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Bands that you don't really like and probably never will


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Most popular does not equal greatest. I can't believe how overrated they actually are - everybody takes to piss out of Starr's drumming and implies the rest of them were technical genuises which is bullshit.


When Jon Lord died a few weeks ago I read a few articles on Deep Purple and clicked on a link to a Rolling Stome crtics list of the top 100 guitarists of all time. They had Richie Blackmore at number 50 and Harrison at number 10 - this is like having a top footballers list and having Shola 40 places above Messi,


I honestly don't see how people rate them so highly - I recognise they were among a number of bands who broke the mould in terms of writing their own songs but are people really telling me that I wanna hold your hand is some kind of musical highpoint? As for the later drug-addled shite they produced - do me a favour. The so called "one of the greatest albums of all time" Sgt Pepers has When I'm 64 on it FFS.


Also one thing about U2 leaving opinions abut music aside, they and other bands like the Stones and The Who did not give up touring at the hight of their popularity - have we ever had a decent explanation for that or was it just cowardice?


They are the ultimate in Emporers new clothes - I'm just glad a few more people now have the guts to point this out.


Ha ha ha. This has to be a wind up NJS. It's not about being popular. All music's subjective, but the Beatles were culture defining using any normal metrics. I love their later stuff personally, not a fan of Segeant Peppers even with ADITL mind.


Harrison wasn't a great guitarist and they were not a great live band, I agree. Which makes my rating of them all the more profound. Despite their inadequacies, no one has touched their legacy. Simple as that.


As for U2? I really can't stand them. Awful, generic, banal, guitar driven music at its worst. Lyrically bereft with the bonus of Bono being the most uber twat on the planet. I like bands that make me feel stuff and think again. U2 are waiting in Hell for me.

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Still don't get how it's cowardice for not wanting to play live anymore, especially when their musical output improved dramatically as a result of it.

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Rubbish IMO. The problem with the Beatles was they were never an album band; their albums never really had a narrative. I say problem, but that's bollocks really. They were the UK's defining band. Obviously it's trendy for know nowts on here to belittle their incredible musical legacy, but they were EASILY the greatest band ever IMO. Name a better one dickwads!


2J got it right btw: U2 - utter gash.


Abbey Road, Sgt. Peppers, Rubber Soul and Revolver are all clearly structured as albums. The way Abbey Road is sequenced is a master class.


When Jon Lord died a few weeks ago I read a few articles on Deep Purple and clicked on a link to a Rolling Stome crtics list of the top 100 guitarists of all time. They had Richie Blackmore at number 50 and Harrison at number 10 - this is like having a top footballers list and having Shola 40 places above Messi


Like shite, Harrison's playing was different class. Think of the defining Beatles riffs, lines and solos then think of Deep Purple's. Once he lost the shackles of attempting to be like Carl Perkins, he turned into an amazing guitarist. His slide stuff was immense too. I'm honestly struggling to think of a Deep Purple with a guitar part as good as one of Harrison's. Child in Time, maybe?


The so called "one of the greatest albums of all time" Sgt Pepers has When I'm 64 on it FFS.


Also has Day In The Life, Sgt. Peppers, She's Leaving Home, Lovely Rita, Fixing a Hole

and would have had Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields if not released as singles. Every "classic" album has one ropey song. Blonde on Blonde has 'Rainy Day Woman', Ziggy Stardust has "It Ain't Easy" etc.


This debate comes up on here all the time and I honestly don't understand how people can call them shite like. Mostly invovles people going "well, they weren't that innovative" fucking Ticket To Ride was released in 1964! Nothing like that had even been thought of in 1964, man. They were throwing out brilliant songs in 15 minutes ffs. Denying their talent is like somebody coming on here and saying the Brazil 1970 team were actually a bit shit and it's only cool to say they were good.


As for taking the piss out of Starr, it should be a capital offence and is largely done by people who haven't the first clue what they're on about.

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Thing is with the Beatles, they had hits from start to finish even as their style evolved. Favourite track of mine is actually While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Harrison). I remember the white album from being a kid as my Dad had it and has stuck loads of stickers on the front for some reason.

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Harrison wasn't a great guitarist and they were not a great live band, I agree


Made their name as a live band in Germany though and the energy and playing in their early shows was brilliant. When they were exhausted in Shea Stadium, they were shite but at that point, they couldn't hear themselves because of the screaming, the lasses couldn't hear them because of their own screaming so they didn't give too shits.


Expanding on Harrison, the reason he's so good (and Starr) is because The Beatles leapfrogged through a load of styles in 8 years and he kept up and perfected his playing in all of them. No widdly-widdly guitarist can compete.

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Aye, fair enough. Thinking about it, some of Harrison's songs are my favourites. Abbey road works really well as an album too. 'Concept albums' were a later invention anyway, and not always a good one. The Beatles were and always will be the most ground breaking band of all time, wether people like it or not.

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There probably will never be a better album than Bat out of Hell.





I sincerely believe you believe this.

Over dramatic, over produced, overweight.


No surprise Tubster McBrewin loves it :lol:


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:lol: tbf, unless you're slightly dead inside, there's no way you can't enjoy belting out a bit of Paradise by the Dashboard Lights when you're three sheets to the wind

I must be dead then.

My scrotum recoils whenever I hear the Fat Screamer.

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:lol: tbf, unless you're slightly dead inside, there's no way you can't enjoy belting out a bit of Paradise by the Dashboard Lights when you're three sheets to the wind


Exactly, you don't see many banging out Sg Peppers bla bla bla on the karaoke.

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I'll have you know my Paradise by the dashboard light renditions are famous throughout South Tyneside.


Voice of a god and Elvis hips.


Might even record a rendition for the "what do you sound like thread".



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Exactly, you don't see many banging out Sg Peppers bla bla bla on the karaoke.


I don't think that's a knock against it.


I quite like the bit in Paradise by the Dashboard Light where it goes "DASH-BOARD LIGHT" then kicks back up again. Should have more than one decent moment in a 9 minute song though.

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