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The Human body.


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When you think of all the drugs on the market today that proclaim to help you, how many of them actually do help you and how many cause more problems than they cure.


Obviously there's a lot of drugs out there that are beneficial to a person for major things like kidney, heart and other major problems like that.


The thing I'm intrigued with though, is how strong is our own mind in curing many ailments, yet we maybe aren't using it to any real full effect.


The reason why I say this, is down to a person I knew who had been diagnosed with an illness, the C word and was told that at best she would have 6 to 12 months but they could maybe lengthen her life by chemo.

She refused because she said, if it was gonna happen it will happen.

More or less having an attitude of, I will just do what I do and fight it myself.

Now I'm being serious when I say this! she lasted quite normally, going about her business for over 6 years and only then the C seemed to win, yet I wondered if her mind was that strong that her body fought it but maybe (like a war) the fight went on too long and her mind succumbed to it.


In contrast to that, I knew another woman who was diagnosed with © and she went to pot and she basically withered away within 6 weeks, it was unreal.


Of course I understand there's more aggressive forms and what not but I just think that if we knew how to tap into our brains fully, I think we could cure a lot of what takes us down.


What do you all think?

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I don't know. But what does irk me is that I have to take tablets for a neurological disorder that I will have for the rest of my life each day, and I subsequently have to take 2 other forms of medication to deal with side effects. When I have asked if there is a possible alternative to the medication to the neurological disorder that I have which may not require other medication for its side effects, I am generally told that yes, there is, though it is a risk because the neurological disorder is taken care of by the medication, even though there are side effects. If i were to change medication that it might jeopardise the fact that the disorder is under control. I guess what is required is a bit of acceptance that medical treatment is limited, and for many illnesses and diseases we are still far away from having complete knowledge over causes and cures.

Edited by ADP
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I don't know. But what does irk me is that I have to take tablets for a neurological disorder that I will have for the rest of my life each day, and I subsequently have to take 2 other forms of medication to deal with side effects. When I have asked if there is a possible alternative to the medication to the neurological disorder that I have which may not require other medication for its side effects, I am generally told that yes, there is, though it is a risk because the neurological disorder is taken care of by the medication, even though there are side effects. If i were to change medication that it might jeopardise the fact that the disorder is under control. I guess what is required is a bit of acceptance that medical treatment is limited, and for many illnesses and diseases we are still far away from having complete knowledge over causes and cures.

Aye, I'd go along with that. It seems that even though medicine has advanced, many people are still being made Guinea pigs yet it's a case of, have the side effects or suffer on your own.

I just think we are made to rely on medicine in some shape or form even if it's cough syrup.

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Aye, I'd go along with that. It seems that even though medicine has advanced, many people are still being made Guinea pigs yet it's a case of, have the side effects or suffer on your own.

I just think we are made to rely on medicine in some shape or form even if it's cough syrup.


Given that medicine is rationed by the NHS I'd suggest that's bollocks.

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Given that medicine is rationed by the NHS I'd suggest that's bollocks.

I think you've misunderstood me. I'm not saying that the cough medicine is given out at free will by the NHS...what I'm saying is, it's as though we are conditioned to just go out and buy it when we have a cough, plus a lot of stuff given to patients in hospitals or at doctors is basically guinea pig like remedies.
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I think you've misunderstood me. I'm not saying that the cough medicine is given out at free will by the NHS...what I'm saying is, it's as though we are conditioned to just go out and buy it when we have a cough, plus a lot of stuff given to patients in hospitals or at doctors is basically guinea pig like remedies.


I don't use cough medicine because I know it doesn't work.


By guinea pigs I assume you mean people participating in a clinical trial? These trials tell us if the drugs work or not.

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I don't use cough medicine because I know it doesn't work.


By guinea pigs I assume you mean people participating in a clinical trial? These trials tell us if the drugs work or not.

Something like that yeah.
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I don't smoke it but I have no objections to anyone that does for pleasure or medicinal purposes.


I love how formal Wolfy is sometimes. :lol:


Before this gets to fifty pages I'm saying here and now I'm not getting involved as it's obvious from the few posts in here that medicines and their distribution is clearly one more thing that Wolfy just simply does not understand.

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I love how formal Wolfy is sometimes. :lol:


Before this gets to fifty pages I'm saying here and now I'm not getting involved as it's obvious from the few posts in here that medicines and their distribution is clearly one more thing that Wolfy just simply does not understand.

I hold my hands up , you are correct, I do not understand medicine at all but the topic isn't really about the medicine, it's about whether the body and mind can fend of diseases that would otherwise kill us.


How many people do understand medicine?

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Then don't discuss it.


You asked if anyone understood medicine. According to your theories, the answer has to be no since medics have basically been brainwashed their entire lives into believing such nonsense as atoms.

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You asked if anyone understood medicine. According to your theories, the answer has to be no since medics have basically been brainwashed their entire lives into believing such nonsense as atoms.

I thought you said there was little point in the discussion?
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if i was over a certain age and was diagnosed with cancer i'd probably say no to chemo too. who needs it if you've already had a decent-ish innings?


same goes for radiotherapy. i know someone that had lung cancer. the chemo got rid of it but the radiotherapy left her with serious brain damage. a tragic situation.


as far as forms of treatment go, radio and chemo therapy are pretty fucking savage. but then so is cancer. it's a horrible choice to have to make.


but there's no disputing the fact that lots of drugs on the market do their job with way more managable side affects.

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I'm going Mystic Meg on this .


* after 20 odd pages of Wolfy chasing his tail*


Wolfy - " Medicine is a con, I see this because my eyes are open.

All the human body needs is air, nothing more, if you don't eat , you can live forever. "

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I'm going Mystic Meg on this .


* after 20 odd pages of Wolfy chasing his tail*


Wolfy - " Medicine is a con, I see this because my eyes are open.

All the human body needs is air, nothing more, if you don't eat , you can live forever. "

The topic is there for anyone to discuss.
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I think you underestimate peoples wish to live when shit hits the proverbial... easy to say its time to pack up but when its you you will happily gnaw off a leg or arm in order to survive - or start chemo


my wife worked with someone who was on chemo and died from a catching a cold which led to an infection that killed him because his immune system was so low.


it's not one of those drugs that will definitely cure you. and it can make things a lot worse, and even kill you sooner than the cancer might. but ultimately it's all about the percentages. if i was diagnosed with cancer while young and otherwise healthy, i'd probably go for it.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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I think you underestimate peoples wish to live when shit hits the proverbial... easy to say its time to pack up but when its you you will happily gnaw off a leg or arm in order to survive - or start chemo



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