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Lake Bells Tits

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"I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids". :lol:


So come on, who are you really? Fop? Manc Mag? PeasePud?



The evidence.


Formerly known as Saltwater on here and prior to that a string of alias's on Newcastle Online that included;






Claims to be a student living in Norway or somewhere yet knows all about UK butcher chains that went out of business 17 years ago :lol:


Perhaps one of our Newcastle Online lot may know your early story over there. :shifty:


"No Shaggy, we're going to Solve this mystery"!

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Pessepud or manc-mag are ridiculous suggestions but Fop is a possibility. As he was outed as a Muscle Mary and never came back, LBTs crass and conspicuous references to 'hot blondes' with 'fake tits' could be just compensating for his homosexual instincts.

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There is no chance that the vernacular he uses comes from a bloke who uses English as his second language.


He also goes awol for days/weeks at a time. Probably to log in under his proper name. . . .


Agreed, no chance is he scandinavian. The body building stuff would suggest fop, right down to the weights he says he can lift.

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You're wrong there imo, when i used to play warcraft you couldn't tell a lot of the Scandinavia weren't native english speakers until you heard them, they'd type with slang and colloquialisms.

The Swedish especially have impeccable English from the people i know anyway.


Thats 3 times I've called his bluff now and 3 times you have supported him. I sense a rabbit off!

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Can FOP speak norwegian then? Or swedish?

Ask Aeris if you doubt my norwegian heritage ;)


And J69, I realise the weights must seem overwhelming to you, since you are genetically engineered towards the womens section of the gym :)


Rather than engage in a sensible dialogue like Dr.Gloom on here, you get all worked up over the fact that we are way stronger than you :lol:


Dont be so insecure man :lol:

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There is no chance that the vernacular he uses comes from a bloke who uses English as his second language.


He also goes awol for days/weeks at a time. Probably to log in under his proper name. . . .

He said today "I'm quite pissed about this". No person from from Northern England would say anything other than "pissed off". That's a yankism, I doubt it is a yank though.

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