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Which players make us harder to score against?

Happy Face

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The Fantasy football website has a list of how many goals a player has conceded (how many goals the team has conceded while that player was on the pitch).


It also has the exact number of minutes played.


In 3240 minutes of football Newcastle have conceded 66 goals. So, one every 49 minutes would be average.


Based on that you can look at players who average more time on the pitch without conceding and those with shorter times between conceding goals. I've limited it to those players with more than 900 minutes on the field (ten games)


Based on this, our 5 best players at shoring up our defensive capabilities have been...


Gutierez - 58.9 minutes per goal conceded

Cabaye - 57.9

Williamson - 55.9

S Taylor - 53.9

Ben Arfa - 53.6


On the other hand our worst players on this front have been


Tiote - 41.3

Sissoko - 42.7

Perch - 43.5

Marveaux - 46.7

Debuchy - 47


Both shocked and sadly unsurprised that Tiote has been the least effective player (statistically) at doing what his job is supposed to be.

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The full list in descending order...



Gutierrez 58.9

Cabaye 57.9

Williamson 55.9

Taylor S 53.9

Ben Arfa 53.6

Krul 53.2

Coloccini 52.6

Harper 51.4

Santon 50.8

Simpson 50.6

Gouffran 50.2

Anita 50.0

Ferguson 49.4


Cisse 47.8

Debuchy 47.0

Marveaux 46.7

Yanga-Mbiwa 45.7

Gosling 44.0

Perch 43.5

Ameobi 43.1

Sissoko 42.7

Bigirimana 41.3

Tiote 41.3

Elliot 39.7

Obertan 28.9

Haidara 24.8

Tavernier 12.7

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I wonder if the stat is too simplistic to read anything into though, as you wouldn't imagine one player alone would make a fundamental difference. Tiote played in the Arsenal 7-3 and the Liverpool 6-0 games, which I'd imagine would skew things slightly.


The one that stands out to me is Krul vs Elliott as this is as raw as you get and they've both played with inconsistent back lines.

Edited by BigWalrus
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Aye, you probably can't read too much into it, but I think the defensive cover Gutierez brings is plain to see and backed up by the numbers...on the other hand, Tiote's dreadful season is made to look even worse than anyone thought.


I'd be interested to see the offensive numbers too. See who is most effective from back to front when we're on the offensive. Not sure if any site does stats for goals scored while a player is on the pitch though.

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Tiote played in the Arsenal 7-3 and the Liverpool 6-0 games, which I'd imagine would skew things slightly.


Don't think it's fair to discount his poor performance in those games though...Perch played in both too, and while he's not much better than Tiote, it didn't seem to skew him as badly.


Tiote was dragged off against Liverpool while they still had a few goals in them as well, so it wouldn't have skewed him that much.

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Another (perhaps obvious) conclusion that could be reached is that we concede less when a familiar team lines up. The majority of the players in the below average area are those who have stood in for a while, or those who have recently been signed (Cisse and Tiote apart).


I'd like to see the same statistics but for net goals scored / conceded.

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Another (perhaps obvious) conclusion that could be reached is that we concede less when a familiar team lines up. The majority of the players in the below average area are those who have stood in for a while, or those who have recently been signed (Cisse and Tiote apart).


I'd like to see the same statistics but for net goals scored / conceded.


I noted that too, on the back of my view posted before the West Ham game that these last 3 games should see us bench anyone bought in January, where possible. Go with what we know, players comfortable alongside each other.

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totally agree with above.


Injury crisis forced Pardews hand, I reckon any manager wants to wean his players in rather than the "sink or swim" approach hes been forced into. This again is my frustration with these "somethings got to change" posts. Yes it does, but it's not the manager (well it is, but its not under this board)

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I can only see players leaving if they engineer their own moves.


If Cabaye wants away, I'm sure he'll find a way to go. In that circumstance, I hope Ashley milks the other club for all they can possibly afford.

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After having a go at everyone for not being optimistic about relegation - I'm really expecting some surprises to go for minimum fee clauses , or some other bollocks.


Thankfully no-ones willing to pay 25 mil for Krul, but if they were he'd be gone, mid season without cover even. I truly do believe that the board have zero football wisdom, despite having the opportunity to learn from all their mistakes so far.



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