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There is a 4 metre patch of no mans land between my fence and the farmers field fence. Looking into a land grab or adverse posession.


Seems you can just fence it off or encompass it, use it for 12 years and then apply for it to become legally yours.



Is this the same patch of land you howked all the waste soil onto :lol:
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CT, might you have ADHD?

Having a quick look at the symptoms I certainly tick a few of the boxes. TBH Ive always just put it down to having a creative brain. I like ideas, I like the concept, but the nuts and bolts of something is best delegated.


Similarity you have people who couldn't muster a creative thought to save their life but are magical with engineering, mechanics, DIY etc.



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A creative brain? You can't do anything without asking for very specific step by step instructions on here. That's not a sign of a creative brain.

Like I said, I have the idea and need minions for the details.


You are one of my minions. Deal with it :)

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Having an IDEA that you'd like to lose weight, but having no IDEA how to do it.


Having an IDEA that you'd like to make a noodle dish but having no IDEA how to do it.


Yes you sound uniquely creative.

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Having a quick look at the symptoms I certainly tick a few of the boxes. TBH Ive always just put it down to having a creative brain. I like ideas, I like the concept, but the nuts and bolts of something is best delegated.


Similarity you have people who couldn't muster a creative thought to save their life but are magical with engineering, mechanics, DIY etc.


:lol: CT man, promise me you won't ever self diagnose from links on the internet. You'll end up with antisocial personality disorder, cancer or early onset menopause.


I (jokingly) ask because you cannot finish a job, immediately being distracted by a new project.

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Finally all finished :)



































Yeah right ;)





On hold at the minute as its now been swallowed up by a new project.


There is a 4 metre patch of no mans land between my fence and the farmers field fence. Looking into a land grab or adverse posession.


Seems you can just fence it off or encompass it, use it for 12 years and then apply for it to become legally yours.



Cool. You just need to start a topic on here about how to put a fence up. You can then spend the next six months doing a half arsed job. Give up half way through. Then hope the farmer doesn't notice you've claimed 4 metres of his land at some point in the next 12 years and happy days!

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  • 5 months later...

So the Gym membership has lead to the home gym equipment all going via eBay and the conservatory back to a nice little hangout (mainly for the bairn and her mates, although I will be digging out my James Bond game for the Xbox).


Garden hasn't changed much but at least I can now sit in here and look and plan. Definitely think it's now going to incorporate a table tennis section.


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All fitted out for under £80 snots so well happy.

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