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I'm unhappy about this...

Park Life

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Any particular reason for this outburst?


Fuck you GI !!!nFuck you....Not the jig piece you portray or the dolls you play with AT NIGHT!!! You yes YOU...The Gypsy queen the one armed bandit!! Fuck you!! :D

Edited by Park Life
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For anyone worrying about the end of the world, worry no more, it's not going to happen any time soon, well certainly not from doomsday predictions.

Mother Earth is a big strong come out all guns blazing planet that has kept everything lush green and rosy for long enough. We as humans are just a mere hindrance to the planet, as in, we are one of the very few species that kill , not just for food but for greed and chops down forests, not just for shelter but for greed.

Luckily, man is waking up to this and we are now replanting (replenishing) the forests that we take from, yet it all comes at a cost, which is animal nature and the likes.

This planet can heal itself from anything we can throw at it.

As for approaching Nibiru's and solar spewing Suns energy, sit back and lap it up for what it all is, which is scaremongering tactics just to keep everyone loose in the stool department.

Any wars conducted, will be with conventional weapons and well planned occupations of whatever countries are decided to be used for gain.

Wars on other countries , like China and Russia, e.t.c...the bigger countries, will never take place because all these big nations are in it together, whilst the smaller, more mineral rich countries are par for the course for the locusts to come in and devour.


The only thing us humans need to be wary of, is ourselves, against each other because although we all proclaim to be intelligent, we are infact Neanderthal in our make up.

We are basically sheep, all of us that are fed by the elite few at the top and we live our lives by whatever laws (in any form) they set out for us, even down to the smallest details.


We will constantly live in fear of some global or local catastrophe in whatever form it takes, whether it's a war, an environmental disaster or fake Nuclear wipe out, down to fake Alien sightings/invasions or some other planetry/asteroid scaremongering.


The only people that gain from war are those at the very top...all we gain is Zilch, nothing.

We lose the lives of brave soldiers going into whatever conflict they are told to and families have to deal with that loss as well as also paying higher taxation for the cost of the conflict that, like I say, benefits nobody but those at the very top.


Like it or not...we are simply sheep and they can herd us for as long as we live and we will follow the rest because we have no choice but to. Those that choose not to follow will be chased and rounded up by the sheepdogs with speed and efficiency.

Those that escape the sheepdogs, will be the next meal for the Wolf.

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Nah, the Large Hadron Collider is going to open a crack in the space time continuum and the Old Gods are going to force their way into our dimension and eat the planet. Or something.


Help me out here Parkenstein.

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Nah, the Large Hadron Collider is going to open a crack in the space time continuum and the Old Gods are going to force their way into our dimension and eat the planet. Or something.


Help me out here Parkenstein.

The LHC is a pure, absolute, undeniably, pathetic, stupendous pile of old knob ends and broomsticks. The reason it's buried underground is because of the fact that it is, a pure undeniably, pathetic,stupendous, pile of old knob ends and broomsticks.


Black holes and clap trap. Nahhhh.

Just my opinion mind you and everyone else can decide what they believe. :)

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You'll be laughing on the other side of your face Wolfy when the Great God Cthulu sticks his toe end through your arse.......

When when this great God appears, I'll happily let him bury that big toe up to the hilt inside me, and I'll even keep my bum dry for added pain.

The reason I'll do this, is because I will have been shown that there really are God's and maybe magic does really happen, upon this planet we call our home.

Until that happens though, I'm going to stick by my own thoughts on matters. Mind you though, I'll do a few bum stretching exercises just in case as you never know do you. :icon_lol:

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When when this great God appears, I'll happily let him bury that big toe up to the hilt inside me, and I'll even keep my bum dry for added pain.

The reason I'll do this, is because I will have been shown that there really are God's and maybe magic does really happen, upon this planet we call our home.

Until that happens though, I'm going to stick by my own thoughts on matters. Mind you though, I'll do a few bum stretching exercises just in case as you never know do you. :icon_lol:


:lol: being quick over 100m might be more of an advantage.....

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:lol: being quick over 100m might be more of an advantage.....

If a God appears, I could make Linford Christie look like a snail and God would just shout, "oi, wolfy lad, you can't escape my big toe...I'm God and running is futile, now get on the end of this big ingrown puss festered toe." :cry:
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The LHC is a pure, absolute, undeniably, pathetic, stupendous pile of old knob ends and broomsticks. The reason it's buried underground is because of the fact that it is, a pure undeniably, pathetic,stupendous, pile of old knob ends and broomsticks.


Black holes and clap trap. Nahhhh.

Just my opinion mind you and everyone else can decide what they believe. :)


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