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Free rail travel for police today


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I'm begrudging them fuck all, if their perfectly normal feelings of empathy stretch to them attending the funeral of a stranger and a Rail Company decides to foot the bill then good for them. My heart goes out to this young lasses family who is missing, it's truly heartbreaking and as a parent myself I can't imagine what they're going through. If she turns up dead shall I travel down to her funeral or just let her family and friends grieve? If it's the former will the East Coast line pick up the tab?


Again, it's not the same. You're in no way connected. The Police Force feel like they're all part of the same team (or certainly that's how it's been described to me by colleagues) and a team that's not very popular at all. In the same way as the footballers rallied round for Muamba, so will the coppers feel for these two women. Some will want to go grieve with their colleagues. Also, the police didn't ask for free travel, nor expect it. The train company offered and some police officers accepted.

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How many of the police officers knew the police officers whose funeral they attended.

Did the relatives of the 1,433 people who have died due to `police contact' since 1990 receive free rail travel to attend the funerals.

I wonder how serious the police will look into `blame'when the next rail disaster comes along.

Is it legal for the police to accept freebies .


Youre just a horrible, police hating charver really arent you?

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How many of the police officers knew the police officers whose funeral they attended. Most of the Manchester force will have had some contact with the women.

Did the relatives of the 1,433 people who have died due to `police contact' since 1990 receive free rail travel to attend the funerals. No, but what's that got to do with anything other than furthering your Anti-Police agenda which screams of you being on the wrong side of the law and holding them responsible.

I wonder how serious the police will look into `blame'when the next rail disaster comes along. You're honestly suggesting this is a bung? Fuck me! :lol:

Is it legal for the police to accept freebies. That's a complicated matter, something like this is fine, but they can't accept a free tv or similar


Sorry you hate the police, but this is an odd thing to get worked up about... perhaps focus your ire on the inherent racism, or the growing numbers of untrained PCSOs that're tasked with the roles of actual police due to government cuts, or the push towards arming officers?

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Sorry you hate the police, but this is an odd thing to get worked up about... perhaps focus your ire on the inherent racism, or the growing numbers of untrained PCSOs that're tasked with the roles of actual police due to government cuts, or the push towards arming officers?


Stop affording him the courtesy of answers to his fucking ridiculous questions. Blatantly hate-filled and irrational in regards to the Police service. And probably doesn't have half a clue as to what some of the Police have to deal with in their line of work.

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Ok, I'm out of this one. (Especially as I've no real bones of contentions with it).


Members of my family have had to put with some right sectarian shit in the police force as basically all sides hated them, one side despised them as the enemy, one side thought they were traiters. They just wanted a safe community, my dad served in the armed forces for twelve years so I'm not anti-services at all. SMB is more worked up about it than me but he's entitled to ask a question about who funds it without being told to fuck off by a mod just getting used to being an adult in the real world.


Andrew, I get things wrong from time to time, (no, honest!), explain to me why I need to apologise to you as I really cannot see where I've abused you other than this post?


I'll get back to this later on when I'm not on my phone.

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Ok, I'm out of this one. (Especially as I've no real bones of contentions with it).


Members of my family have had to put with some right sectarian shit in the police force as basically all sides hated them, one side despised them as the enemy, one side thought they were traiters. They just wanted a safe community, my dad served in the armed forces for twelve years so I'm not anti-services at all. SMB is more worked up about it than me but he's entitled to ask a question about who funds it without being told to fuck off by a mod just getting used to being an adult in the real world.


Andrew, I get things wrong from time to time, (no, honest!), explain to me why I need to apologise to you as I really cannot see where I've abused you other than this post?


I'll get back to this later on when I'm not on my phone.


My apology request was tongue in cheek


But honestly, its not a valid question, its a bullshit one by someone either trolling deliberately or with an anti-police agenda grabbing hold of an excuse to complain which, to me, comes across as enormously disrespectful to the 2 officers killed.


These funerals happened less than 100 yards from where I work, I've seen both processions, I've seen the officers in their dress colours sending off their murdered colleagues and I have no time/patience for someone using this situation to either mess with people or further a ridiculous agenda.

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Ok, I'm out of this one. (Especially as I've no real bones of contentions with it).


Members of my family have had to put with some right sectarian shit in the police force as basically all sides hated them, one side despised them as the enemy, one side thought they were traiters. They just wanted a safe community, my dad served in the armed forces for twelve years so I'm not anti-services at all. SMB is more worked up about it than me but he's entitled to ask a question about who funds it without being told to fuck off by a mod just getting used to being an adult in the real world.


Andrew, I get things wrong from time to time, (no, honest!), explain to me why I need to apologise to you as I really cannot see where I've abused you other than this post?


I'll get back to this later on when I'm not on my phone.


I really don't see what that has got to do with anything.

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I really don't see what that has got to do with anything.


oh howman doesn't like me because I shouted at Paddocklad for being miserable once and they're besties

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Oh dear, and here was me going to leave it.


Tooj, take way the adult bit then the point still stands. I take it nobody will mention taxi drivers when speaking of CT from now on or spring water and pinball machines when talking about J69?


Andrew, you had a little bee in your bonnet over Stevie and PL which I found a bit amusing and a little strange as you seemed fairly unassuming and not withstanding the fact they've probably forgotten more about NUFC than you presently know or hazarding a guess ever will.


(Got to say I also found you running around Leeds paying a company money to basically play tuggy with people pretending to zombies very amusing but that doesn't mean I don't like you). :lol:


And that really is my last word on this thread, SMB questioned the free travel for the police, you could've answered him as you did me or as the fish did, that was my main point.


Enjoy the rest of your night.

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How many of the police officers knew the police officers whose funeral they attended.

Did the relatives of the 1,433 people who have died due to `police contact' since 1990 receive free rail travel to attend the funerals.

I wonder how serious the police will look into `blame'when the next rail disaster comes along.

Is it legal for the police to accept freebies .


And what percentage of those 1,433 were amoral oxygen thieves? Around 100% is my guess.


I suppose you don't like the police because you keep getting arrested for mugging OAPs or something, or are you a 'loveable rogue' like those cunts the Krays?

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Pretty sure they aren't tbf. They have a shit job that most of us wouldn't want to do and the over the top copper stories are few and far between.


i agree with you, but i don't want to hear any more stories about the likes of Delroy Smellie or Simon Harwood; same as i don't want to hear any more stories about the likes of Mark Duggan or that bastard in Manchester who shot the two officers

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Right about now SMB court is in full effect. Gene Clark presiding in the case of SMB versus the police department. Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren(ton), HOWMAN HEYMAN and Cabaye muthafuckin Aye. Order order order. Gene Clark take the muthafuckin stand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help your black ass?

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Right about now SMB court is in full effect. Gene Clark presiding in the case of SMB versus the police department. Prosecuting attourneys are MC Ren(ton), HOWMAN HEYMAN and Cabaye muthafuckin Aye. Order order order. Gene Clark take the muthafuckin stand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help your black ass?


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It's not a fucking public holiday is it you stupid cunt. If the police/church want to organise a day of rememberance, what in holy fuck business it of yours?


Okay, chill your boots with the insults Winston. If we don't feed the trolls they might just go away.

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It's not a fucking public holiday is it you stupid cunt. If the police/church want to organise a day of rememberance, what in holy fuck business it of yours?


:lol: :lol: Can somebody please put this chihuahua on a lead?

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