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whey I was in the top 29.93% of the country... on £13,000 Gross


I know that the top 5% of the world own 95% of the wealth, but I think the calculator is screwed.

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You are in the 6.35% richest people in the UK.


There are 3,667,423 people richer than you.


There are 54,132,577 people poorer than you.



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Hugely pedantic, but shouldn't it say "You are amongst the *however many percent* highest earners in the UK, cos having a half decent annual salary doesn't make anyone rich if they spend it all every month :lol:

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I'm not sure about this like, but apparently I'm in the top 3.5% in the UK and the top 0.87% worldwide.  And all I do all day is play on the internet. :lol:



Mine's like yours, and all I do all day is sit around reading comic books. ;)

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You guys find these results suprising, but you all have computers (or jobs that provide them) to read these pages and think of how many poor people there are in the UK, and then think of all the even poorer people in parts of Africa (remember Live8?), Asia etc.


I remember when I was at college we were told that just by attending sixth form would in the future put us into the top 10% earners in the country.

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You are in the 7.29% richest people in the UK.


There are 4,212,990 people richer than you.


There are 53,587,010 people poorer than you.


Cor, just imagine where I'd be if I'd actually had a fucking payrise at some point during the last five years! :lol:

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I'm not sure about this like, but apparently I'm in the top 3.5% in the UK and the top 0.87% worldwide.  And all I do all day is play on the internet. :lol:



Worst post in the history of this board. Enough to make everyone sick.


On the plus side he's got ginger hair and a comically under developed phallus.

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