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Right for the job?

Christmas Tree

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But a child with Lispy 5 days a week is going to hear more of her pronunciation than her own parents (not that he's there that long).


The fact that you think this is so open and shut, surprises me.

You're either being ornery for the sake of it, or thick as fuck.


You're saying that 1 lispy nursery wifey would be more contributory to a child's pronunciation than the entire sum of his/her other influences. More than all the other Nursery people, more than all the kids, more than siblings, more than parents, uncles and aunts, grand parents, people in shops, people on tv, people on the radio. One Lispy mother fucker has ruined your kids chances of being employed as a 1960s BBC radio presenter.


Behave yourself man, :lol:


I'd suggest eating a stonking great big fry up (and then lying about it) has seriously hampered your cognitive processes.


I walk past a Scottish bloke selling the Big Issue most days, should I be worried about developing a Scottish brogue?



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My sisters eldest girl spent so much time with my mother when she was a nipper she strarted pronouncing her words with the same Manc accent as the old dear....she now speaks like all the rest of the her Scottish classmates. So its not really an issue iyam CT, but am sure it will remain one for you ;)

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You're either being ornery for the sake of it, or thick as fuck.


You're saying that 1 lispy nursery wifey would be more contributory to a child's pronunciation than the entire sum of his/her other influences. More than all the other Nursery people, more than all the kids, more than siblings, more than parents, uncles and aunts, grand parents, people in shops, people on tv, people on the radio. One Lispy mother fucker has ruined your kids chances of being employed as a 1960s BBC radio presenter.


Behave yourself man, :lol:


I'd suggest eating a stonking great big fry up (and then lying about it) has seriously hampered your cognitive processes.


I walk past a Scottish bloke selling the Big Issue most days, should I be worried about developing a Scottish brogue?




As usual you are being over dramatic ( thank fuck you don't work there ;) )


My question was "can it rub off".


I think it would cross the minds of most patents. :)

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As usual you are being over dramatic ( thank fuck you don't work there ;) )


My question was "can it rub off".


I think it would cross the minds of most patents. :)

You'd be wrong.


I don't think it's a rational thought, it's the kind of nonsense I'd expect to hear my sister flap about after reading about some horror story on Mumsnet where a kid went home in Berkshire with a Jamaican patois.


"EEeee what if wor Darren sounds like a foreigner, he'll get bullied at school."


It's a lisp, not the Motaba virus for fucks sake

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Guest CabayeAye

What next


"A nursery nurse is a gay, can my kids catch it?"




That's different. Someone with a lisp isn't going to touch your kids.

Edited by CabayeAye
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Guest CabayeAye

Are you kids cunts too Cabayaye?


No, because they don't know how to put light hearted posts on internet forums.


That last post was tongue in cheek, BTW, in the spirit of that South Park episode where Big Gay Al gets hoyed out of Scouts for being a shirt-lifter.


Maybe I should put a safety wink as a sig just to prevent you from calling me a cunt every other post...

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You'll be pleased to know CT that wor lass (she twigged it was a forum question straight away :lol:) says a kid is much more likely to mimic/develop a lithp if their parents have one. I'm assuming neither you or Mrs Tree have speech impediments.


Whilst it *may* be possible to catch on to this nursery worker's lithp, your kidda would have to be really mad keen on the person (ie to the same degree as a parent) as well as spend far more hours with them than they would at nursery.


Lithpth are more commonly because of physical difficulties an arl.


Edit - I'm not quoting verbatim obviously.

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You'll be pleased to know CT that wor lass (she twigged it was a forum question straight away :lol:) says a kid is much more likely to mimic/develop a lithp if their parents have one. I'm assuming neither you or Mrs Tree have speech impediments.


Whilst it *may* be possible to catch on to this nursery worker's lithp, your kidda would have to be really mad keen on the person (ie to the same degree as a parent) as well as spend far more hours with them than they would at nursery.


Lithpth are more commonly because of physical difficulties an arl.


Edit - I'm not quoting verbatim obviously.


Basically what I thought tbh. And luckily My bairn is only there a limited time, but from what your lass is saying, a kid who is there full time, could be at risk as they will spend more time with the worker than their parents.


Tbh I feel a bit of a cunt towards this last as I have downplayed this to a lisp. In fairness its a lot more than that and is probably a full on speech impediment. Every word is effected and not just the th's. (Roy hattersley talking very fast for the older generation).


Any way, the risk appears low and the child will be moving up a class shortly. But hopefully the likes of Fish will heed your good ladies advise and be less glib when their own children come along.

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Basically what I thought tbh. And luckily My bairn is only there a limited time, but from what your lass is saying, a kid who is there full time, could be at risk as they will spend more time with the worker than their parents.


Tbh I feel a bit of a cunt towards this last as I have downplayed this to a lisp. In fairness its a lot more than that and is probably a full on speech impediment. Every word is effected and not just the th's. (Roy hattersley talking very fast for the older generation).


Any way, the risk appears low and the child will be moving up a class shortly. But hopefully the likes of Fish will heed your good ladies advise and be less glib when their own children come along.

Got to love this re-writing of history.

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