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Royal Family Veto on New Government Policy


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A little-known power enjoyed by the Queen and Prince of Wales to alter new laws is due to be exposed after the government lost a legal battle to keep details of its application private.



The information commissioner has ruled that the Cabinet Office must publish an internal Whitehall guide to the way the senior royals are consulted before legislation is introduced to ensure it does not harm their private interests.







Scandalous but not surprising.

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Guest CabayeAye

Not really a secret at all. We are a Monarchy. Every thing Parliament does is overseen by the Queen. Just because she let's the Prime Minister carry on without interference, doesn't mean to say she couldn't intervene if she wanted to.


Typical Guardian left wing anti royal shit stirring.

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Not really a secret at all. We are a Monarchy. Every thing Parliament does is overseen by the Queen. Just because she let's the Prime Minister carry on without interference, doesn't mean to say she couldn't intervene if she wanted to.


Typical Guardian left wing anti royal shit stirring.


Not a secret but they're frantically trying to keep it out of general knowledge?


If people accept it with such rampant masochism then I don't know why they'd be worried.

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Guest CabayeAye

Personally I trust the Queen much more than any of our politicians. It's kinda nice knowing that if our parliaments corruption got totally out of hand, she could kick up a fuss and at least bring it into the public domain.

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Personally I trust the Queen much more than any of our politicians. It's kinda nice knowing that if our parliaments corruption got totally out of hand, she could kick up a fuss and at least bring it into the public domain.


Of course, the Queen is well known for sharing her innermost thoughts on the state of the nation with all and sundry, to the extent that you're able to say you trust her judgement implicitly :)

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This is why I'm looking forward to Charles taking over - I think he'll do a shit load of damage to the institution when all his interference becomes more open and blatant.


And CabayAye if ypu think the Queen is above corruption you should look up the deal she did over tax when her mother died.

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I sort of like Charles...an ex did a lot of work with the DoC and she said you may not agree with him, but he does care about the future of the country deeply. I think his "defender of faiths" comment showed he understands the issues in the country, as much as any multi millionaire aristocrat can anyway.


The trouble with an alternative to the royal family is career politicians putting themsleves forward for election. The thought of one of them representing us is a lot more unpallatable than Charles getting the gig in a few years time.

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I sort of like Charles...an ex did a lot of work with the DoC and she said you may not agree with him, but he does care about the future of the country deeply. I think his "defender of faiths" comment showed he understands the issues in the country, as much as any multi millionaire aristocrat can anyway.


The trouble with an alternative to the royal family is career politicians putting themsleves forward for election. The thought of one of them representing us is a lot more unpallatable than Charles getting the gig in a few years time.


plus 1

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Completely disagree PL. Charles is a dangerous idiot, he constantly meddles in stuff he doesn't understand. His ridiculous views on architecture and homeopathy, for instance. No 'royal' should be allowed to have an outspoken opinion on these matters just because of birthright. I'd prefer the illusion of democracy any day.

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Completely disagree PL. Charles is a dangerous idiot, he constantly meddles in stuff he doesn't understand. His ridiculous views on architecture and homeopathy, for instance. No 'royal' should be allowed to have an outspoken opinion on these matters just because of birthright. I'd prefer the illusion of democracy any day.


Yeah, completly agree with the principle that any one of us born and raised in the UK could conceiveably rise to be head of state, its pathetic in a way that we're the only major "democracy" on the planet where thats not the case. Trouble is, as this hidden power thats been exposed in the Guardian piece shows, those with power will abuse it whether theyre elected or not, often with those elected in cahoots with it; Labour obviosly knew about this as well. We can get rid of politicans, but is there a fag paper between the thoughts and attitudes of any of them with the ego to push themsleves forward to the frontline nowadays?This may be a strange thing to say, but I'd rather see Charles as an unelected head of state than Boris fuckin Johnson voted in as PM.


Can't see Charles being more dangerous an influence on anything than the likes of Tesco's tbh. They'll both have politicians doing their bidding, and short of a Communist revolution I can't see what we can do to change that. Structures of power are difficult to shift without bullets and semtex.

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As a medic researcher, I think his views are ignorant and it worries me they will have some weight. As a person, I have absolutely no respect for him; he's a grade one tosser.


I'd hoped for a managed decline of the monarchy; apparently this isn't going to happen though. It will one day though and I hope my descendants celebrate.

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Guest CabayeAye

FWIW, Phillip and Charles both went to my school. Charles was known as a total fanny, Phillip as a good bloke. Having met both, I reckon Phil does a lot of head shaking over his 'soft headed' son.

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Guest CabayeAye

Silver spooned toff saying there's no such thing as unemployment and suggesting people that have obvious learning difficulties should offer themselves as cannon fodder. What a complete prick and cunt.


Last post to set the record straight before I go:


1. I didn't know he had learning difficulties.


2. It's particularly insulting that you refer to Soldiers as cannon fodder. They are brave, hardworking boys who keep this country free.


3. You are a properly odious tosspot. If you said something like that to me in the pub, I'd break your jaw, you stupid, lefty, vacuous, charver shitbag. Please go and play with the traffic.



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