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Europe --- In or Out

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Actually he is the leader of UKIP.


Have you ever thought about getting a job at Fox News?


Oh I must have missed that. He was re-elected? Or is that interim nonsense still going on?


The rest of that comment is interesting :lol: You and Fox News both agree that he's the leader of UKIP, I disagree (wrongly, apparently) and yet I'm the one who should work there...? :D

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That's why he's getting too much air time. Fair enough do a quick mention of it on the news but then to interview him on breakfast telly etc.? Howay, man. The interview was quite revealing although I doubt the morons who regard him as 'the man of the people' will pick up on that, i.e. he alluded to having a close relationship and influence with Trump then gave absolutely fuck detail about what they'd discussed. Given he's hardly one to hide his light under a bushel I would guess he was lucky if the meeting lasted as long as the 10 minutes he's claimed.

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The second half of your post makes absolutely no sense. 


I was just pointing out that logically, if Fox News claim something, and you claim the same thing, and I don't, of the two of us, you're the one who is closest to their position. If this is all the information we have to go on, logically, you'd be the better candidate to work for them. You would need both Fox and myself to be wrong about the same thing for the assertion that I should work for them to hold up.


The fact that I was just plainly wrong is beside the point :D


I'm in a ridiculously pedantic mood today, apparently :lol:

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There was an interesting Analysis on R4 last night, available on podcast. Seems there is zero appetite in the 4 countries visited to give us a good deal over Brexit. Well, any deal at all in fact. Countries cited were Holland, France, Germany, and Czech Republic. Worth a listen. Ewerk is right, there is simply no option for soft Brexit. We're getting it hard, baby.

Edited by Renton
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On the basis that we're getting hard Brexit or no Brexit, Labour should make a case for upsetting the applecart but also staying in the EU. They can't just take an oppositional stance, they need to combine it with rhetoric surrounding sweeping changes and rebalancing of economic divides. Thing is though, they'd need it to be credible.

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Sixty Tory MPs have backed leaving the single market.


Writing in the Telegraph, Suella Fernandes MP said only in leaving will "we truly be a beacon of international free trade".

Because leaving a free trade area is clearly the only way of achieving free trade.

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Theresa May is to reach out to business leaders by pledging an extra £2bn a year in funding for scientific research and development by 2020.


In a speech to the CBI, Mrs May will outline a new fund that will back areas such as robotics and biotechnology and help commercialise new discoveries.
The investment will help put post-Brexit Britain at the "cutting edge", the prime minister is to say.


So there's one quarter of our net contribution to the EU spent already. That seems like it's worth leaving the EU for.

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Agreed but if I had to choose an area to blow a load of money on following our departure, this would be high up the list. Not sure if £2bn is all that much in this field though, these days.

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I don't know what to say. I think its absolutely ridiculous for a country, like us , to essentially opt out of one of the best trade agreements we will ever get with Europe.  We've sacrificed domestic production and manufacturing in the name of the financial sector; playing in the world economy -  and now we want to separate from Europe?


We have very little to offer , export wise - our financial services are all very portable in the current era of worldwide low latency internet , giving very little reason for the likes of Goldman Sachs and the power players to stay - why would they? they can be in Paris or Berlin and have free entry to the European currency markets , or if they want a UK type deal, Zurich or Geneva.


Why should any dealer in Europe give us preferential treatment, we have very little to offer and a lot to protect!



But.. on the other hand, I'm paid in US dollars - and we've single handedly destroyed the value of our currency, thus giving me a 20% payrise... Sort it out guys and I'll come home once you're finished.

Edited by scoobos
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£220bn!? This is going to be a redo of the 2008 recession isn't it...! If the plan for tackling this is more fucking austerity, we're going to end up electing a party of the far right. I'm calling it now.

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I'm kicking myself for not buying dollars before Brexit. I was talking to one of our finance guys about it the day before and discussing how losing £100 or so in transaction fees wouldn't have been the end of the world...


I'll know for the next world changing event, I guess.

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Which explains why I've just had instructions to move a six figure sum from our USD accounts to our GBP one...


Surely you'd be better repatriating that money in a year's time? I'm not sure you quite understand all this. Send me the account details and passwords and I'll sort it for you.

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