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Wolfy's belief system

Guest RockyRoad

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Guest RockyRoad

I've decided to start listing all of Wolfy's beliefs, largely just for general amusement, but also incase he ever escapes and the police need a checklist to eliminate suspects. Feel free to suggest additions.


* Oil isn't a fossil fuel

* Man has never landed on the Moon

* The mind can fight diseases

* Nuclear weapons are incendiary bombs

* Atoms don't exist

* Satellites don't exist, GPS uses radio relays

* Earth is the centre of the Universe

* Newton's laws are incorrect

* Nothing can escape Earth's atmosphere

* You can't measure things you can't touch

* Triangulation works on Earth, but not in space

* The Earth is not spinning

* Scientists use equations to legitimise made up data

* Equations are a form of magic used to con the masses

* Stupid people can't tell magic from reality

* Clever people would rather believe in magic than look uncool

* The Sun is a big ball of fire

* Heat cannot be dissapated in a vaccum

* Everything photographed in the sky is not real

* A theory is never verifiable using observation

* All theories about stuff you can't touch are equally valid

* If he cannot touch something, it's fake

* Everyone else in the world has been fooled

* Rockets work by pushing against air so don't work in a vacuum

* Man made objects cannot reach escape velocity

* Newton's 3rd law doesn't apply in vacuums

* Humans are Neanderthals

* We are all sheep led by the elite few

* The USA, China and Russia are close allies

* Humans are the only species that don't just kill for food

* The LHC was built underground because it's fake

* NASA will announce intelligent life on Mars within 1 year

* Man has never landed anything on Mars

* If life is found on Mars, it will be fake

* You can't stop a one tonne object with a parachute

* Evolution teaches us that humans come from Apes

* Apes still existing throws doubt on evolution

* Intelligent design is a sensible explanation for symbiosis

* The mechanism of natural selection is a "mind bender"

* Humans should have invented electronics eons ago

* Carbon dating is a myth

* Carbon dating involves less skill than manual labour

* Humans are less skilled today than 100 years ago

* Evolution predicts cancer should wipe out humans

* Evolution requires humans be resistant to bacteria

* The T-Rex never existed

Edited by RockyRoad
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You just made this bit up. I'll accept being a conspiracy theorist but you are now adding stuff for no reason. Behave man. :snigger:

You've repeatedly said that you don't believe the equations scientists use to support a heliocentric solar system, or the like

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You've repeatedly said that you don't believe the equations scientists use to support a heliocentric solar system, or the like



I said, scientists make up the equations to suit whatever they want the public to accept without question. Their sums add up but are SHOEHORNED to fit what they decide to bullshit us with.


A for instance, is the Mars fake landing. They do the calculations based on the distances they made up themselves and the supposed atmosphere of Mars and they fill us all with the calculations from that which appear sound to anyone checking them up, yet it's all based on bullshit.


We could all make something up and make calculations for it to fit what we have made up.


It's not the equations or trigonometry and such that I have any problem with, it's the start up point as to how it all appears.

For instance...from this Earth, there is no way in knowing the distance to any planet or star and it's all based on guesswork, unless people believe they landed on the moon of course.


The fact is, to get a distance to an object, you first need to know the objects actual size and you can then gauge the distance.


Another for instance.

If I was to place a ball 1 mile away and my ball resembled a football, you could gauge the distance on the basis of it being a football of a certain size.

If however, I tricked you and made a golf ball sized football, you would still be calculating the distance using the full size football, believing that's what it is.


Nobody really knows the diameter of the moon but for our benefit we are told it's just over 2000 miles across but it's impossible to measure unless someone has been there to measure it.


It's fine saying, "oh a laser has been bounced off it and that's how they know what distance and size it is" but common sense should tell anyone that trying to get a laser to bounce back to a so called spinning Earth is impossible.


Just remember, if a laser beam could be sent off the fake reflector ...by the time the laser came back ( for the sake of it, let's say 4 seconds) then the observatory on Earth (assuming the bullshit spinning) would have moved just over ONE mile away from the point where the laser was shot from.

1 mile in 4 seconds.

Of course, there will always be reasons as to why it can be done and it's all based on bullshit made up physics and alignments and such...basically Penn and Teller magic.


The clever people like to accept any of the bullshit given out because it looks cool to know the made up calculations of stuff like this, yet whilst those people are genuinely savvy to equations and maths in various complicities, it doesn't detract from the issue that they themselves are being fooled from the onset, yet will never ever admit it because no clever person wants to admit to being fooled.


If that sounds arrogant, then so be it but it needs people to actually look at the stuff these supposed top scientists give out and see a lot of it for what it is...space travel, planetry and star distance bullshit.

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The fact is, to get a distance to an object, you first need to know the objects actual size and you can then gauge the distance.


No, that's not true at all.


RADAR, radio triangulation are methods you believe in arbitrarily and are methods that do not require the size of the object to be known.

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No, that's not true at all.


RADAR, radio triangulation are methods you believe in arbitrarily and are methods that do not require the size of the object to be known.

I was talking about a lone person doing a calculation based on something put at a distance unknown to him/her.


On Earth, yes, there can be what you say but as far as planets go and distances, it's all based on pure guesswork.


Naturally you will argue the opposite which is fair enough but my stance is simply that we are bullshitted with everything to do with space and space travel of any sort, as like I said...we are in a comfortable prison and it's top top security..THERE IS NO ESCAPE from the Earth's boundary (atmosphere).

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I was talking about a lone person doing a calculation based on something put at a distance unknown to him/her.


On Earth, yes, there can be what you say but as far as planets go and distances, it's all based on pure guesswork.


Naturally you will argue the opposite which is fair enough but my stance is simply that we are bullshitted with everything to do with space and space travel of any sort, as like I said...we are in a comfortable prison and it's top top security..THERE IS NO ESCAPE from the Earth's boundary (atmosphere).


Again, you don't seem to understand basic concepts. The same triangulation that you agree is possible on Earth is possible to gauge the distance of objects in space.

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That's why I'm asking "With what?" What don't you agree with?


I don't agree with what they say about planetry and star distances. I don't think they are close to a guess, I think they are way out.

Light year stars that we can see and shit like that just makes me laugh because it's all bollocks as far as I'm concerned.

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I don't agree with what they say about planetry and star distances. I don't think they are close to a guess, I think they are way out.

Light year stars that we can see and shit like that just makes me laugh because it's all bollocks as far as I'm concerned.


but why not? If Earthbound Observatory A and Earthbound Observatory B both identify a star/planet/spacemonkey and use the same triangulation method as they would to identify a point on Earth to discern the distance of whatever it is they're looking at, the maths stacks up. So what magical properties are you bestowing upon objects in space that render mathematics unreliable?

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but why not? If Earthbound Observatory A and Earthbound Observatory B both identify a star/planet/spacemonkey and use the same triangulation method as they would to identify a point on Earth to discern the distance of whatever it is they're looking at, the maths stacks up. So what magical properties are you bestowing upon objects in space that render mathematics unreliable?

Space, that's what.

We are trapped on this planet and I mean trapped..we do not get off and we do not get anywhere near outside of our atmosphere, so radio waves, triangulation and any other means of gauging distances is rendered pointless.

If you believe in a spinning 1000mph plus Earth, then gauging anything is pointless with planets and stars.


We are told that we see the light of a star as it was millions of years ago..what utter utter bullshit.

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So you're saying that because we cannot leave this planet, it is impossible to gauge the distance of objects that are not on this planet? That doesn't stand up to the most basic of scrutiny. I don't understand how you can so fervently believe something that is so flimsy? It makes no sense and for one as you who rates common sense above all else, I'd have thought that incongruous

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