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US Open Final


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We `think' Wimbledon is the top tennis tournament.We `think' The Open is the top major.We all KNOW the Tour de France is the top cycle race so there is no comparison with other `top' cycle races.Whichever way you look at it,there are 4 majors and 4 grand slams.Murray won a grand slam,of which there are 4 to win.

Edited by essembeeofsunderland
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We `think' Wimbledon is the top tennis tournament.We `think' The Open is the top major.We all KNOW the Tour de France is the top cycle race so there is no comparison with other `top' cycle races.Whichever way you look at it,there are 4 majors and 4 grand slams.Murray won a grand slam,of which there are 4 to win.


theyre the same thing mate


Wimbledon is the worlds premier tennis tournament, I'd like to hear an argument against it being so if you don't mind :D

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Do people actually like Murray though? Sure, first Brit to win an Open and all that, but I just find him to be a boring, unlikeable twat.


His tennis doesn't seem to be that amazing. Federer for example doesn't just beat opponents, he humiliates them with his on court superiority and skill. That's what true champions can do. Federer is just as unlikable as Murray personality wise, but I can at least admire his tennis. Murray however is clearly always going to be an also ran, picking up the odd title here and there. He scraped through this one on the bones of his arse, fluffing numerous chances to put it to bed much earlier. He possibly only won in the end due to superior fitness, which is hardly anything to shout about.


His temperament is totally unlikeable too. Lendl was supposed to have cured him of acting like a bairn on the court, yet watching this match it didn't seem to have worked - he's still a huffy girl. And his personality? Jesus. If I ever have trouble sleeping, I can imagine using a tape of his press conferences as a sleeping aid. I switch off automatically whenever he's on.


If British sport is about anything, it's about admiring true champions (cycling), or plucky but useless triers (football). Murray just falls into the gap between the two, not good enough to admire sporting wise, and not likeable enough to admire as a trier.


I don't even care whether he's Scottish or British, he's useless at being either, although it really was sad to hear the Scots at Hampden chanting 'there's only one Andy Murray', while watching they're team get fucked by a country nobody's really even heard of. Irony apparently in short supply north of the wall.


I am truly at a loss to explin why anyone cheers him on, Brit or Scot, except out of basic blind loyalty for 'one of us'. The only good thing about this win is that now, hopefully, the press won't be dominated by this gimp and the 'long wait', although sadly I don't think that will be true, now they'll just keep banging on about having never won Wimbledon.


The long and the short of it is, Andy Murray is a loser. Even when he's a winner.


What a load of shite

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