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The Mentalists of Toontastic

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Bit gimpy this tbh but I'll do one


Leazes Mag


A 50 something passionate Newcastle fan, who can be challenging and thought provoking in equal measure. Comfortable talking about any aspect of Newcastle United, Leazes is the type of bloke who is capable of discussing anything football related. A man who has served his country, he is proud of our heritage, and should be championed as an embassador of goodwill who has helped preserve our way of life. A welcome addition to any NUFC message board, people of his ilk and passionate resolve should be held in high regard rather than ridiculed.


Makes a good curry. Forgetting to say 'thank you' to him is the equivalent of calling his mam a cock monster.

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In his small village, I imagine him to be a placid sort of kid, who will happily pop down to the local newsagents, taking orders along the way from old villagers and always having a smile and a hello to the locals.


Any newbie coming into the village would be watched by Renton and a pal, who would be positioned in strategic places, using binoculars and walkie talkies to relay the info about this stranger.

The stranger will be under surveillance until they are sure that he/she is of no threat to the inhabitants of his beloved village.


Once the village is safe, I believe Renton comes onto Toontastic , maybe wearing some sort of superhero type costume and immediately turning into 'ICEBERG', the village super cool hero and will use this persona in chat.


Once back at college, I believe he and Bobby, (that'll be his pal....a sort of young Bobby Brady type character from the Brady bunch), will swap notes about their exploits that day and also what they achieved on their respected forums, Bobby being on the Meccano forum.


I think Renton fancies himself as a bit of a snob and probably cringes in the company of anyone who isn't wearing a pair of cords and hush puppy type shoes, as well as the mandatory village diamond patterned tank top and clean crisp pressed shit.


I could be wrong here, as it's my imagination running riot.... but... as we are giving thoughts on posters, This is mine on Renton.

If I'm wrong Renton, don't take it to heart, as we can't all be correct simply based on forum typing can we. :aye:


Very good :lol:

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Didn't CT have an argument with Wolfy? I'd love someone to put in the efforts of arguing with themselves just so it was looked more realistic.


look who we're talking about...

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Whose moon landing thread ;)


Soz fact check man.


Didn't you abandon it to him when he started getting more batshit than you could contend with though? He must have most posts in there.


In fact did Wolfy arrive the day you started that thread? i think you gave KSA the inspiration for the character.

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Soz fact check man.


Didn't you abandon it to him when he started getting more batshit than you could contend with though? He must have most posts in there.


In fact did Wolfy arrive the day you started that thread? i think you gave KSA the inspiration for the character.


Naah, Wolfy's first post was regarding the nonexistence of Sky satellites. He started that thread.

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I'm just , me, myself and I. I'm Wolfy.


Ok so I stalked red riding hood and dressed up in her Grannies gear, fair enough, I admit I was disguised that day but I'm not on here, I'm just me in the fles....ermmm fur.


I went to great lengths to get that little bastard riding hood and even spent 3 hours laid in her Nana's stinking pissy fucking bed waiting for her..and among the stench of stale warm piss and bum smell, I had to then try and talk like her Nana would. I'd like to see any of you do it whilst your nostrils are burning with Nana ammonia.


Anyway, I was sussed out, so it doesn't matter, as riding hood said I had a big nose, the cheeky little bastard and then said I had eyes like Peter Lorre.....twat.... oh and said I had big ears, which was a blatant lie as he was out shopping at the metro centre with Noddy. :glare:

Edited by wolfy
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He's the same as the middle aged women in offices across the country who claim to be "bonkers" and the same as the oh so alternative kids in school.


It's just boring now.

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You're so odd.

It helps to be odd when you're on forums, it actually keeps you sane.


Once upon a time in the land of ODD, there lived a lad called Wolfy, who was a ODD to all the people who lived there.

Each night, they would stand outside of Wolfy's house and pray to him, because they knew they were praying to ODD.


What was ODD about it was, Wolfy was shacked up with the now 27 years old big red riding hood who was also an ODDESS to the people.


One night, Wolfy had left the light on in his house and was riding , red riding over the back of the couch and didn't realise they had been seen by all of the people.

Wolfy was taken to a Kangeroo court along with big red riding clitoral hood and all the Kangeroo's decided to send the pair of them to Australia for the crime of shafting.


It was soon realised that the Kangeroo's had made a miscarriage of justice as there was no ODD, so they begged Wolfy and big red sheila hood as she had become know, back to their town to become ODD for them, once again.


They are now known as the ODD couple and everyone was happy, with nobody at ODD'S with each other.

Wolfy had no grudge with all the Kangeroo's that sent him away, so he bought them all a pair of size 165 flossies each in any colour they chose and everybody lived happily ever after.


Now this is ODD. :thumbup:

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He's the same as the middle aged women in offices across the country who claim to be "bonkers" and the same as the oh so alternative kids in school.


It's just boring now.

I couldn't be anything other than boring to you Fishy. Forgive me for this but you are just a miserable git, yet strangely, you seem ok. :good:
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Naah, Wolfy's first post was regarding the nonexistence of Sky satellites. He started that thread.


Excuse me fuck face, an assist is an assist!


Sometimes Hatem will run past 5 players and leave Shola a tap in, other times it will hit Sholas arse fall into the path of Hatem who will then take on 5 players and score ;)

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