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US elections 2012.

Park Life

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I can't believe an unrealistically expectant socialist/democrat wanted a Mormon fundamentalist republican to win because Obama didn't fancy opening the doors of Guantanamo and telling all the terrorists to just shuffle off home. Takes all sorts like.

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Why anyone cares about what happens to LeBron Jameson, the San Francisco Dolphins, or anything else to do with America is beyond me.


Leave them eating their root dogs and corn burgers is what I say.



Am I doing it right, Stevie? :razz:

:D credit for taking his use of the 49ers in Florida and reversing it. I think you'd like American football if you gave it a proper try Stevie, many over here like it enough that they're playing two games next year (including the Steelers who you seem to specifically mention ;)). Interesting how they still vote Republican legislature, since they rule the roost with money I presume it's to do with people trusting them with money in a way which is similar to the Conservatives here?

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The breakdown of votes by race etc is pretty shocking - I think its just as bad that so many black people vote for Obama just because he's black as people not voting for him because he's black - of course I recognise theie will be a poverty correlation mixed in with that as well.


I also find it shocking that 62% of white men vote republican - do they really need women to show them its okay to give a fuck about your fellow countrymen?

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I can't believe an unrealistically expectant socialist/democrat wanted a Mormon fundamentalist republican to win because Obama didn't fancy opening the doors of Guantanamo and telling all the terrorists to just shuffle off home. Takes all sorts like.


Not like you to attribute jokey views to someone that's said no such thing and ignore the actual arguments they made completely. Assume it means you have no argument against the points I've made. :picknose:

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Which points? That Romney would be a better liberal?


You've clearly read my arguments if you're choosing to paint me this way. Again, I assume you've chosen to ignore them because there's not really any way to deny them. Of course I never said Romney would be a "better liberal". However, he ran a much more centrist campaign when he lost the primary to McCain in '08. His shift to the right on policy in '12 was a strategy in winning the primary in a loony toad quack right wing party. Since then he moved gradually back to the centre until the debates where he and Obama could barely find a thing to disagree on. Their biggest argument was over when exactly the president actually said "Terrorist attack"


The question I pondered was of these 2 nominees that have broadly similar views which roughly reflect those of the Republican party 15-20 years ago, which one would face the most opposition in applying their right/centre policies. The answer is plainly Romney. When Bush was in power the Democratic opposition was deafening. He could barely tap a phone without someone painting a Hitler moustache on him and marching on Washington. There were protests all over the shop and every media outlet outside of Fox lambasted him. Obama kills a 16 year old American with his own bare hands with no oversight whatsoever and there's barely a ripple.


Obama's next big move is going to be the "Grand Deal". Moderate (temporary) tax increases that will quickly be reversed by the next Republican president, in exchange for permanent cuts in Social Security and Medicare. How Liberal of him. He tried to make the same deal in his first term too, but republicans opposed the Tax increases he wanted to go hand in hand with it. They'll be more open to that now they took another hammering at the polls, punished for their intransigence. Obama will face no democratic opposition to these cuts because it's a widely accepted myththat social security is unaffordable.


Funny that the same people that hammer the Tories for their policies in the UK politics thread are so happy to see Obama the Social Security slasher let loose in the US.

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Obama killed a 16 year old with his bare hands?




Obama personally ordered his killing when he was cherry picked from the Kill List on a Tuesday morning conference call.


When the White house press secretary was asked why this happened, his answer was Ianucciesque...


ADAMSON: But it’s an American citizen that is being targeted without due process, without trial. And, he’s underage. He’s a minor.

GIBBS: I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children.







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The review process also allows the killing of individuals whose identities are unknown




Obama has vested this power in all future presidents.


President Palin would no doubt be a trusty person to weild the sword.

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You've clearly read my arguments if you're choosing to paint me this way. Again, I assume you've chosen to ignore them because there's not really any way to deny them. Of course I never said Romney would be a "better liberal". However, he ran a much more centrist campaign when he lost the primary to McCain in '08. His shift to the right on policy in '12 was a strategy in winning the primary in a loony toad quack right wing party. Since then he moved gradually back to the centre until the debates where he and Obama could barely find a thing to disagree on. Their biggest argument was over when exactly the president actually said "Terrorist attack"


The question I pondered was of these 2 nominees that have broadly similar views which roughly reflect those of the Republican party 15-20 years ago, which one would face the most opposition in applying their right/centre policies. The answer is plainly Romney. When Bush was in power the Democratic opposition was deafening. He could barely tap a phone without someone painting a Hitler moustache on him and marching on Washington. There were protests all over the shop and every media outlet outside of Fox lambasted him. Obama kills a 16 year old American with his own bare hands with no oversight whatsoever and there's barely a ripple.


Obama's next big move is going to be the "Grand Deal". Moderate (temporary) tax increases that will quickly be reversed by the next Republican president, in exchange for permanent cuts in Social Security and Medicare. How Liberal of him. He tried to make the same deal in his first term too, but republicans opposed the Tax increases he wanted to go hand in hand with it. They'll be more open to that now they took another hammering at the polls, punished for their intransigence. Obama will face no democratic opposition to these cuts because it's a widely accepted myththat social security is unaffordable.


Funny that the same people that hammer the Tories for their policies in the UK politics thread are so happy to see Obama the Social Security slasher let loose in the US.


What a load of shit. To your reply to Renton: You think the drawdown in Iraq is actually a point? You actually think that the Bush date was real and based on practical policy, not just done as he was swigging down the last of the white house whisky and stealing a few light fittings? That actually stands as analysis? The Bush date was realistic, should have been stuck to and because Obama didnt he is worse than Romney would be? Are you off your head or something? Fought tooth and nail? Thats nonsense.


As for the differences, the fact that Obama will raise taxes at deal with the fiscal difficulties facing their economy makes him a soclalist, the fact that Romney wont makes him to the right of Obama. You dont know anything about medicare cuts so dont pretend you do, have a read up on it.



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What a load of shit. To your reply to Renton: You think the drawdown in Iraq is actually a point? You actually think that the Bush date was real and based on practical policy, not just done as he was swigging down the last of the white house whisky and stealing a few light fittings? That actually stands as analysis? The Bush date was realistic, should have been stuck to and because Obama didnt he is worse than Romney would be? Are you off your head or something? Fought tooth and nail? Thats nonsense.


As for the differences, the fact that Obama will raise taxes at deal with the fiscal difficulties facing their economy makes him a soclalist, the fact that Romney won't makes him to the right of Obama. You dont know anything about medicare cuts so dont pretend you do, have a read up on it.




Obama cannot put Iraq withdrawal as an achievement iof he was negotiating to stay and failed to achieve that goal.....well he can do it cos no-one holds him to account on it....but it's outrageous that he does. You're still avoiding my only reason for suggesting a Romney win wouldn't be too bad. A right wing leader posing as a left winger and facing no liberal opposition at all can be more harmful than a complete balls to the wall right winger that faces widespread media opposition.


That's why Gemmil didn't know Obama has vested the president with the right to kill US children without due process. If Romney did that every fucker would know about it.


You're ignoring my point on taxes too. Obama will only raise them on the wealthy hand in hand with huge cuts in social security. Social Security isn't projected to run a deficit for decades and your boy Krugman himself says it's a con. The inclusion of medicaid in my reference to it only down to its inclusion in the grand deal.


Judged on his actions with Taxes so far Obama extended the Bush tax cuts in 2010, again, not a very left wing action.

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A sense of relief that Obama won; I suppose we're all that bit less likely to die in a nuclear holocaust during the next 4 years


That's about it. He basically promised Israel a war Mick Romdick.

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America has permanent bases in Iraq which will be there forever.

Reg taxes. Obama had to play down the middle as he had to keep Wall Street onside (his biggest donors) and put something on the table for main street.

One of his biggest problems in a repbulican dominated congress (which still stands but I haven't checked). These are a load of redneck multi-millionaire cunts in the pockets of lobbyists.

The only reason I wanted Obama is that he refused to ok the Israeli strike and denied them the proper bunker busters and satellite data they would need.

However he does creep through bits and pieces of right wing nonsense when people aren't paying attention.

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Talk is that Obama will have another go at asking Iran nicely to accept being at the end of the barrel of a gun, and if they still persist with working towards a deterrent he'll bomb the shit out of them....then use it as leverage against Israel to make concessions with Palestine.


Israel would just tell him to fuck off though.

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