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bad backs

Dr Gloom

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screwed my back at the gym yesterday. felt a small tweak doing burpees. didn't think it was anything serious then went to bend down to grab a bottle of water about 10 minutes later and felt it go. been hobbling around like an old man ever since. pain probably on the 8/10 scale. went to the physio earlier, hoping i'd be told what the problem was and how long it would take to heal. instead i was told my lower back muscles are in spasm and i have acute pain (no shit), but that lower backs are complicated and it's difficult to diagnose without a scan.


she did say the clinical examination suggested it was likely a strain or sprain rather than disc damage, the acute pain should last for a few days until the swelling goes down; the time to be worried is if the acute pain is still there after a week or so. i can't exercise for at least a week, potentially a lot longer depending on the severity of the injury. just got to rest and do a few stretches.


anyone else on here suffered with bad backs before? i know tooj has had ongoing problems with his. how long have you been out of commission through bad back injuries? how debilitating have you found them? i've had back ache before and stiffness generally in the lower back area but never anything like this. i've been well into my training recently; it's fucking annoying when an injury like this comes along and stops you in your tracks.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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You're body fat % is going to be on the up now :lol:


Hope the back gets better soon though


i'm nice and lean now but will no doubt be doing my best CT impersonation if this keeps me out for long.

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i know tooj has had ongoing problems with his. how long have you been out of commission through bad back injuries? how debilitating have you found them?

It's been two years for me now and I'm in excruciating pain every single day. Although it's not just my back too it's also my neck and all down my right arm as well. I can basically do fuck all. :lol:


I hope you get it sorted as it's been a nightmare for me.

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It's been two years for me now and I'm in excruciating pain every single day. Although it's not just my back too it's also my neck and all down my right arm as well. I can basically do fuck all. :lol:


I hope you get it sorted as it's been a nightmare for me.

Jesus. How did it happen? Was it a sports injury? Have they said what caused it or how long it might take to heal?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was T-boned 12 years ago by some complete moron from Penshaw, a genuine mouth breather. He drove through a STOP sign straight into my passenger side at 30 mph. Had there been anyone in the passenger seat they would have been killed. My car was written off, my lateral whiplash has been challenging and it is getting worse as I get older. I am always in some pain and discomfort, mostly I can function however I manage my lifestyle very carefully to avoid episodes as the merest thing can set it off. When I say manage my lifestyle I have given up most things which involve extending the neck, scuba diving being the most notable (I was an instructor). 18 months ago I swatted a fly with a teatowel and ended up on my back in bed for 3 days. A few weeks ago I slipped on my front step and put it out, and of course each time it's worse than previously. During these episodes the pain goes up to an 8 or 9 and I struggle to do anything, on or off medication. This is the shite side of self employment.


I go back around the diagnosis loop every 2 or 3 years but this time I am going private as the NHS seems geared toward treating the symptom not the cause. My GP prescribes me with Tramadol, Valium and Codeine to manage the pain. The Tramadol doesn't touch the sides but I do find the valium helps. Codeine makes work and sleep impossible as well as playing havoc with your digestive system. Cannabis is good for the pain and I am going to ask my GP to refer to a pain clinic as they can prescribe Sativex (cannabinoid medicine).


I alternate between ice and heat patches, I also use anti inflammatories although I am never sure if they work tbh. Hot baths can be useful, or generally getting into water (if able). You tend to get into a mindset of throwing whatever you can at it to make the pain go away for a while. Booze can help. The best painkiller by a country mile, for me anyway, is ketamine but that has some unfortunate side effects including losing the ability to properly manage your posture which is really critical at all times if you suffer back pain. When you are in tremendous pain, the laws of the land can go and fuck themselves.


I just got the results of my MRI and so for completeness to my little moan here it is;


At C5-6 there is a prominent left posterolateral disc bulge causing mild to moderate left C6 foraminal narrowing. This encroaches and impinges on the exiting left C6 nerve root. Some thecal flattening is noted here.


Basically they don't tend to get better with age so I would pursue every course of action for treatment of the condition/cause when you are young - or rather - as soon as possible.


Good luck Tooj, ROPH and Gloomy.

Edited by trophyshy
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I tweaked my back playing football over the weekend. Foolishly played on for much of the match. Felt progressively worse through the early evening and overnight had a horrible sleep where just about every move was agony. Just when you think you've figured out how to roll over without pain you get that horrible intense pain that requires you to swear your way through the rest of the manouvre that you would normally do without even thinking about.


The following morning lay in bed for a while as still as possible feeling sorry for myself. Had some mild painkillers and got up and about and that seemed to actually help with things. A few days on now and it's stil not right but is getting better. I'll be giving football a miss for this week at least, feel sorry for anyone that suffers chronic back pain like that. It was absolutely horrible and completely debilitating.

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On the odd occasion I've pulled something in my back, the pain has been awful. Proper take your breath away twinges. And I'm sure that's not a fraction of what the likes of trophyshy and Tooj are putting up with. Sounds shit.

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I was T-boned 12 years ago by some complete moron from Penshaw, a genuine mouth breather. He drove through a STOP sign straight into my passenger side at 30 mph. Had there been anyone in the passenger seat they would have been killed. My car was written off, my lateral whiplash has been challenging and it is getting worse as I get older. I am always in some pain and discomfort, mostly I can function however I manage my lifestyle very carefully to avoid episodes as the merest thing can set it off. When I say manage my lifestyle I have given up most things which involve extending the neck, scuba diving being the most notable (I was an instructor). 18 months ago I swatted a fly with a teatowel and ended up on my back in bed for 3 days. A few weeks ago I slipped on my front step and put it out, and of course each time it's worse than previously. During these episodes the pain goes up to an 8 or 9 and I struggle to do anything, on or off medication. This is the shite side of self employment.


I go back around the diagnosis loop every 2 or 3 years but this time I am going private as the NHS seems geared toward treating the symptom not the cause. My GP prescribes me with Tramadol, Valium and Codeine to manage the pain. The Tramadol doesn't touch the sides but I do find the valium helps. Codeine makes work and sleep impossible as well as playing havoc with your digestive system. Cannabis is good for the pain and I am going to ask my GP to refer to a pain clinic as they can prescribe Sativex (cannabinoid medicine).


I alternate between ice and heat patches, I also use anti inflammatories although I am never sure if they work tbh. Hot baths can be useful, or generally getting into water (if able). You tend to get into a mindset of throwing whatever you can at it to make the pain go away for a while. Booze can help. The best painkiller by a country mile, for me anyway, is ketamine but that has some unfortunate side effects including losing the ability to properly manage your posture which is really critical at all times if you suffer back pain. When you are in tremendous pain, the laws of the land can go and fuck themselves.


I just got the results of my MRI and so for completeness to my little moan here it is;


At C5-6 there is a prominent left posterolateral disc bulge causing mild to moderate left C6 foraminal narrowing. This encroaches and impinges on the exiting left C6 nerve root. Some thecal flattening is noted here.


Basically they don't tend to get better with age so I would pursue every course of action for treatment of the condition/cause when you are young - or rather - as soon as possible.


Good luck Tooj, ROPH and Gloomy.



Sounds horrific. Can they not operate?

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Only used it twice, purely for medicinal purposes.

Cant imagine being curled up inside a k-hole is good for posture like. Nice self-medicating though, its a shame you cant ring up NHS direct and hear. " Ah yes prominent left posterolateral disc bulge causing mild to moderate left C6 foraminal narrowing, i recommend snorting a few lines of horse"

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