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Ayatollah Hermione

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There was an argument on facebook about whether or not British TV could make Breaking Bad which ended when somebody pointed out he would have just got the treatment on the NHS.



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Well old misery chops here wasn't impressed. A very cliched end with all the boxes ticked and no doubt keeping most of the fans happy.


I still think that Ozymandias was a superb brutal ending and such a great show didn't need the Hollywood style tie up.


Sad it's over :(


So you wanted:-


Skylar imprisoned for Walt's misdeeds

Flynn a homeless orphan due to Walt's misdeeds

Holly a homeless orphan due to Walt's misdeeds

Hank dead due to Walt's misdeeds

Marie widowed due to Walt's misdeeds

The Nazi's to escape with tens of millions

Badger & Skinny Pete to get nothing

Jesse to be held perpetual prisoner in tortuous conditions

Walt (who caused all this misery) to leave with his money to himself but to die off screen from his cancer in a couple of months


Wheras the professionals who created the show decided it should be....



Skylar gets a deal to walk free with millions of dollars coming to her soon

Flynn gets to keep his mam and sister and has millions coming his way too

Holly gets to keep her mam and brother and has millions coming her way too

Hank dead due to Walt's misdeeds

Marie widowed due to Walt's misdeeds

The Nazi's wiped out

Badger & Skinny Pete get a few thousand each to enjoy

Jesse wins his freedom

Walt (who caused all this misery) is killed, while redeeming himself to some extent


Why you no write one of the greatest US tv shows in 30 years? :D

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Also, if I was being really critical, the whole bit about Walt having the car keys taken off him and then trying to get them off the pool table failed to build any sort of tension for me.

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So you wanted:-


Skylar imprisoned for Walt's misdeeds

Flynn a homeless orphan due to Walt's misdeeds

Holly a homeless orphan due to Walt's misdeeds

Hank dead due to Walt's misdeeds

Marie widowed due to Walt's misdeeds

The Nazi's to escape with tens of millions

Badger & Skinny Pete to get nothing

Jesse to be held perpetual prisoner in tortuous conditions

Walt (who caused all this misery) to leave with his money to himself but to die off screen from his cancer in a couple of months

Wheras the professionals who created the show decided it should be....



Skylar gets a deal to walk free with millions of dollars coming to her soon

Flynn gets to keep his mam and sister and has millions coming his way too

Holly gets to keep her mam and brother and has millions coming her way too

Hank dead due to Walt's misdeeds

Marie widowed due to Walt's misdeeds

The Nazi's wiped out

Badger & Skinny Pete get a few thousand each to enjoy

Jesse wins his freedom

Walt (who caused all this misery) is killed, while redeeming himself to some extent


Yes, hadn't I made that clear? :lol:

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Yes, hadn't I made that clear? :lol:



You should watch requiem for a Dream. That's ridiculously dark to the point of comedic too. You'd enjoy it.


I think that would work as an excellent season finale. Not as a series finale though. Basically saying at the end of it all Walt ran away. Which is a total cop out.

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Also, if I was being really critical, the whole bit about Walt having the car keys taken off him and then trying to get them off the pool table failed to build any sort of tension for me.

Agreed. Time was obviously a factor though.

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that was one scene that wasn't really needed i thought - the close up of the ricin going into her drink told you everything you needed to know.

Don't think it was in there to tell you that Walt had killed her as (as you say) that was completely clear. It was more to do with Walt making sure that she knew that he'd killed her.


The worst of it really was Walts plan to kill the Nazi's. Given that he was trying to convince them he had another way for them to make the Meth, he was more than a bit lucky that they chose to have the meeting with him in the room they did and that they were all stood up (or none of them managed to hit the deck) rather than them taking him to where Jessie was cooking. Whilst I can believe that Walt was more than capable of creating the devise that he used he was always going to be banking on a shit load of luck for it to work.


Not that this spoilled it in the slightest for me but if you're looking for holes that's the major one for me.

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You should watch requiem for a Dream. That's ridiculously dark to the point of comedic too. You'd enjoy it.


I think that would work as an excellent season finale. Not as a series finale though. Basically saying at the end of it all Walt ran away. Which is a total cop out.

I understand why they did it etc etc and as I've said, it satisfies most no doubt. I just think the last two episodes were writing by numbers rather than the superb stuff that led up to them.


Sometimes it's nice to think well what happens next, what about this one or that.


Ie Sopranos left everything wide open.


This was too nicely tidied for me. (Maybe it's worse for me having thought I sat through "the ending" two episodes back.

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Aye, boxed yourself in a bit with your mistaken thoughts on when it was ending.

I might be in the minority but I'm not alone.


From the Los Angeles a Times


"But given everything that Walt had been through, and put us through, over these 62 episodes, I think I might have preferred the whole package be wrapped in a bow that wasn't so tight...It's a more cathartic, upbeat conclusion than if the series had ended with Walt getting into Robert Forster's van or living alone in that snowy cabin, but is it ultimately a more fitting one for this series?"



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Hardly a contrary view when I stated it two weeks before the finale ;)

You're the only person on the internet that didn't like it.


You're the only Newcastle fan on the internet that reckons mike Ashley is a football genius.


You're the only person on the internet that can lose weight while eating curry pasta followed by a 10 egg omelette and Ferraro rochets

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You're telling porkies porky, if you're going to quote do it properly i read that one the other day, it was from some site called hitsfix or something, the LA Times had a list of quotes from a host of sites, the vast majority of which contradicting that one




Mary McNamara, the Los Angeles Times:

“Not only did Vince Gilligan's five-season, hyper-violent prose poem to midlife male frustration tie up virtually every loose end in sight, it contained the Holy Grail of all storytelling: an Actual Moment of Truth. And not just this particular story's truth, but one that extended to the beloved and bloated genre Gilligan both elevated and mocked.”

Alessandra Stanley, the New York Times:

"Perhaps the best thing about the finale of “Breaking Bad” is that it actually ended. So many shows, notably “The Sopranos” and “Lost,” have gone dark without anything approaching finality. Here, the writers were so determined to not leave unfinished business that the last episode was called “Felina,” an anagram of finale. And almost every loose end was tied. In some cases, a little too tightly, and in others, not quite as much."

I'm not sure of your point. I agree with the critic (regardless if he doesn't work for the site it was printed on), that it was all neatly tied up with a bow / cherry on top.


I also accept my view while correct, is in the minority.



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The Breaking Bad Insider Podcast is a canny listen as Vince Gilligan and other crew members are on it. :up:

Listened to the last one today. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this, can't believe I haven't heard any of them before. Really think I might go back and listen to them all at least for season 4 / 5.


Loved hearing about his old scripts / original concepts for plots. Makes me want to buy the box set to see all the extra's, its gotta be filled with some great stuff for such an amazing series

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