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Serial Killers


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This topic may go down like a lead balloon but anyway..



Serial killers are people who have murdered 3 or more people over 3 seperate occasions, murderers like Breivik are labled spree killers or mass murderers.


I think it is a really interesting subject, just trying to work out what is going through their heads to commit such crimes.


There seems to be 3 prevailant characterstics with serial killers.


1. Religion - Either very strong religious beliefs, god/the devil instructing them or just a plain old god complex.


2. Homosexuality - Normally struggling to come to terms with their sexual preference, feeling it is wrong and trying to make up for their 'immoral' behaviour. Other cases are an obsession to be as close to their sexual partner as possible.


3. Mother issues - Being unheathily close to their mothers, this isn't usually incest just needing over the top attention, their mother is their best friend etc.. Another mother issue is overly strict mothers which is often linked to religion.


Some examples of the above are;


Ed Gein (1,3) 16jpow2.jpg


Very, very strict mother who taught him the evils of woman and was deeply religious. Very close to his mother and loved her unconditionally.


When she passed away he was left to his own devices. His sexual frustration had built so much he became completely obsessed with the female body to excessive levels. He would study medical books of the female anatomy and when that was no longer enough he decided to dig up bodies to further his knowledge and carry out some of his sexual frustrations. When the grave yards were getting low on bodies he had to take things into his own hands and murder new women to inspect/abuse.


He also sidelined in costume and household design as he would create lamps from spines, light chains from lips, bras from breasts and knickers from...well you can guess. He would dance around his from lawn wearing his home made clothes. He was the inspiration to films such as Physcho, Silence of the Lambs and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Rumoured to have murdered 3 people including his own brother. The death of his brother was initially put down to a tragic accident as he died in a forest fire long before Gein carried out his later acts but after they were uncovered it was believed he killed his brother to be closer to his mother.


Dennis Nilsen (2) jso7ea.jpg


Homosexual who was desperate to find that partner who would never leave him, so he found a way to make sure they never did, murder them. In total 15 victims. On his arrest his victims were found all over his apartment and some in the drains as he attempted to flush their dismembered body parts down the toilet. His favourite method of murder was strangulation, often by a neck tie.


David Berkowitz 'Son of Sam' (1,3) 11si0lt.png


Adopted and told his mother had died whilst giving birth, this turned out to be a lie but he did not find out until after years of feeling immense guilt for causing the apparent death of his mother.


Originally Jewish but tried to adopt a few religions including Satanism which he eventually blamed for his killings even to go as far as to blame some of them on a cult and only taking direct responsibility for 3 of the 6 murders. Another reason he gave for the killings was he was instructed by his neighbour Sam who was the devil himself and David being driven mad by constantly barking dogs (owned by Sam)


Although his adopted parents loved him very much he struggled to feel any sense of belonging. He eventually tracked down his birth mother but was disappointed with what he had found as he had built her up to be something she could never live up to.


Often changing his story he eventually admitted he hated women and didn't want another child created in the manner he was and abandoned so he targetted couples making out in cars, often leaving the men unhamred.


When he was apprehended he couldn't stop himself laughing and smiling, an obvious desperation for attention was resolved as he became the most famous man in the world for those few moments.


The Zodiac Killer (1?) nbvnsz.jpg


Never caught, Arhtur Leigh Allen was suspected but died before being charged and no substantial evidence was ever found.


The Zodiac Killer was very intelligent and led the police along at will, often mocking their failure to catch him. The total number of his victims was unknown but there were 5 confirmed to be at the hands of this man(?). Zodiac often sent police complex codes that they would try to work out which contained clues to the crimes. The killer's targets were similar to Son of Sam, young couples in their cars making out. Without the killer ever being apprehended it's difficult to see what typical characteristics he displayed. He often talked of having complete power though which points to a god complex.


Jeffrey Dahmer (2) 2d9pqpw.jpg


Gay sexual deviant, necrophile and cannibal. A desperation to be as close to his partners as possible so he would go as far as boiling them and eating them. 17 victims in total, many found scattered around and even in pots and pans in his apartment. Used various methods for his murders including drugging, a power saw and injections of acid!


One of his victimes (a 14 year old boy) even managed to escape, he ran down the street naked and concerned neighbours called the police. When they arrived Dahmer managed to convince them the boy was his 19 year old lover, was drunk and they had an argument. Amazingly the police allowed Dahmer to take the victim back to his apartment despite much protest from the neighbours. The child was later murdered by Dahmer.

Edited by Gejon
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You selotape your victims eyeballs to your face instead ;)


I've never taken much interest in these things. My brother knows all the names and details.


I once read the Fred and Rose west book though. Turned my stomach.

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I find it fascinating, just the whole psychology behind it. The patterns, you can watch a documentary about a serial killer and you know one of the 3 will come up at some point (except for Bundy maybe).


I am a bit weird mind :lol:

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One of most peoples favourite fascinating subjects which is why we love films like the ones you mention.


I have talked on here before about a sliding scale from 1 - 100 with the kindest nicest person being sub 10 and a serial killer etc 90 plus. In between is a lot of space for the rest of us to fill!!!


Im sure some will have fantasised about all sorts of deviant criminal behaviour at one time or another but thankfully dont act on them.


Usually you here criminal phycologists talk about a "trigger" which pushes people over the edge.


The one I always find fascinating is Ted Bundy who seemed to "have it all" in his real life.

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I find it fascinating, just the whole psychology behind it. The patterns, you can watch a documentary about a serial killer and you know one of the 3 will come up at some point (except for Bundy maybe).


I am a bit weird mind :lol:

Once read a book my Dad lent me about 'The Iceman', (Richard Kuklinski) by Philip Carlo.


I don't normally read that kind of subject but couldn't put it down. I'd recommend it if that's your interest. He was a vicious killer with a horrendous temper who eventually hired himself out to the Mafia to do hits for them.

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Once read a book my Dad lent me about 'The Iceman', (Richard Kuklinski) by Philip Carlo.


I don't normally read that kind of subject but couldn't put it down. I'd recommend it if that's your interest. He was a vicious killer with a horrendous temper who eventually hired himself out to the Mafia to do hits for them.


Cheers, read a little on him but will look out for the book.

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One of most peoples favourite fascinating subjects which is why we love films like the ones you mention.


I have talked on here before about a sliding scale from 1 - 100 with the kindest nicest person being sub 10 and a serial killer etc 90 plus. In between is a lot of space for the rest of us to fill!!!


Im sure some will have fantasised about all sorts of deviant criminal behaviour at one time or another but thankfully dont act on them.


Usually you here criminal phycologists talk about a "trigger" which pushes people over the edge.


The one I always find fascinating is Ted Bundy who seemed to "have it all" in his real life.


A read a study about highly intelligent people, some at the very top of their fields who had the same thing in the brain that serial killers have (sorry I am not very good with the medical side of things :lol:).


It's what gets them to the top, an ability to not care about things and just go for what they want no holds barred.


Bundy was apparently incredibly intelligent and could have gone very far in life, he just chose the wrong path. As mentioned he didn't seem to display a lot of the regular traits so was a bit of an odd ball even compared to the odd balls :lol:

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There's a couple of documentaries about the Iceman. Gejon, you should get onto them if you're into this sort of thing. Told through interviews with him, and his stories of how he killed people are unbelievable to watch. He's so matter of fact and not arsed about what he did.

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There's a couple of documentaries about the Iceman. Gejon, you should get onto them if you're into this sort of thing. Told through interviews with him, and his stories of how he killed people are unbelievable to watch. He's so matter of fact and not arsed about what he did.


Cheers Gemmill



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There's a Hollywood film based on Kuklinski out soon about him too (it's been on at the major film festivals this summer). Stars Winona Ryder, David Schwimmer, James Franco, Ray Liotta, Chris Evans and the brilliant Michael Shannon (Agent Van Aalden/George Mueller on Boardwalk Empire) as Kuklinski.

Edited by Monroe Transfer
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He looks like James Lipton off inside the Actors Studio as well. He could easily have convinced his victims by launching into that questionnaire with them:


"What is your favourite sound?"


"The sound of my heart continuing to beat."


"What is your least favourite sound?"


"The sound of me struggling to breathe as you crush my windpipe with your thumbs."


"If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?"


"'Sorry about that. Bit of a cunt him, wasn't he?'"

Edited by Gemmill
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I used to work with a lass who got caught planning to rape and murder a stranger she had become obsessed with. She genuinely couldn't understand what was wrong with that and still wants to do it to this day.


Some people are just wired up wrong, its not worth trying to 'understand' or 'fix' certain people


Most people like this are a product of their upbringing. A rare few can't even blame it on that. They are the genuinely scary ones

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It's also interesting how some are judged to be insane and some others, I understand it's partly to do with not knowing it's wrong (like the lass J69) mentioned but it's really difficult to understand how some of these people are judged sane given what they have done :lol:

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I've got a morbid fascination with serial killers too.


They're all evil whatever state their mind is in but I've often felt that serial killers formerly in the medical profession to be the most vile. People who are meant to care for others (doctors, nurses) who use the facilities and resources they work in and with to murder people. Since they're in hospitals and dealing with ill people anyway, it's easier to cover it up.


People like: (not to mention the obvious high profile British cases of killers like Shipman):




Genene Anne Jones (born July 13, 1950) is a former pediatric nurse who killed somewhere between 11 and 46 infants and children in her care. She used injections of digoxin, heparin and later succinylcholine to induce medical crises in her patients, with the intention of reviving them afterward to receive praise and attention. These medications are known to cause heart paralysis and other complications. Many children did not survive the initial attack and could not be revived. The exact number of murders remain unknown, as hospital officials destroyed records of her activities to prevent further litigation after Jones’ first conviction. While working at the Bexar County Hospital (now The University Hospital of San Antonio) in the Pediatric Intensive care unit, it was determined that an inordinate number of children were dying. Rather than pursue further investigation the hospital asked Jones to resign, which she did.






Donald Harvey is a serial killer responsible for killing 36 to 57 people, many of who were patients at hospitals where he was employed. His killing spree lasted from May 1970 until March 1987, only ending after a police investigation into the death of a patient resulted in Harvey's confession. Labeled the "Angel of Death" Harvey said he first began to kill to help ease the pain of dying patients, but a detailed diary he kept paints the picture of a sadistic, cold-hearted killer.
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In the early 1900s there were loads of cases of women killing their families with poison as they never really used to test for it unless something really suspicious happened (like 5 members of the same family died in a short time period). It was often a vague cause of death given like stomach complications etc..


Makes you wonder how many people would kill if they could get away with it like they used to :unsure2:

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In the early 1900s there were loads of cases of women killing their families with poison as they never really used to test for it unless something really suspicious happened (like 5 members of the same family died in a short time period). It was often a vague cause of death given like stomach complications etc..


Makes you wonder how many people would kill if they could get away with it like they used to :unsure2:


They'll simply kill until they are caught, doubt killing involves the "oh I could get caught so I won't do it" conversation in the potential killers head.

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They'll simply kill until they are caught, doubt killing involves the "oh I could get caught so I won't do it" conversation in the potential killers head.


Some yes but for example there is a lot less cases like these of the women murdering there families, is this because it just stopped or is it because it was no longer as easy?


IMHO if people could kill with little chance of getting caught more would.

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Some yes but for example there is a lot less cases like these of the women murdering there families, is this because it just stopped or is it because it was no longer as easy?


IMHO if people could kill with little chance of getting caught more would.


I think the living/social/economic circumstances that drove those cases have significantly changed with time and of course you can't buy strychnine over the counter anymore

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I think the living/social/economic circumstances that drove those cases have significantly changed with time and of course you can't buy strychnine over the counter anymore


So you agree with my point, ie if it was easier to kill then more people probably would?

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