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Probably is, England is such a multicultural country that racism is (rightly) intolerable.

Norway is a whole different kettle of fish ( both wrongly and rightly I might add) but the social conditions do make it alot more understandable.


No point in debating it though, unless you have a masters degree in norwegian you are unlikely to understand where Im coming from.

Edited by Lake Bells tits
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We have massive problems with criminal muslim immigrants coming here, this causes alot of norwegians to harbour negative attitudes towards our new countrymen.

Here is a statistic for you: Every single assault rape in Oslo last year, where I live had a foreign assaultant. Hows that?


It doesnt affect tourism at all, just those of us who live here. If that puts you off Norway thats your loss, its just how it is.

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Having lived in France and Germany and generally been around a bit (Finland, Italy, Sweden) I'd say the UK is the least racist by a mile. It takes time for the host community to re-configure outside of race and nationalistic lines: We've had about a 50 years head start.


Rape stats in Sweded are similar to Norway btw with a high proportion commited by recent immigrants iirc. Think it's about 4 to 1 in Sweden (immigrants over-represented).


But there are deeper reasons for this than just 'evil' foreigners and so on...It will even out after a decade or two, especially as 2nd and 3rd generations are added to the data.

Edited by Park Life
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Toontastic has a very tight core of people who seem to know eachother well, either through years of posting, actual real life relation or a bit of both. Coming here as a new poster, you do feel like bit of a third wheel.


I do probably deserve a bit of stick since I post a lot of shite, some of the abuse have over the wall though.

Stopped posting for quite a few months following some breivik abuse when I infact lost a family member in the initial explosion.

I realise its not meant 100% serious but still. I think after a while you just stop caring and fling a bit of mud back, its not supposed to be taken at face value - at least I dont anymore.

Its just a fotball internet forum after all.


Stop fucking moaning.

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Having lived in France and Germany and generally been around a bit (Finland, Italy, Sweden) I'd say the UK is the least racist by a mile. It takes time for the host community to re-configure outside of race and nationalistic lines: We've had about a 50 years head start.


Rape stats in Sweded are similar to Norway btw with a high proportion commited by recent immigrants iirc. Think it's about 4 to 1 in Sweden (immigrants over-represented).


But there are deeper reasons for this than just 'evil' foreigners and so on...It will even out after a decade or two, especially as 2nd and 3rd generations are added to the data.


Deeper reasons, like what. A rape gene? :lol:

The differences are cultural, and unfortunately its going the other way of what you are describing. Immigrants over 50 are pretty much non-existent on the "rape charts" - its all young men.

In 2006 I think it was, there was a report stating that there was in excess of 30.000 reports where the assaultant was black and the victim a white woman, whereas there was less than 100 cases where the assaultant was white and the victim a black woman.


Skip-jumping the sure to be not-funny joke that black men seems more attracted to a white woman than the other way around - how do you explain such things without assigning blame?


Anyway Im not getting involved in the handbags anymore as Catmag has given me a stern warning. Im oot.

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Deeper reasons, like what. A rape gene? :lol:

The differences are cultural, and unfortunately its going the other way of what you are describing. Immigrants over 50 are pretty much non-existent on the "rape charts" - its all young men.

In 2006 I think it was, there was a report stating that there was in excess of 30.000 reports where the assaultant was black and the victim a white woman, whereas there was less than 100 cases where the assaultant was white and the victim a black woman.


Skip-jumping the sure to be not-funny joke that black men seems more attracted to a white woman than the other way around - how do you explain such things without assigning blame?


Anyway Im not getting involved in the handbags anymore as Catmag has given me a stern warning. Im oot.


I was agreeing with your assertions reg the data you donkey. But unlike you I don't just write if off as an 'immigrant crime wave'. The data is so new papers are still being written and analysed. I'd rather wait and see what the experts have to say. Rape in Norway and Sweden has always been high yes? Both countries have a history of intolerance and generally right wing sympathies..Look at the beatings of Somali's and Jews in Sweden as a a case in point.

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Deeper reasons, like what. A rape gene? :lol:

The differences are cultural, and unfortunately its going the other way of what you are describing. Immigrants over 50 are pretty much non-existent on the "rape charts" - its all young men.

In 2006 I think it was, there was a report stating that there was in excess of 30.000 reports where the assaultant was black and the victim a white woman, whereas there was less than 100 cases where the assaultant was white and the victim a black woman.


Skip-jumping the sure to be not-funny joke that black men seems more attracted to a white woman than the other way around - how do you explain such things without assigning blame?


Anyway Im not getting involved in the handbags anymore as Catmag has given me a stern warning. Im oot.


So basically what you're saying is that you're a twat because you're Norwegian and we shouldn't hold it against you?


Fair enough.


Just for the record because such lazy thinking irritates me: Why do white men rape then? According to your implicit logic, white men rape women because they are black.


Eh? If you dont follow that, let me spell it out for you: lets examine the factors that lead to white men raping women. Lets isolate those factors and examine how they might differ across social groups. Income might be a factor but then we could break that down to issues around education, mental health, abuse & violence in the home. Now in the 'white male population' we have a 'model' for why men rape. Now we need to take those factors and multiply them by the rate at which those factors are observed in the black community or Muslim or whichever community you want. You then examine the rate of rape in the white community adjusted for the prevalence of risk factors in the balck community.


What your left with is, in your example, 30000 cases of white men raping women. The reason why i say that? Because colour is not a risk adjusted factor for rape, social background, mental health etc is, otherwise rape wouldnt exist in certain communities.

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Rape as a phenomenon is as old as the world itself. What left-wingers usually do is try to "understand" why it happends.

To me thats all well but its not really that interesting. Rape is unacceptable if you are white, yellow, black or blue.

It has to do with respect for women and I think we are being overly soft by trying to label it "cultural" rather than a flat out crime.

There is nothing understandable about rape, its a faux pas end of.


To flip the coin I`d like to see caucasian males moving to the middle east or africa and start raping women and see if he is met by the same touchy feely application from the locals.

He`d be lynched.

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Rape as a phenomenon is as old as the world itself. What left-wingers usually do is try to "understand" why it happends.

To me thats all well but its not really that interesting. Rape is unacceptable if you are white, yellow, black or blue.

It has to do with respect for women and I think we are being overly soft by trying to label it "cultural" rather than a flat out crime.

There is nothing understandable about rape, its a faux pas end of.


To flip the coin I`d like to see caucasian males moving to the middle east or africa and start raping women and see if he is met by the same touchy feely application from the locals.

He`d be lynched.


We are talking about the recent immigration from war torn Bosnia, Serbia and other traumatised at risk environments right?


Take a look at the Serbian armies (white/wierd christianity) rape record in Bosnia (muslim) fella.


As I say it isn't simple and needs understanding and analyising that's how society develops. I don't think it's helped by the monthly stealth attacks on immigration by the Norweigan media either. I don't understand how a fully redneck and right wing country like Norway got mixed up with immigration anyway? Leave it to the civilised world. :)

Edited by Park Life
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Scientists find risk factors for bad things happening and then try to reduce the prevalence of those factors to reduce the bad things.


Is that easier to understand for you?


He doesn't believe that he thinks it's either in the dna or muslims are evil. :lol:

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Scientists find risk factors for bad things happening and then try to reduce the prevalence of those factors to reduce the bad things.


Is that easier to understand for you?


:lol: Your explanation is first year stuff, I just dont agree with it. Find out why Rape occur :lol:


Explain to me how science can be the key then, by understanding why they occur? We know why they occur, appearently its "traumatic experiences in their homeland".

How excactly does that bear relevance to assaulting blond norwegian 20 year olds stumbling half-naken and drunk down the street? Help heal the wounds does it?

Maybe the norwegian girls shouldnt "tempt them so much" ? :lol:


And no parky its not the same as what went on in yogoslavia, the rape waves occuring there was war tactics the same way it was used by russians in world war 2.

it has nothing to do with religion or DNA per se, its part of their view on life and cultural upbringing. Race has nothing to do with it, they just happen to be muslims.

Why we engage in it is because they are all coming here since our social benefits system is redicillously good.


It has to do with values and dos/donts of western society.

Edited by Lake Bells tits
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"One in 10 Norwegian women over the age of 15 has been raped, according to the country’s largest shelter organization, the Secretariat of the Shelter Movement. But at least 80 percent of these cases are never brought to official attention and only 10 percent of those that are end in a conviction, the Justice Ministry says.

Nowhere is this taboo more stubborn than in the family home, long considered off-limits for law enforcement and the state.

“The statistics tell us that the safest place for women is outside, on the street — most rapes happen at home,” said Tove Smaadahl, general manager of the Shelter Movement. In a 2005 survey by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, 9 percent of female respondents in a relationship reported experiencing sexual assault."


N.Y. Times.




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Well I have. :) The highest proportion of rape in Norway is domestic and always has been. See above. What the fuck are you lot upto?? One in ten ffs!! I thought Norway was a clean thinkin right wing Christian country. ;)


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