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Here man, go back 2 or 3 years and I couldn't post a single message without Stevie/Wacky calling me a cunt and wishing I died (or something equally as witty)


The ribbing people get on here currently is tame in comparison to some that has been given out over the years. If they can't take it then they shouldn't be on the internet tbh


The likes of Wolfy/Cabaye/LBT invite it onto themselves and enjoy the attention

You still alive, you cunt?


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Why hang around if people dont make it a pleasant experience. Your accusation of arrogance against Wolfy is more a reflection on you than wolfy. His views are a bit mental and he is using the forum as a bit of fun to present those views. You expect your arguments to 'win him over' and because they have superior logic, he is 'arrogant' for not changing his view.


Personally i dont like any form of behaviour online that people wouldnt replicate face to face.

Never denied I'm arrogant, in fact, I reckon I've said it myself a fair few times. The point is, if I were to state that whatever you believe is laughable and had nowt to back it up with, you would rightly have a go at me. In fact I'm sure I've tried to get involved in a finance conversation and, after (rightly) being told I don't know what I'm talking about, I've shut up and let people who do know what they're talking about get on with it. He can't whine on that people are mean to him if the reason that they are is because he's not willing/able to back up his mental claims.


As J69 says, people have had it far worse than simply being called stupid. If that's enough for someone to flounce, then I would worry for their fragility. It's an internet message board ffs. I can't believe anybody gets genuinely upset about the nonsense on here.


Those new-comers from NUTZ were never going to stick around because they essentially wanted to migrate their online community into this webspace. It'd be like a WI meeting trying to settle into a regular meeting at Mood.


And to be honest, I'd be worse to wolfy if I saw him face to face, it'd most likely involve sock puppets and a slideshow.

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Toontastic has a very tight core of people who seem to know eachother well, either through years of posting, actual real life relation or a bit of both. Coming here as a new poster, you do feel like bit of a third wheel.


I do probably deserve a bit of stick since I post a lot of shite, some of the abuse have over the wall though.

Stopped posting for quite a few months following some breivik abuse when I infact lost a family member in the initial explosion.

I realise its not meant 100% serious but still. I think after a while you just stop caring and fling a bit of mud back, its not supposed to be taken at face value - at least I dont anymore.

Its just a fotball internet forum after all.

Edited by Lake Bells tits
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Really? No need for that.


Condolences by the way.

Never once did he say he'd lost a family member in the initial explosion, yet allowed people to perhaps wrongly to continue calling him Brevik. Attention seeking cunt tbh.

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Never once did he say he'd lost a family member in the initial explosion, yet allowed people to perhaps wrongly to continue calling him Brevik. Attention seeking cunt tbh.






Did tell and despite that, ever since then you have kept referring to me as "brevik" (wrongly spelled on purpose?) in every other post. But whatever man. If you find pleasure in joking around with peoples dead relatives - go ahead by all means.


This is her: http://nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/ostafjells/buskerud/1.7731833

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Never once did he say he'd lost a family member in the initial explosion, yet allowed people to perhaps wrongly to continue calling him Brevik. Attention seeking cunt tbh.


Looks like you owe someone an apology.

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Whilst that Is horrible and I'm sorry for your loss you must feel conflicted with your hatred of aids ridden niggers and the like invading your country. You share similar views to breivik don't you? Obviously without the murdering innocent people part.

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No. Im right wing though and very sceptical of the kind of immigration we are currently experiencing. There is some distance from that to aids ridden niggers.

I dont want death on anyone and all I want is a stricter immigration policy.


If you lived in Oslo you would understand.

Edited by Lake Bells tits
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