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Conspiracy road trip 7/7

Kevin Carr's Gloves

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You can only debunk conspiracies by coming out with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which means not hiding evidence or refusing to show evidence.


Conspiracies will stay conspiracies until full on proof either way can be shown.

Debunking a conspiracy theory would be easy if the theory being debunked wasn't riddled to death with anomalies and a ridiculous amount of coincidences and shoddy graphics and actors used.

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You can only debunk conspiracies by coming out with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which means not hiding evidence or refusing to show evidence.


Conspiracies will stay conspiracies until full on proof either way can be shown.

Debunking a conspiracy theory would be easy if the theory being debunked wasn't riddled to death with anomalies and a ridiculous amount of coincidences and shoddy graphics and actors used.

I think you mean "you can't convince conspiracy theorists", because no amount of evidence will sway them from their entrenched belief.

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I think you mean "you can't convince conspiracy theorists", because no amount of evidence will sway them from their entrenched belief.



You can't convince conspiracy theorists with fabricated evidence, so concrete proof will only convince.

Because official versions are put out that are cloaked in mystery and a massive amount of coincidences then naturally people are gonna question them.

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You can't convince conspiracy theorists with fabricated evidence, so concrete proof will only convince.

Because official versions are put out that are cloaked in mystery and a massive amount of coincidences then naturally people are gonna question them.

Just going to make my point for me are you?


Aces, I'll take the rest of the night off then. :smoke-1:

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You can't convince conspiracy theorists with fabricated evidence, so concrete proof will only convince.

Because official versions are put out that are cloaked in mystery and a massive amount of coincidences then naturally people are gonna question them.

so what qualifies as concrete then?

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Just stumbled across this.....you tuning in Wolfy?......some lass on giving the dimensions of the biblical Ark....its bigger than the frigate am working on at Portsmouth Dockyard at the moment :lol:


Well they had two of every animal working on it man, you don't get that kind of workmanship these days.

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Is Creationism a "conspiracy"?

An elitist group, spreading a lie to hold onto and accrue further power, keeping the downtrodden masses ignorant and servile?


I'd say so.

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Just stumbled across this.....you tuning in Wolfy?......some lass on giving the dimensions of the biblical Ark....its bigger than the frigate am working on at Portsmouth Dockyard at the moment :lol:

I laugh like fuck at those that go along with this Ark carry on.


I watched a documentary the other night about this bloke that says the Ark was in the mountains and you can clearly see it from the air. I though, hmmm let's have a look at this none-sense.


Sure enough this supposed boat shape, around 1000 feet long or whatever and was supposedly built from trees by Noah's family and drinking pals from the Giraffe and Walrus pub.

Well ok I made that last bit up but then again, maybe they had a pub like that them days and they made the mistake of telling Noah on his 100th birthday that he can have free drink for the rest of his life, not realising he was gonna live another 750 years or something. :rolleyes:


The great flood and God telling Noah to knock an Ark up out of trees.


I can just picture the scene.


Nora: (Noah's wife)....Noah, drink your cans then get out there and knock this Ark up man, we don;t have long before Godder floods the place and you know what the fucking drainage is like round here.


Noah: Aye pet, I'll get sorted in a bit, I'm waiting for Billy to sharpen the axes and all that.


Nora: Who the fuck's Billy?


Noah: Fucking hell Nora, Billy's the one that helping me out. His real name is Nostithiusnansucksulliousminastunith, so We all just call him Billy for short.


Nora: Oh you mean that Ginger looking cunt we call head on legs.


Noah: Aye that's him pet. We need him like because we don't have any scaffolding, in-fact we don;t even know what scaffolding is yet like but we imagine it to be some kind of strong staging to help us build this big fuck off Ark but we don't need it because head on legs, crystal tips legs will do all the high work.


Nora: Well just hurry it up and I'll nip down to moousons to get us some beef and veg and what not.


Noah: Aye ok pet, oh and ermmm, I'm thinking of hoying 2 of every animal on this Ark like, so obviously it's gonna stink of shite and stuff but no more than us two by the time we've got this built eh?


Nora: You cheeky bastard, I wear sail over continents pads and they are ultra absorbant with a hint of ...eeeee hello Vera.


Vera: Hiya chuck, I've come over to see if you want me to drive you down to Moousons.


Nora: Drive me down? What the fuck in like?


Vera: I've just bought a new Discovery off a geezer called Darwin.


Nora: , you've been ripped off Vera, it's a canoe on wheels.


Vera: Never mind fishy gusset, hop in.


Noah: Right Gemmill......I mean Billy...let's knock a bit of this Ark up and we can go on the piss....Oh and don;t be wearing those stupid little shorts when we go out either, your legs look fucking stupid and bent to fuck.


Gemmill: Oop's I mean Billy:...You need talk you old smelly bastard, the upholstered seats in the pub stink of arse after you've sat there...and stale piss.


Noah: Maybe so but at least I'll get to sail on the Ark whilst you will die of old age before you get the chance.


Billy: Fucking hell , I never thought of that like Noah lad, how come you can age like fuck and I can't like, what's up with that?


Noah: It's the new chocolate mints our Nora gets from the shops like Billy.....they keep us from ageing too fast.


Billy: What's the name, I might buy some like.


Noah: Just look for a box that says, 'after 800 mints'...


Billy: Great stuff, I'll scan some and I can come with you.


Noah: Wanna stay for some supper like, our lass is bringing Fish back.


Billy: Nahhhh.. fuck that Noah, he's a bit of a simpleton.


Noah: (laughs) Nahhhhhh man, I mean fish to cook, not that numpty from Toontastic.


Billy: Phew, oh alright then I'll come now.


Noah: What's wrong with Fish like Billy?


Billy: Ahhh nowt much really like, it's just that he turned up at our house in his Jim Jams, like old grandad one's, then fills us all full of shite by placing 20 pebbles on the table and making out it was a computer screen and the pebbles were blips of vans and he was tracking them, whatever vans are like.


Noah: Fucking van tracking with pebbles, hahaha, he mentioned that to me and told me there was some metal things in the sky that tracks them for him, I think he called them sandalites or something.


Billy: No doubt in the future, some daft cunts will believe all that eh?


Noah: Aye mate, just like they will believe I can knock a big fuck off Ark up and thinking I was 850 odd year old, hahaha.


Billy: Well you will be won't you?


Noah: Fuck off man stop being naive, I've already pooed myself and dribbled piss as we talk and I just play tricks on people and the daft bastards believe me.


Billy: So were aren't building a big Ark?


Noah: Are we fuck man, we're just building a small fishing boat so we can take fishing parties out for 5 rocks a shot, plus a few tinnies apiece like.


Oh well that'll save us RENTON one out then (noshes Noah off for no fucking logical reason)


The End. :razz:

Edited by wolfy
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Any rational thinking person will know it's bullshit, yet those that believe in God and stuff will be 100% with the story given out as true.


The beauty about stuff you cannot see is that anything can be fabricated at any time and no one but those who fabricate it know any different as to whether it's real...possibly real...remotely possible or whatever.


Human beings have a fear of the unknown, so some of them would rather believe in God rather than not, for fear of his wrath if he is real.

People believe that God created the Earth is 6 days and it's about 6000 years old.

All that is taken from the bible which is updated as and when to fit in anything those at the top think is worthy.


I don't have an issue with anyone who believes in a God as it's at the very least an easy explanation for some people about why they are on this planet.

I often wonder myself what the actual purpose is, of us all existing on this planet, just to die.


Of course, to a believer, they can use the idea that we are only on this planet in our shell and once that is vacated, that's when life begins....'the after life.'


Who am I to say that's wrong...I can't, yet my own logic says it's irrational.


In one way we can look at it as if some intelligent form has placed us here for some purpose or we can look at it as, ' it just happened by chance'....


People have a fear of ghosts and many believe in ghosts, yet people see ghosts in uniform or some kind of clothing, yet clothing has no so called soul, so if by believing in the ghosts of people, you also have to believe in the ghosts clothes.


Not only that... if ghosts are true then in reality the planet should be crammed to the hilt with apparitions of every human that's ever died and every animal that's ever died from the start.


To be honest, so many religions are basically no more than a brainwashing scam that feed the masses and have them following a certain practice whilst relieving them of their hard earned cash.

That's just my opinion of it, so anyone that's religious don't take offence as I have no problem with those that follow religion...


I'm what's known as an atheist yet I don't see it that way because that implies that I don't believe in God as if I'm rebelling or something, when in truth I have no major problem with it, I just simply don't see any sense in following something that I cannot see nor feel and to me ,does not exist.


If I get a vision at any time in my life, then my stance would change....until that happens though, my logic dictates otherwise.

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