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The "WHY" thread.


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Why, in just about all american films do the cars screech away even if it's only a very slow start.


Why, do police of detective bother going to the mobile hot dog van for a chilli dog and coffee, when they know as soon as they get back in the car, a radio alert will come over for them to go to a scene and they have to bin it.


Why is it that every person getting chased has to fall over and hurt their leg or get it jammed when getting chased by a maniac.


Why is it when spooky things happen in films and big bangs happen in the house, do all the people get up to investigate in the dark.


Why, in older films, does it only take a tap to the side of the head with a gun to knock someone clean out. For instance:



Just a few why's in the topic of WHY. :unsure2:

Edited by wolfy
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I dunno, but you'll be answering his questions again in no time. ;)

Nah, I'll not be drawn into that insanity again. Don't mind having a wee pop from time to time though.

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Why do birds...



















....suddenly appear?

I think it's because it's "every time, you are near." Just like me, they want to be...close to you. :wank: Edited by wolfy
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Why do birds...



















....suddenly appear?

because you've a bag of trill in your pockets

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