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Three things you'd like to change about yourself.

Park Life

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Not to be so good in bed because I think the amount of orgasms I give my lass is taking the shine off them a bit.


Not be so handsome, I feel guilty sitting in a pub/restaurant or wherever and some blokes lass can't stop fizzing every time she looks over in my direction.


Stop putting myself down all the time.

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My lack of patience with certain people


My inability to not get involved with the incessant bitching at work


The horrendous lack of fruit or veg in my diet

It's difficult to get proper fruit and veg anyway...I mean stuff that isn't full of dodgy fertilizer and pesticide...

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Not to be so good in bed because I think the amount of orgasms I give my lass is taking the shine off them a bit.


Not be so handsome, I feel guilty sitting in a pub/restaurant or wherever and some blokes lass can't stop fizzing every time she looks over in my direction.


Stop putting myself down all the time.

I read somewhere women get uptight if they have too many orgasms. ;)

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Be less lazy.


I should probably be more sociable, but I just can't be fucked with people most of the time.


I wish I could take more of an interest at work too, but the place bores the fuck out of me so I always resort to doing the bare minimum required to get by.

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Be more patient with the increasing number of stupid people in the world and accept not everyone is graced with common sense


Enjoy more activities with the kids


Drink more water



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Be less lazy.


I should probably be more sociable, but I just can't be fucked with people most of the time.


I wish I could take more of an interest at work too, but the place bores the fuck out of me so I always resort to doing the bare minimum required to get by.

First two are me to a tee.


As for a third it would probably be having the ability to finish something I start.

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I'm pretty vain and shallow and I tend to judge people on how they look. Not a great quality, and one I'd like to change.


So for example we've had a few interns working with us lately. The fat heffer I found irritating, yet I always found time to help the fit one.


I'm probably not alone on this one but i wish i didn't sound like such a moron after a few drinks. Just been editing a wedding video I shot for my sister in law. I give a running commentary during the speeches. sounding like one of beavis or butthead. Sack the cameraman basically.

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:lol: I think we picked up that first one in the height/weight thread G.


yup, i'm a textbook narcissist.


it's not a nice quality but i bet i'm not the only one on here that's more likely to give time to an attractive lass than a fat ugly one. it's called having a dick.

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yup, i'm a textbook narcissist.


it's not a nice quality but i bet i'm not the only one on here that's more likely to give time to an attractive lass than a fat ugly one. it's called having a dick.

That's not narcissism though. All people, not just men, give more time to better looking people. Its a known phenomena.

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Deviate from my routine occasionally. It must seem fairly pathetic to others that I eat/exercise/do other things in such a rigid routine. I feel like I fall apart without it, but I'm sure I could be a little more laid back and lighten up at times.


Be more sociable. I certainly don't see enough of my friends and I almost never arrange anything, always leave it up to them to ask me to do something.


Not fly off into a rage at the most tiny things. I get far too easily irritated by stupid people, things that won't cooperate, etc.

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Deviate from my routine occasionally. It must seem fairly pathetic to others that I eat/exercise/do other things in such a rigid routine. I feel like I fall apart without it, but I'm sure I could be a little more laid back and lighten up at times.


Be more sociable. I certainly don't see enough of my friends and I almost never arrange anything, always leave it up to them to ask me to do something.


Not fly off into a rage at the most tiny things. I get far too easily irritated by stupid people, things that won't cooperate, etc.

Routines are generally good as long as you are aware of them.

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That's not narcissism though. All people, not just men, give more time to better looking people. Its a known phenomena.

Right, I'm a narcissist because I'm too caught up the wonder that is Gloom. probably more vain than most.


I'm shallow because I judge others on how they look.


I'm not particularly proud of either trait.

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1. I'd like to dance more than I am comfortable with.

2. I'd like to listen to as much music as I used to.

3. I'd like to watch as many films as I used to.


1 requires a drug intake I'm not keen on. 2 & 3 are an acceptable loss in having a family... But one which I always wanted to avoid.

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1. sex with supermodels (too much, I'm tired, ladies)


2. Better at drawing hands


3. Shake the crippling fear of mortality, the death of ego and the great expanse.

Death can't touch you like life can.

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