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Is 65 too old to do the travelling thing? Ideally I'd like to retire early and properly explore South America. Not sure it's going to happen. Will probably still be paying off a mortgage

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Is 65 too old to do the travelling thing? Ideally I'd like to retire early and properly explore South America. Not sure it's going to happen. Will probably still be paying off a mortgage


My parents have just hit 65 and they've been to Georgia (the Caucasian one), Malaysia, Cuba, Jordan and god knows where else in the last few years. Bastids.

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Is 65 too old to do the travelling thing? Ideally I'd like to retire early and properly explore South America. Not sure it's going to happen. Will probably still be paying off a mortgage

My Mam and Dad are planning for their 40th wedding anniversary. Flying the family to Florida for a knees-up, then those two are getting on a cruise ship around the Caribbean, through Panama Canal (or flying) to California, up the west coast to Alaska for some whale watching.


They'll both be over 65, but I guess that's not really "travelling". Mind it'll be a sickener if you're physically knackered by 65 ;)

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reading this piece in the FT on the UK office pressure to be seen to work long hours brought me back to the original article in this thread about working too hard being one of the main regrets of the dying.


anyone ever thought about abandoning the rat race for a more simple life, growing vegetables or something?

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I've thought about it, aye. Gets more complicated as you get older and have more responsibilities and shit though. I don't have the problem of working hard to worry about mind.

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I fancy it, but I'm sure it has its own stressors. The trick is just to resist the pressures of office culture. If you establish a reputation for yourself as someone who won't have the piss taken out of them, then people soon start adjusting the demands they make on you/looking elsewhere. It's not about being difficult, you just need to be blessed to politely say no to stuff.


Alright, you won't end up earning as much as someone who says yes to everything, but then you don't really deserve to.

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I fancy it, but I'm sure it has its own stressors. The trick is just to resist the pressures of office culture. If you establish a reputation for yourself as someone who won't have the piss taken out of them, then people soon start adjusting the demands they make on you/looking elsewhere. It's not about being difficult, you just need to be blessed to politely say no to stuff.


Alright, you won't end up earning as much as someone who says yes to everything, but then you don't really deserve to.

My strict policy of leaving at 5 unless serious shit is flying has certainly cost me career/bonus wise but I don't give a fuck - that many lost hours (compared to what sad cunts do) over a year aren't worth a couple of grand.
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My strict policy of leaving at 5 unless serious shit is flying has certainly cost me career/bonus wise but I don't give a fuck - that many lost hours (compared to what sad cunts do) over a year aren't worth a couple of grand.

I'm exactly the same. In and out on time unless there is a major drama. I go home for lunch most days as well. My boss knows the crack - he can rely on me when the shit hits the fan, but when it isn't I'm not spending a minute longer than I need to at work.


I work with people who will write really long emails during the day, take their computer home and then send that email at 8pm so it looks like they've worked late. I cannot be fucking arsed to play those games.

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My strict policy of leaving at 5 unless serious shit is flying has certainly cost me career/bonus wise but I don't give a fuck - that many lost hours (compared to what sad cunts do) over a year aren't worth a couple of grand.


that's how i feel since having kids. i'm out of the door as soon as my hours are up, unless i'm on deadline and have to stay late to finish something. fuck staying late for no good reason other than to keep up appearances.

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