what a shitty set of questions/article for a professional journalist, then question 10 made me realise it's just been printed to appease online trolls with the sort of questions THEY would like to ask, despite all the answers being in the public domain.

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Was gonna say what a shitty set of questions/article for a professional journalist, then question 10 made me realise it's just been printed to appease online trolls with the sort of questions THEY would like to ask, despite all the answers being in the public domain.

Written like someone who is getting old and fast. You're only 33. I think there's fuck all wrong with that at all, and he's just for once being a journalist who is in touch with the fans thoughts.
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I know it's been said before but Ashley is a business man and he's had his fingers burned buying the club but sort of accepted it for a while whilst he drank and watched games with fans.Through his bad decisions he is not wanted by fans so now he's wearing his business hat only so why should he be interested in what we think.He want's his money back and that's all he's thinking about.

Pardew has a press conference every Friday so why doesn't a journalist ask such questions through Pardew and if they are not answered,then tell us .

Edited by essembeeofsunderland
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Written like someone who is getting old and fast. You're only 33. I think there's fuck all wrong with that at all, and he's just for once being a journalist who is in touch with the fans thoughts.


As a fan...


1. I don't give a shit if Mike Ashley enjoys owning the club.

2. I know he is not actively looking to sell the club.

3. I know Joe Kinnear cannot be justified.

4. I can see with my own eyes Ashley is treating Pardew like a mug.

5. I know he doesn't give a shit about single results, he'd prefer us to win, but as long as we do enough to stop up over a season he won't lose sleep.

6. Because he owns the club.

7. It's a site to drive traffic to his store and advertise his brand. It's not a reputable news organisation.

8. The fans are insignificant, he's running a business as he wants.

9. He (or the club) has articulated the plan repeatedly. Break even, top 10 is the height of ambition.

10. See 8. Doesn't care what the fans think. Doesn't communicate with reporters.


If Mike Ashley sat down with Cameron and answered every question honestly, there'd be hell on. If he gave good PR answers, it would be worse.


The best thing this regime have done is stop talking bollocks and just let fans judge them on their actions.

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As a fan...


1. I don't give a shit if Mike Ashley enjoys owning the club.

2. I know he is not actively looking to sell the club.

3. I know Joe Kinnear cannot be justified.

4. I can see with my own eyes Ashley is treating Pardew like a mug.

5. I know he doesn't give a shit about single results, he'd prefer us to win, but as long as we do enough to stop up over a season he won't lose sleep.

6. Because he owns the club.

7. It's a site to drive traffic to his store and advertise his brand. It's not a reputable news organisation.

8. The fans are insignificant, he's running a business as he wants.

9. He (or the club) has articulated the plan repeatedly. Break even, top 10 is the height of ambition.

10. See 8. Doesn't care what the fans think. Doesn't communicate with reporters.


If Mike Ashley sat down with Cameron and answered every question honestly, there'd be hell on. If he gave good PR answers, it would be worse.


The best thing this regime have done is stop talking bollocks and just let fans judge them on their actions.

All he's doing is asking questions many of us want answered, nothing wrong with his piece at all, apart from people stuck in dead end jobs who are jealous of his position, and think they could do better due to some ridiculous pseudo-intellectual mentality.
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All he's doing is asking questions many of us want answered, nothing wrong with his piece at all, apart from people stuck in dead end jobs who are jealous of his position, and think they could do better due to some ridiculous pseudo-intellectual mentality.



Stevie man there is 1) no way Newcastle will even respond to iot, 2) the questions asked aren't the questions that we'd want answers to anyway, 3) It's more about the author saying that he's one of us than it is any real attempt to get to the truth


It's a rant in questionnaire form. That's all.

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This I reckon would be his answers...

1. Only as a marketing vehicle.

2. Yes.

3. Curve ball.

4. He knows his role. Last season gave me pause for thought, he became a danger to the business.

5. The results are important only in so far as they impact the business.

6. I saved this club, that's all they need to know.

7. It's brand positioning.

8. Honestly...Dry yer eyes mate.

9. To make a profit every season and have a club that is self-sustaining. Lambiarse has said this over and over again...Open your ears.

10. I've made a billion from nothing, what people think of me is not something I give a seconds thought to.

Edited by Park Life
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Is this for the print edition or the online blog bit?

Fair play for them for biting back anyway.


There's a weird relationship with the local press. Readership is in the toilet and many of the remaining loyal readers buy it solely for the news about the club that they love. They do this as the local journo's have an 'in' with the club. Think of Alan Oliver and his inside source. Even up until last season, George Caulkin was able to pick up the phone to Lambias and get a lead on things.


It seems with Kinnear and a new found distrust and lack of communication with the press, that they're losing patience. It happened with Oliver as well.

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All he's doing is asking questions many of us want answered, nothing wrong with his piece at all, apart from people stuck in dead end jobs who are jealous of his position, and think they could do better due to some ridiculous pseudo-intellectual mentality.


The way you chase Ryder about there's only one of us jealous of anyone at the chronicle mate


It's hand-wringing, howling at the moon stuff. Glad it gave you a warm glow though.


I would ask if he intends to reduce the debt any further than the £27 million being paid back to cover relegation. The fact he was doing that was made clear in the accounts, but no indication whether he still plans to leave the remaining £100m odd as an outstanding interest free loan.


If not then we will have a large cash surplus at the end of this season. If so, then we have another 4 or 5 years of paying it down to get debt free.

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The main misunderstanding here is that we didn't fully understand at first ( I do now) that his mentality is completely different to say the oligarchs or generational money of the yanks or the oil money of the arabs. Most of them got given theirs or they were part of some elite and grew up with money. Ashley made his from scratch....That is a completely different ball game. Oil and gas money isn't real and thus is spent in fantasy amounts with seemingly endless supplies of it to come...Ashley understands the value of money and he will never throw it around. That's where he is mentally imho. Franky there is nothing wrong with that. He might be crude and have little idea of the impact of his descision making on supporters and so on...He might have little insight into the traditions of a club like ours, but in all honesty he didn't make his money by being nice or particularly self-aware.

Edited by Park Life
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If everyone knew the squad was strong enough to finish top 10 at the start of the summer, why appoint a Director of Football?

Especially one that's seen more heart attacks than most aorta surgeons, who hasn't been involved in football for 4 years.
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If everyone knew the squad was strong enough to finish top 10 at the start of the summer, why appoint a Director of Football?

To destabalise Pardew and Graham Carr. They had got too cosy and had wishlists and this dynamic concerned Ashley...He doesn't really trust Pardew on players and he doesn't really want to spend money every window reagarless of first team needs. He sensed a kind of coalition developing against him...

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The main misunderstanding here is that we didn't fully understand at first ( I do now) that his mentality is completely different to say the oligarchs or generational money of the yanks or the oil money of the arabs. Most of them got given theirs or they were part of some elite and grew up with money. Ashley made his from scratch....That is a completely different ball game. Oil and gas money isn't real and thus is spent in fantasy amounts with seemingly endless supplies of it to come...Ashley understands the value of money and he will never throw it around. That's where he is mentally imho.

I dont know, within that there is the implicit view that is common amongst Americans that making lots of money somehow translates to some underlying value in the character. I dont agree, i've met people who earn hundreds of millions who are thick as fucking pigshit and total arseholes. Mid-west, mid-size business owners who make money from selling some shit widget in some shit process that for some reason has made their fortune.


Its entirely plausible that Ashley is both 1) not that clever and 2) a total fucking arsehole who thinks because he has money that the thought process he just had must be a good one. Its entirely plausible that when pissed, Joe talks a good enough game to convince Ashley that he can do a job for him and that Ashley is stupid enough to believe it. its further plausible there was a bit of cash to spend (certainly seemed like it) but that the ineptitude of the total arseholes in charge meant they failed in their task.

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