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Words/Phrases we didn't use ten years ago.

Scottish Mag

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You've changed your point though Leazes, you were on about a scenario in the future I couldn't realistically see happening. I believe the vast majority of Muslims in this country would be opposed to it, as well as every non-Muslim. That's what I arguing against. I accept some of your other points and I hope that the recent atrocities in this country will make people realise that extremism cannot go unchecked and that greater efforts must be made at intergrating communities. The use of 'do-gooder' for anyone who disagrees with you though is a lazy, meaningless term in my opinion. Also, I wasn't suggesting you were a BNP supporter, sorry if you thought I was.



Nah, no probs mate it's just an exchange of views sorry if I suggested you were a "commie"..thats if you were bothered...!!


The recent bombings may well be a wake up call to some, if there is anything at all positive from such horrific events. I agree the majority of muslims are opposed to extremism, but my point always has been that if unchecked can only grow.


The "greater effort at integrating communities" point - well my view is that it is one sided, I just don't agree that we should have to change our life so drastically for foreigners, the Americans don't, lots of other countries don't either, if you want to go and move to another country accept their way of life or don't bother. But it is up to us to enforce these measures more stringently, because we are now in the situation we are due to not enforcing them earlier.


I'd like to know why, when we go to a middle eastern country we accept the way they do things but others come here and demand us to change ? If the UK isn't to their liking, why do they bother ? Again, the Americans and others adopt this stance, so why not us ?

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The "greater effort at integrating communities" point - well my view is that it is one sided, I just don't agree that we should have to change our life so drastically for foreigners, the Americans don't, lots of other countries don't either, if you want to go and move to another country accept their way of life or don't bother. But it is up to us to enforce these measures more stringently, because we are now in the situation we are due to not enforcing them earlier.


I'd like to know why, when we go to a middle eastern country we accept the way they do things but others come here and demand us to change ? If the UK isn't to their liking, why do they bother ? Again, the Americans and others adopt this stance, so why not us ?


I agree, by intergration I don't mean making concessions to certain communities/ethnic or religious groups that aren't given to others. I actually think that sort of thing is damaging as it causes division in the long term.

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The "greater effort at integrating communities" point - well my view is that it is one sided, I just don't agree that we should have to change our life so drastically for foreigners, the Americans don't, lots of other countries don't either, if you want to go and move to another country accept their way of life or don't bother. But it is up to us to enforce these measures more stringently, because we are now in the situation we are due to not enforcing them earlier.


I'd like to know why, when we go to a middle eastern country we accept the way they do things but others come here and demand us to change ? If the UK isn't to their liking, why do they bother ? Again, the Americans and others adopt this stance, so why not us ?


I agree, by intergration I don't mean making concessions to certain communities/ethnic or religious groups that aren't given to others. I actually think that sort of thing is damaging as it causes division in the long term.



Agreed. Can this thread now get back on track ;)

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This whole point about integration though is meaningless.


How is integration going to be promoted? The only people that can really boost integration are the general public and they have shown time and time again that they are not interested.


The majority of those peope of Asian descent have demonstrated time and again that they don't want to integrate, just create their own communities with their own values and ethics. The majority of Brits have no real interest in integrating and certainly won't go out of their way to do so, they are by and large apathetic about integration.


How's it going to happen then?


Sorry, back off topic ;)

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This whole point about integration though is meaningless.


How is integration going to be promoted? The only people that can really boost integration are the general public and they have shown time and time again that they are not interested.


The majority of those peope of Asian descent have demonstrated time and again that they don't want to integrate, just create their own communities with their own values and ethics. The majority of Brits have no real interest in integrating and certainly won't go out of their way to do so, they are by and large apathetic about integration.


How's it going to happen then?


Sorry, back off topic  ;)



people used to say the same about the Irish

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when immigrants enter the country they should be arbitrarily divided between the nation, simply put, do not permit the creation of Ghetto's


the few people of different ethnic backgrouns that live in my area are entirely integrated, not because we're all some kind of new age hippie commune, but simply because those families of different ethnicity were forced to mix with the rest of the community.


the first time we even Realise that Altan was different was in High School where the R.E. Teacher was discussing the subjects for the year

"We'll cover all the religions, from chritianity to islam" and on islam, pointed to Altan... He was visibly shocked because a) she blatantly segregated him from the rest of the class and ;) she assumed because of his skin colour that he would be muslim and most importantly c)failed to notice the crucifix he wore about his neck...


integration won't work now, too much time has passed and there are definite ghettos in so many cities and towns that it is the "norm" rather than an anomoly

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This whole point about integration though is meaningless.


How is integration going to be promoted? The only people that can really boost integration are the general public and they have shown time and time again that they are not interested.


The majority of those peope of Asian descent have demonstrated time and again that they don't want to integrate, just create their own communities with their own values and ethics. The majority of Brits have no real interest in integrating and certainly won't go out of their way to do so, they are by and large apathetic about integration.


How's it going to happen then?


Sorry, back off topic  B)



people used to say the same about the Irish


They didn't go around bombing people though.












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when immigrants enter the country they should be arbitrarily divided between the nation, simply put, do not permit the creation of Ghetto's


the few people of different ethnic backgrouns that live in my area are entirely integrated, not because we're all some kind of new age hippie commune, but simply because those families of different ethnicity were forced to mix with the rest of the community.


the first time we even Realise that Altan was different was in High School where the R.E. Teacher was discussing the subjects for the year

"We'll cover all the religions, from chritianity to islam" and on islam, pointed to Altan... He was visibly shocked because a) she blatantly segregated him from the rest of the class and ;) she assumed because of his skin colour that he would be muslim and most importantly c)failed to notice the crucifix he wore about his neck...


integration won't work now, too much time has passed and there are definite ghettos in so many cities and towns that it is the "norm" rather than an anomoly



Wow!! BRAVE man......................


I can see you standing there saying to people in 1955 -"you have to have a West Indian Family in your street or else.." (replace with Indians '60's, Chinese 70's, Nigerians '80's, Russians '90's, Albanians '00's....)


You'd have been lynched


No, people always stay with their groups to start with and then gradually move out............... then they start to inter-marry THEn you have asimilation

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