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"she was a member of the “We Like Diversity” Facebook page, called herself “multicultural” and a supporter of Third-world immigration into Sweden, the country of her birth. Maybe in those last few moments of life, she changed her mind about a few things, as if it made any difference. "

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UK, Germany and France have had the same levels of massive Islamic immigration why are their rape statistics miles off the Norweigan and Swedish ones then??


I dont know, but it seems like you are blaming the norwegian girls for being raped.

Im not sure if I would call France an immigrant success story either though :lol:


Cant say Im well versed when it comes to Germany and the UK.

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I dont know, but it seems like you are blaming the norwegian girls for being raped.

Im not sure if I would call France an immigrant success story either though :lol:


Cant say Im well versed when it comes to Germany and the UK.


No I'm showing you that these things aren't clear cut and you'd be better served not making bogus pseudo-religious and racist stereotype attacks. Immigration IS challenging nobody is denying that. There are anomalies in the data but as this debate of recent immigration into Scandanavia is so fresh we won't really be able to understand what's going on just yet, nevermind stigmatise a whole community. There's something wrong with these figures from Norway as the UK or France hasn't experienced anything like it from our Muslim communities....What we need to find out is what that is... :)


Btw ex-Mrs P was an immigration/asylum barrister dealing with Bosnia and so on...I know the territory. ;)

Edited by Park Life
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UK, Germany and France have had the same levels of massive Islamic immigration why are their rape statistics miles off the Norweigan and Swedish ones then??


Do you have such statistics for the UK? I don't like to generalise too much but any time you see a gang of men convicted of raping/'sharing' teenagers they do seem to be Asian 90% of the time. Perhaps it's just their cultural attitude to women?

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Do you have such statistics for the UK? I don't like to generalise too much but any time you see a gang of men convicted of raping/'sharing' teenagers they do seem to be Asian 90% of the time. Perhaps it's just their cultural attitude to women?

  • 15,940 rapes in year to March 2011
  • 12% classed as no crime
  • 24% of all cases lead to conviction or caution
  • Proportion of convictions in cases that go to court is rising - up from 58% in 2009 to 71% in 2011

Not broken down by ethnicity from the places I've looked.


Maybe here


At present, the closest we have to a national estimate comes from CEOP's 2011 scoping study into "localised grooming", roughly synonymous with on-street grooming. Response rates to the researchers request for data from police, children's services and the third sector, were low. Based on these patchy data, CEOP suggest there are over 2,000 "potential offenders" in the UK. Most of these, however, will never have been formally identified, let alone arrested, charged or prosecuted. Ethnicity data were available for just one-third. Of these, 49% were white and 46% Asian: the proportion of Pakistani Asians remains unknown. However, in a country where Asians constitute 7% of the general population, this is a striking figure.





There are about two million muslims in the UK.

Edited by Park Life
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Caution for rape? Wtf?

Could that be statutory rapes? Where the lad did have sex with someone under-age, however there's sufficient doubt in the judges mind to lead him away from believing that the kid will do it again?


Purely speculation on my part.

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:lol: Your explanation is first year stuff, I just dont agree with it. Find out why Rape occur :lol:


Explain to me how science can be the key then, by understanding why they occur? We know why they occur, appearently its "traumatic experiences in their homeland".

How excactly does that bear relevance to assaulting blond norwegian 20 year olds stumbling half-naken and drunk down the street? Help heal the wounds does it?

Maybe the norwegian girls shouldnt "tempt them so much" ? :lol:


And no parky its not the same as what went on in yogoslavia, the rape waves occuring there was war tactics the same way it was used by russians in world war 2.

it has nothing to do with religion or DNA per se, its part of their view on life and cultural upbringing. Race has nothing to do with it, they just happen to be muslims.

Why we engage in it is because they are all coming here since our social benefits system is redicillously good.


It has to do with values and dos/donts of western society.

Its not science, just the application of rational analysis. Education and the prevalence of mental health issues, pathological behaviours etc. You've hit the nail on the head, its cultural so if you stick a white person in the same culture with the same upbringing, education and background they are equally likely to be a rapist. The colour of their skin, as you have just indirectly stated, is irrelevant.


Its important to understand the risk factors (causes) as this explains why people do it. When you apply a logical and 'cause and effect' model, skin colour becomes irrelevant. Statistical extrapolation across heterogenous populations via statistical risk models is not first year stuff either, you arrogant tit.

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Rape as a phenomenon is as old as the world itself. What left-wingers usually do is try to "understand" why it happends.

To me thats all well but its not really that interesting. Rape is unacceptable if you are white, yellow, black or blue.

It has to do with respect for women and I think we are being overly soft by trying to label it "cultural" rather than a flat out crime.

There is nothing understandable about rape, its a faux pas end of.


To flip the coin I`d like to see caucasian males moving to the middle east or africa and start raping women and see if he is met by the same touchy feely application from the locals.

He`d be lynched.

I didn't know you were related to a victim of Brevik and I apologise for liking you to him. You're the nearest thing to him on here though looking at your views. Chez is spot on about socio-economic conditions being fundamental to this, rather than just skin colour. Having said that Bramble's got a few quid like. However, your point about political affiliations determining views on rape is beyond laughable.

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Ah, so this whole thread is just so Wolfy can complain people are being mean to him. Well, suck it up Icke. If you're going to be arrogant about your opinions, people will challenge them and when you can't back them up, people will mock them.


I get plenty of stick on here and have honestly never thought about jacking it in because of that. If people are honestly stropping off because of the words on their screen then they need to have a word with themselves.


If the initial hazing gets people turning away then one option is a "Welcome to Toontastic" board that is under stricter control. Personally I think the barracking people get at first sorts the wheat from the chaff. However, there've been a few new posters who've done a "Hi I'm new to the board" thread and had a overwhelmingly genial welcome, then they've said nowt else after that.


What makes this board is a core of clever, articulate and witty posters with a good number of idiot, bumbling oafs to add filler. ;)

Calm yourself down man, hahahaha.


I don't care what people say to me, I'm a big boy. I like this forum, it's easy going and any thing said to me is so mild it's almost pleasant, so I have no qualms about any shite I take.


When I put up controversial posts, I expect to get stick and be ribbed e.t.c and I welcome it as it has no effect on myself.

Do calm down Fish, there's no need to come over all Mr big and what not as it don't impress a me much do do de do. :naughty:


Canny song that by Shania Twain don;t you think?

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Well I have. :) The highest proportion of rape in Norway is domestic and always has been. See above. What the fuck are you lot upto?? One in ten ffs!! I thought Norway was a clean thinkin right wing Christian country. ;)


Fuckin wronguns, uglier and more ginger than Swedes too.

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I didn't know you were related to a victim of Brevik and I apologise for liking you to him. You're the nearest thing to him on here though looking at your views. Chez is spot on about socio-economic conditions being fundamental to this, rather than just skin colour. Having said that Bramble's got a few quid like. However, your point about political affiliations determining views on rape is beyond laughable.



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Calm yourself down man, hahahaha.


I don't care what people say to me, I'm a big boy. I like this forum, it's easy going and any thing said to me is so mild it's almost pleasant, so I have no qualms about any shite I take.


When I put up controversial posts, I expect to get stick and be ribbed e.t.c and I welcome it as it has no effect on myself.

Do calm down Fish, there's no need to come over all Mr big and what not as it don't impress a me much do do de do. :naughty:


Canny song that by Shania Twain don;t you think?

Literally zero self awareness :lol:

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